Ugly dust cursed planet! A patronizing Mona Lisa-like bland face obscured her bitter hatred of this place. Kressida glanced out of the tall oval shaped porthole, towards the ochre Mars horizon, with a feeling of complete control and dominance. She flicked her long jet black hair. Reflecting in the glass, it cascaded down sensually in the fractional Martian gravity. Her eyes blackened. The new Power Variance Converter would easily make the Krell Company close to one trillion credits per month and she would be receiving both acquisition fees and substantial dividends, easily making her the wealthiest CEO on the planet earth. She felt omnipotent. This fifteen-centimeter cube would generate enough energy to power a city of three million people.
The preliminary version of the PVC was potent enough to convince her board of directors to make the substantial investment to create the Tharsis Interplanetia base and establish formal relations with the inhabitants of Vry’ryyn. Everything was constructed to accommodate the tall aliens. Soon it would accommodate space vehicles large enough to transport the inhabitants between the Martian rocket base and the Oceana Launch Centre, in old Australia.
“It is going to be a challenge getting the residents of Earth to refer to your planet as Vry’ryyn, instead of Mars.” Kressida looked over at the pensive alien patriarch. Tiers in the floor allowed her to look at the nearly three meters tall Martian, at eye level.
“Having unlimited power need help with that.” Zofeer’s interpretation of English was completely understandable yet coloured with a combination of lisping and hissing sounds as he dwelled on certain consonants. The alien was confident that Kressida’s greed would give his people the new home they desperately needed. “The Power Variant Converter, as you call it, has given our people the ability to survive beneath Vry’ryyn for more than a hundred thousand of your Earth years.” He flicked his forked tongue in the sanitary space station atmosphere. The earthling’s scent revealed nothing about her emotional state.
Zofeer deliberately crafted a weak, acquiescent expression. He purposefully volunteered the false state of weakness during the negotiation with the Earth female. She was giving him everything he required, to piece together his nefarious plans. The Martian’s translucent form shimmered in excitement. Stupid slut human.
“A toast to our interplanetary relations!” Kressida confidently poured two glasses of champagne. She was empathic enough to understand the shimmering was a sign of being pleased. She had absolutely no clue that she was the apparent pawn in this negotiation. She handed one glass to Zofeer. They are a beautiful creature. Very sensual. She didn’t understand the genome that allowed the Martians to be visually like a translucent glass form. The females have three pairs of breasts, I wonder if the males have three-?
“And the other part of our agreement?” Zofeer hissed. His long thin snake-like tongue escaped his mouth briefly in anticipation. I dare not show need. He forced a stoic expression.
Kressida was not fazed by the long alien tongue. It helped that it was nearly see-through like the rest of the Martian. A real snake tongue might cause a fear reaction in most humans. Truthfully she could stomach a deal with the devil himself if it would earn her credits in this amount. “Tonight, after dinner,” she obliged Zofeer, still confident. The control is all mine.
“I take my leave, until then.” Zofeer smoothly turned and walked rhythmically towards the inhabitants portal.
Kressida gazed at the Martian’s groin, There were no visible sexual organs other than a large sheath. This guy does have a pretty nice butt, if he was a tall human, she thought as Zofeer turned and walked away. An unseemly sexual twinge went through her. I love money, it turns me on.
What the fuck am I even doing here? Rankin thought as he walked through the Earth dormitory portal into the Tharsis Interplanetia common area science hall. He was an okay pilot, an athlete, a war hero, but definitely not a scientist, nor explorer, least of all, not a diplomat. “I love fucking Mars” he blurted out sarcastically while passing the bioscience station.
“You might like it more if you appreciated how intriguing this place really is!” Erin answered Rankin’s undirected complaint. Hm kind of a cute guy.
“Yeah, and what the fuck do you find interesting, on Planet Dust Storm?” Rankin replied squinting his eyes and surveying the young bioscientist for fuckability.
“Well come over here to the holoscreen and have a look,” Erin raised her eyebrows while bringing up a female alien form on the viewer. “For one thing they are quite beautiful, aren’t they?
Rankin’s eyes were immediately drawn to the three pairs of breasts on the alien female. “Yeah, I guess so if you like tits.” His cock hardened. I must be hornier than I thought. His eyes then turned to the gap in the alien’s legs as the holoform rotated.
Erin zoomed in to the groin area. “Yes, they do have a pussy, stud!” She continued on in a matter-of-fact diatribe. “It is similar to a vaginal opening on a human, only much more complex, and the interesting thing is, that the female is not able to be fertile or receptive to fertilization unless a certain chemical reaction occurs orally.”
“What does that all mean, in plain English, your scienceship?” Rankin teased.
“It means if the Martian male doesn’t taste good, she cannot or will not get pregnant.” Erin paused. “You know, have baby Martians. At least that’s what we think.”
“How did you find out all that information, and are they really see through, like that? And don’t they wear clothes?” He buzzed the cute young scientist with renewed curiosity.
“Well aren’t you mister questions,” she teased, before continuing. “Actually we were able to link with some of their databases shortly after the 2047 Valles Marineris Expedition discovered the subterranean entrances about fifteen years ago. We actually don’t know what makes their bodies semi-transparent, as their root DNA is similar to ours. It might have to do with evolving to live below the Martian surface. And no, they don’t wear clothes!”
“No clothes definitely makes it easier to fuck,” the mission captain responded crudely. I wonder what it’s like to fuck a Martian?
“Actually we surmise that they are highly intelligent and also very sexual beings.” Erin blushed. “Based on scientific assumptions of course.”
“Are they expecting us to get naked?”
“They have made no fuss about us humans wearing clothes. Sorry to disappoint you, stud” She smirked looking at his bulging pants before switching the holoform and continuing. “Now the male form is very interesting. Inside the sheath, are three very long flexible appendages.”
“Three cocks?” Rankin’s response hinted at jealousy.
Erin manipulated and magnified the holoprojection. “Well not exactly, see each appendage has the ability to perform different functions. We think of them to be more like an elephant’s trunk. They can be penetrative, or the end opens like petals of a flower and can suck or receive another appendage. We have a suspicion that the male is perhaps less defined and can be more androgynous if he chooses.”
“I’d like to be in the next Mars orgy,” He blurted out. “I mean, um, watch.”
“I bet you would, and by the way, they don’t call it Mars. It’s Vry’ryyn to them. You might want to remember that, while you are sitting in your highchair at dinner tonight. Actually, I’d gladly sign you up for any Martian events if it would get us more information. For some reason shortly after we were able to do our first link, we have been unable to get any more information from their system. Our database interface collapsed.”
“Is that my first lesson in diplomacy? Fuck to get more information?” Rankin retorted.
He walked back to the common area and made his way to the dining room. Man the ceiling is really high!
“Welcome Captain Rankin Douglas,” Kressida announced as the airtight door clicked open. At the table were two Martians on either side of Kressida.
He sat down at the head of the table. The chair quietly elevated so that he was at an acceptable conversation height with the other three dinner guests.
“Rankin, I’d like you to meet Zofeer the leader of Vry’ryyn and his adjutant Kyyrav.”
“We’ve been anxious to meet you, Captain Rankin, most welcome to Vry’ryyn,” Zofeer hissed. His body shimmered as he spoke. Finally the catalyst to our victory.
“Ah yeah, thanks a lot,” Rankin answered, noting the Martian mixed his first and last name. I wonder why the other one isn’t speaking? There is something going on here. Rankin sensed that there was much more to dinner than just a meet and greet and he was the central figure. What do they really want?
“To a new Vry’ryyn and Earth relationship.” Kressida picked up her champagne glass, looked directly at Rankin, then the Martian leader.
He picked up the glass. An oddly familiar scent filled his nostrils as he sipped. It was sickly sweet. Rankin abruptly put down the glass. Suddenly strange memories entered his conscience. No, fuck no! It was too late. He tried to speak “I -.”
“The specimen’s genome is quite remarkable,” Zofeer observed Rankin’s inability to speak. His body shimmered excitedly.
“Credits will buy remarkable things.” Kressida tilted her head to one side, then nodded at the tall Martian male.
Rankin’s eyes became heavy. He tried to listen, but the conversation between the alien and Kressida was hard to hear. It all seemed like a dream. He tried to move. Nothing happened.
“The agreed fifty percent of the credits will be transferred tonight human s-”. Zofeer corrected himself. “Miss Kressida Vry’ryyn Mission Adjunct.” Stupid human female slut!
“Ensure that they are!” Kressida asserted, impatiently tapping up the holo abacus interface, indicating the pending transfer from a numbered Swiss corporation. Crafty the way these aliens have merged the Martian equity with a numbered company. Oh well, who gives a fuck. Credits are credits.
She glanced dispassionately at the helpless mission commander, leaving him to the Martians and marched out of the dining room.
Zofeer telepathically linked with his fertility science laboratory, alerting them to the specimen’s availability. They were ready for this human. He was proud of the shrewdness and insidious nature of their plans for conquest, yet it hinged on this one human male.
It must be successful, he thought introspectively. There is no other plan!
An odd humming sound caused Rankin to force his eyes open. Shit! He struggled to gain focus. There were bluish pastel oval lights that seemed to repeat endlessly very high on the ceiling above him. These are not my quarters. He stood up slowly assessing his situation with military precision and shrewd insight. I am in my enemy’s domain, What can I use as a weapon to defend myself?
Nothing! Translucent walls surrounded him with no apparent openings. Fuck, I’m naked! Rankin shockingly became aware that his uniform, in fact, all of his clothing had been removed. Even worse, he did not remember a thing since the encounter in the base dining room. This is not the Tharsis Interplanetia base. Where is this place?!
An echo of his Master Sergeant’s training regimen focused Rankin’s thoughts, Situation awareness. Situational Awareness!
The importance of the task at hand weighed heavily as Daq’ssys made his way towards the human’s containment area. He would be the custodian of the human male named Rankin and must ensure both its health and the successful fertility of the Vry’ryyn females. He was uniquely qualified as both a fertility expert and one of the rare bisexual Vry’ryyn males. Theoretically, this gave him insight as to the sexual health of the Earthling male.
I wonder what they are actually like sexually. I wonder what they taste like? His sheath struggled to contain his swelling penises. He had seen anatomical representations of the Earthling males, but never in a live form. I must suppress these feelings, they could jeopardize the entire mission.
He telepathically opened, then closed the containment area for the human male as he entered. “I am Daq’ssys, your- concierge” His body luminesced in sexual excitement at the sight of the cloth-less human male. He is beautiful.
“You mean that you are the Warden and I am your prisoner.” Rankin used his tactical thought processes to try and glean as much information as he could. Information is the key to escape. I have to find out what is going on, he thought trying to stay calm. “Why am I really here?”
The Martian locked his eyes on the human male’s genitals. “You are to be a sexual surrogate, for our females.”
“You-you mean I am going to fuck a bunch of Martian females?” Rankin responded somewhat unsettled. Military training was about fighting. Attack and counter-attack, not fucking. The thought of fucking one of the translucent Martian females whirled in his mind. His cock betrayed him and surged in excitement. STOP, think tactically! You need information. He forced himself to try and stay calm. “I thought that only Martian females had apostrophes in their names.”
“I am what Earth people would call both male-female attraction.” Daq’ssys’ spoken language started to unravel as he marveled at the male’s penis becoming erect. Beautiful. His sheath could no longer contain his excited penises. It opened. “I have to make certain you are prepared suitably.” He hissed excitedly
Rankin noted the engorging of the Martian’s sheath. Incredible! The sheath was opening. Damn, there are three cocks! “What are you going to do to me?” Nervous sexual energy and anticipation crept over him. Fuck me! His penis erected painfully.
“I am to prepare you for the sampling.” Rankin’s concierge replied in a despondent tone. I want him for myself. “Don’t worry, you won’t be harmed.” He tried to reassure the human. As he did his own penises snaked from his sheath in excitement.
Daq’ssys’ desire suddenly overwhelmed him. He closed his eyes and mentally canvassed the telepathic energy to ensure no one was watching or listening. Without waiting his central penis opened at what would be the equivalent of the human glans and snaked forward enveloping Rankin’s erect penis wholly. Like a flower closing it’s petals, he clasped the Earthling’s erection. His nervous system lustily sensed the shape of the human’s appendage and gripped it ascertaining its shape.
“Gawd!” Rankin moaned and gasped shamelessly and plead. “What are you doing to me?” His hips involuntarily started to thrust into the Martian’s snake-like appendage.
“Raise your arms, please.” Daq’ssys hissed as his nervous system sync’d with the human male. “I want to pleasure you, as I prepare you for the sampling” He dismissed thoughts of the mission. As the Earthling male raised his arms transparent bindings lashed his wrists and ankles. At the same time, microscopic tendrils coalesced and connected with the nerves with Rankin’s erection. The sensation of the human’s pleasure immediately transmitted to Daq’ssys and in turn his own lusty gratification was sent back through the hair like connections through to Rankin.
“Fuck meee!” Rankin muttered immorally oblivious to the bindings, as the Martian’s nervous system combined their salacious sensations. It feels like I have two cocks, oh my god! He closed his eyes. Suck my balls.
The Martian’s other two cocks obeyed the human’s thoughts and each snaked towards his groin from opposite sides. The opened simultaneously to entrap the Earthling’s testicles. Daq’ssys sensed Rankin’s needs as each of his three penises began to pulse, squeeze and compress his testicles and cock. I need your seed human. I want it. Give it to me!
“Ugh, ugh, ugh, oh please, keep- going!” Rankin begged the bisexual Martian. I can barely breathe. I’m going to cum, but I don’t want to, I want it to keep going. He panted and surrendered to the alien’s sensual onslaught.
Daq’ssys’ translucent body shimmered and then became nearly transparent as his own orgasm neared. Give me your sperm Rankin. He commanded telepathically as hundreds of hairlike nerve connections extended, connected and fired nerve-like signals into each of the human’s walnut-shaped testes.
“Ahhhhh FUCK, I’m cumming No. YES FUCK YES!” He shouted lecherously. I can feel you cumming too Daq’ssys. God he is trying to drain me! Amazing electrical sensations tingled in Rankin’s cock and testicles as the Martian’s now transparent central penis pulsed and pulled on his blood engorged shaft.
Jetting human sperm shot inside of the transparent sinuating appendage. Daq’ssys siphoned the Earthling’s penis. Ahhh yes, delicious, give me your sperm human! His electrifying climax was unwittingly transmitted into the telepathic collective as he improperly extracted Rankin’s seed for his own fulfillment.
Rankin looked down to see his semen jetting into the alien’s transparent penis and up the snake-line cock and into Daq’ssys. His body shimmered attractively. Is it possible to be attracted to an alien? No… Yes… I don’t know. He thrust and pumped for what seemed like minutes as the Martian emptied him. Oh shit! He marveled at the sight of his sperm being transmitted up the long trunk of his thick central penis.
“Please don’t tell anyone about this!” Daq’ssys pleaded. “This was not supposed to happen.”
“OK, I won’t,” Rankin replied panting nearly unintelligibly as the three penises retracted into the alien’s sheath. I don’t have to be honest. I’ll say whatever I need to. Still, that was unbelievable. His penis sagged semi-erect and dripped cum.
“I’ll protect you. I’ll help you get free!”
“I- okay.” Bewilderment and crossed thoughts muddied Rankin’s plan for escape. This just got a lot more complicated.
Before he had time to digest his thoughts, the room started to move. He heard voices. Hissing to be exact. Female voices. Distinctly Martian.
As the room slowed and then stopped, he was elevated and then delivered to what seemed like the equivalent of an all-female Martian cocktail party. I’m the cocktail. He surmised based on his positioning and the movement of three principle alien females towards him. Towards his groin.
“I deliver the human male to your Highnesses.” Daq’ssys hissed, bowing subserviently while backing out of the room.
Rankin sensed the disappointment in the bisexual alien’s voice as the giggling females surveyed his still oozing cock.
“Ah, the human seed, taste it!” One of the females lustily lisped.
“Taste the earthling!”
“Yes, taste!”
Suddenly a long thin forked tongue darted to Rankin’s cock tip swatting a drop of sperm from the tip of his cock. Then another tongue. Then the third.
Rakishly the three alien tongues circled his cockshaft and balls dining on his scent and shape.
The tongues spiraled around his cock instantly causing it to harden to a steel-like stiffness. They pulled in and out, wrapped and tugged bringing him to the edge of cumming. It seemed like they were deliberately not letting him climax.
“Taste I taste!” One of the females hissed once again.
Puzzled Rankin looked at his cock. There was no more sperm dripping at the tip of his glans anymore. How are they going to taste? What do they mean? Are they going to-!
His jaw dropped in disbelief as the Martian female’s tongue darted at his cum hole flicking then-.
“Noo!” He muttered as the thin alien tongue pushed into his urethra. It pushed deeper violating his cum hole. “Oh ugh oh um man it feels kind of mmm good.” Instead of pain, there was the sensation of an unusual kind of pleasure.
Incredibly the martian female pressed the long tongue deeper, then drew it out. There was a distinct thin creamy line of cum coating the alien’s long tongue, then she pressed it in again. Sliding it effortlessly it in and out of his cum hole. Fuck she’s fucking my cock from the inside out! The other two aliens spiraled their thin tongues around his cockshaft and balls at the same time.
‘Mmmm.” Rankin moaned quietly. He was at her mercy and learning to love this new sensation.
Abruptly the Martian women switched. As one drew her tongue out of his cock, the second one flicked her forked tongue inside the tip of his urethra then fucked it inside. This time the tongue seemed longer and deeper when it penetrated his cock. As it darted in and out, if felt like her tongue was willing him to cum once again.
It wasn’t lost on him, that the other two females were swirling their long tongues around each of his balls.
His moaning was getting louder, and although restrained, he did his best to thrust his cock forward towards the lascivious licking onslaught.
“Oh, that’s nice!” He moaned. I could learn to like this planet.
The final female took her turn. As she prepared to violate his cum hole, she teased the long thin tongue around the ridge in his glans, then spiraling around his glans sensually, before pushing her tongue incredibly deep inside his urethra. A strange scandalous feeling overwhelmed Rankin, as the alien’s tongue went deeper. She’s stimulating my prostate from the inside, oh my god!
Just as he adjusted to the amazing feeling, the Martian opened her mouth and enveloped his whole cock. “Nugghhh!” He muttered incoherently, surrendering to the sensation. She was sucking his cock and at the same time fucking his cock from the inside out, by sliding her long tongue in and out of his cum hole, all the way to his prostate.
The other two alien women adjusted their positions. One was swirling her tongue around his nutsack, the third one let her tongue drift below, lower, then across his sphincter.
“NUahg I am gonna cum!” He shouted as the third one pressed her snake-like tongue into his asshole tickling his insides. “Fuck meeeee!” He yelled at the top of his lungs as his cock ejaculated forcefully against the probing alien’s tongue and into her mouth.
“Ah, yes delishussss!” The first Martian woman hissed as she relished the human male’s seed on her tongue.
Rankin’s body jerked as he violently shot another huge load for his Martian captors. I’m drained. I can’t cum anymore. The martian women appeared satisfied as they backed away.
A smaller Martian woman appeared and activated the device holding him. It moved out of the party area and towards another room. Everything was out of sight except for the two of them. The setting appeared to be that of a bedroom combined with a laboratory.
“All is not what it seems, Rankin.” The petite martian female remarked. “If you help me, I can help save your planet – Earth.”
“Save it? Save it from what?” He asked. Fuck my balls are aching. How could things get any more complicated?
“Our leader Zofeer, is planning to invade Earth. To eliminate all human life and re-populate it with the people of Vry’ryyn”
“From what I’ve seen, there is not enough of you.” He had reservations about this story.
“Not yet. Our people have actually become infertile over the millennia.” She paused “You Rankin, your sperm and genome are measured to be compatible with the genome of our people. Your seed with be used to stimulate the fertility of the females of the warrior caste.”
Based solely on the pleasure that he had just experienced, he wasn’t sure if he could stop their plan, even if he wanted to. The fact of the matter was he was in no position, willing or not to refuse.
“How do you propose to help me?” He said dryly. His balls ached for attention.
“You must breed with me first. If I become impregnated, before the warrior caste, I will be elevated in stature. I will be in a position to overthrow the warrior queen.”
“What about Zofeer?”
Tesalt calibrated the last of the mass proton cannons when a flashing green blinking light alerted him. Someone is trying to enter the vessel.
“Damn” Erin complained quietly as her holopad decryption failed the first attempt to bypass the door security. She had discovered the tunnels and caverns during last months Valles Marineris survey. She was mapping when she noticed one opening that appeared to be camouflaged by a holographic wall. Only a small access door was visible, in the cavern. She tapped again. Silently the door opened. Cool. Erin moved towards the glow of what seemed like a machine room, before her.
Tesalt allowed his long tongue to sample the atmosphere around him. Ah yes, the human female. Olfactory senses allowed him to test the woman’s pheromones. Yes, she is ovulating. Perfect.
Erin moved towards a tall door to the left of the unusual machinery.
I wonder where Rankin is right now? She thought. I could use a man and a good hard man. Any man will do this time of the month! I can’t do a full assessment with this space suit on. Erin cautiously removed her space helmet, then slipped out of the encumbering suit. She put her prescription eyeglasses back on. Her pussy tingled. She touched her clit through the fabric allowing it to enlarge. It had been a few days since she last masturbated.
She opened the door easily. It looks like a control room. The view screen showed a wide panorama of the Valles Marineris landscape. Is this outside? Suddenly a strange large shadow caught her eyes. Erin tried to focus in the dim light. “Who’s there?”
Her heart raced.
“I am called Tesalt” The voice that answered was much deeper than any Martian that she had ever met, but annunciated with the tattle-tale lisp and hissing sounds. This is my ship the Xy’shyyr.
“What- what do you want?” Erin stuttered nervously.
“I know what you want!” He stated confidently, intoxicated by the human female’s state of fertility. The triad of huge martian cocks unfurled from his groin sheath.
He placed a hand loosely over Erin’s mouth. “Do not make any loud sounds” His snake-like cocks erected fully, as Tesalt reached to Erin’s night-shirt.
With great strength, he ripped the fabric to shreds.
Are you going to violate me? Yes, I want him to fuck me. No, but he’s an alien. Yes with three cocks!
“If I were to violate you, that would mean that you did not want me to fuck you.” The imposing martian hissed knowingly, “but you want me to fuck you, don’t you earthling slut?”
“Yes, yes I do want you to fuck me.” Erin acquiesced, watching as one of the huge cocks attached itself to her nipple. Oh my god, that feeling “mmmm” she purred.
Hair sized transparent strands jutted from the rope like alien cock and attached to her breast and areola.
“My nervous system is connected to yours slut. I control your pleasure!” Tesalt’s large form shimmered in anticipation. His other two cocks swirled and took aim at the human’s slit.
Nerve sized tendrils shot from the alien’s penis and latched to her protruding clitoris.
“Oh my god!” Her whole body shook violently in orgasm. As if under his control, her labia unfolded like a blooming flower inviting the third alien member inside her.
What is he doing to me? Erin surrendered her sex to the Martian. The alien appendage rippled into her vagina stretching her cunt then stiffening like hot steel. She lifted her legs easily in the low gravity until they were over her head, exposing herself crudely, inviting him to probe her cunt completely. The pleasure was electric as her arched her back and extended her neck. Like glittering fireworks, the stars in the vessel’s porthole came into view. My eyes are closed it’s not logical, how can I see them?
Erin’s creamy skin blushed in orgasm. Her thighs trembled “Ugh keep fucking me” Essence washed from her trembling pussy.
“I’m going to impregnate you now human!” Tesalt hissed powerfully. Shimmering the Martian’s penises pulsed in the culmination of their assault of the human female.
Tingling alien seed filled Erin’s womb.
The Dassault M-17 spacecraft arced into orbit after lifting off from Tharsis Interplanetia. It’s light composite construction made it fast and reduced the amount of propellant required for liftoff.
Kressida ignored the amazing starscape, instead manipulated credit allocations and vault locations on he holo abacus. Suddenly alarms sounded in the control centre. Crew members scrambled to identify the source.
“Kressida,” Her pilot alerted, “Five Vyr’ryyn Corvettes matching our orbit, and closing.”
“Surprise, surprise.” Kressida barely raised an eyebrow.
“Kressida, a communication signal, coming in. “
“Let’s see who it is, shall we?”
The holo-screen crackled to life as a 3D image of Zofeer appeared. “Where do you think you are going Earth Slut?” He hissed proudly.
“Oh, I am going to the Kepler Station, and then back to Earth where I am going to count all the extra credits that you are going to send me.”
Zofeer’s long large finger danced over the button for the proton cannon and gloated. “You will get no more credits, stupid human slut. You think you have control. You have none. I have everything I need to conquer Earth, now thanks to your stupid greed.”
“I am greedy, yes, but not stupid Zofeer. I know you all too well!”
“Dumb human female, I discovered the primitive explosives that you placed on our ships and military installations. It was simple to remove them all.”
Zofeer observed the expression change on the human’s face, going from a smirk to a frown. She opened her eyes widely as he tapped the button for the proton cannon and obliterated the flimsy earth vessel.
“See!” He hissed over the Corvette’s intercom. The complement of 600 plus Martians watched the remaining little pieces of composite scatter and spin into empty space on their display screens.
Zofeer executed the command protocols, to have the Vry’ryyn vessels prepare to enter mission formation. His ship moved into the lead position of the arrowhead formation when the comm system crackled to life.
“You know Zofeer, I may not be as old as you, but I’ve dealt with warmongers, thieves, tribal leaders, presidents, kings, queens, ruthless conquerors and petty dictators, my whole life and I can spot an infantile conspirator with one eye closed.” Kressida’s voice boomed through the Martian vessels. “I’ve sold them guns, weapons, chemicals, equipment, political influence and more, but there is one thing you forgot to notice, Stupid Martian.”
“I’m still alive and still rich!” Kressida stated in a calculating tone. “You discovered those explosives because I wanted you to!”
“But I destroyed you!” Zofeer whined and puzzled. His form lost its lustre and transparency. “I saw you there. We scanned your ship. We saw the bodies after the explosion!”.
“Ah yes my doppelganger.” She explained uncaringly. “Some sacrifices are necessary, don’t you think Martian?” Her voice was belittling.
Kressida blinked. As she did alarms sounded over the Martian fleet.
Suddenly an outboard Martian ship spontaneously began losing parts, then sections, within seconds the whole ship was falling apart in orbit.
“Molecular degeneration, you can’t seem to buy decent quality military ships anywhere, these days.”
Zofeer panicked, telepathically commanding his crew to locate the origin of Kressida’s transmission, or vessel.
“A few hundred poor Martians, all gone, such a shame. Such a shame.” Kressida blinked again activating her iris based command system.
The next outboard ship imploded and seemed to disappear in an instant as if it were sucked into a black hole. It completely vanished.
“Arrrrrr Kresssssss!” Zofeer hissed despairingly.
“Microgravity well weapon, what do you think, Martian?” Kressida coldly provoked the Martian leader. “Quite neat and tidy. No mess, no fuss, nothing to clean up!”
Before the Martian leader could respond Kressida blinked again. The Corvette next to Zofeer’s ship turned towards the Martian surface and powered its thrusters fully.
“Noooooooo!” Zofeer yelled in dismay. The newly minted Corvette, the pride of the Vry’ryyn space fleet, slowly accelerated towards the planet surface. Soon it was a medium-sized dot racing down, to Mars. A slow moving cloud of red dust confirmed its impact.
“Utopia Basin, isn’t it?” Kressida continued her matter of fact diatribe. “Well there’s a dent in it now, isn’t there?”
Zofeer gasped and sobbed. He had completely and utterly misjudged the superior cunning of the Earthling female.”Witch!”
“Why thank you for the compliment Zofeer. Now you will do exactly what I tell you to do before another little accident happens!”