That Slut

"The innocent one always gets hurt the most."

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Do you want to know something? I adored you. I mean really loved you. I was going to love you forever. I really was. You took that away from me. No, wait… You both took that away from me. You had to choose that fucking Slut. Of all the people we know, you had to choose that Slut.

She took what was mine. You were mine and I was yours. She wasn’t supposed to be part of us, but she didn’t care; she wanted you because you were mine. It was a personal challenge to that Slut. It always was. She couldn’t find someone of her own. Nobody single wanted her. She only wanted what was someone else’s. Someone who could offer a little excitement to a Slut who was bored with her own relationship. Was that you? You could have told me instead of letting her drop the bomb. It would have been kinder.

She mindfucked me. You both did and it has fucked with my head every day since she told me. In about ten seconds, she flattened me and my world. You never expected she would tell me, did you? It was a complete surprise to you. Imagine what it felt like for me. Just out of the blue, no warning. Boy you did some fast-talking in the next hour and in the days that followed. The horror consumed me then and I thought I would fall through the floor. I felt like someone had punched me in the face. I felt physical pain.

She only got part of you though, didn’t she? One tiny taste of you and you would not give her more. Should I commend you for that? That only made the Slut mad and she wanted to lash out, hurt someone. I was the one hurt in the end. I hadn’t done anything wrong and I’m the one who ended up hurting the most.

You and I talked about everything. Everything there was to talk about. We laughed at silly people, gossiped about those we hadn’t laughed at. Anyone who was left after those two groups we decided was fair game for anything else. We solved the problems of the world. You were my everything. My world revolved around yours.

For hours and hours, we would sit holding hands, kissing, and talking. Sometimes whispering what we would do to please the other when we got home. I can still feel your warm breath and lingering kisses on my skin; biting my lip in a passionate kiss, a nibble on my chin, your tongue dancing its way to my hard nipples, sucking, biting, pinching, twisting them. Soft, slow kisses to my navel. Anything that you knew gave me a tingle of pleasure. Making me wet, ready for the absolute intimacy. I can see your face, twisted in the throes of climax as you’re buried deep inside me. Those moments are the most painful for me to think about. The moments driven by love, not lust.

Did you do those things to her? OUR things? They weren’t meant to be shared with a Slut or anyone else. Was she as good as I am? Did she wrap her lips around your cock and make you cum as hard as I do? Was she a good girl like me? Was she a bad girl like me? Did she let you push your cock further into her throat like I do? Did she tell you she loved you? If she did, were you stupid enough to believe her?

I can forgive and overlook a mistake. ONE mistake. Not two, not three. Only ONE. But you see, the thing is, I am always going to wonder now if there was, or is, more than one slut. It torments me already. If you have to leave suddenly, you don’t come at all, or you don’t call at all because of something. There were many somethings.

I’ve started looking for signs. Little signs that would tell me if you hadn’t been with me because of someone else. Wondering if you’ve left me late at night so you could meet someone else for the rest of the night. This is what


have done.

You’ve taken away my belief in you and replaced it with torment, indecision and a Slut to hate and despise. And I do hate and despise her. Do you want her instead of me? You can have her if you want her. Give her the rest of you. I’ll bet she doesn’t want you now. She’s done her job. That Slut has hurt me.

I thought you really loved me. I imagined neither of us would ever do anything to betray the other… Nothing. But there was something. You gave away more than just part of yourself. You gave away what was all mine, or was it ever? You gave away my trust and you gave away my respect for you. I got a pain in my heart because of you and a knife in my back from her.

Fuck her and

Fuck you.

I don’t want you anymore.

The above story is a work of fiction. The names, places, characters and events are products of the author’s imagination and are used as fantasy. Any resemblance to any events or actual persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. 

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Published 10 years ago

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