Tent #15 Ch.03

"The heat turns up on this sunny beach"

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Miranda huffed as she trudged over the packed sand. She made her way down to the low tide towards the water. If she was going to do this she was going all in, taking the moist stage out front for the whole beach to see. She reached the waterline and let a wave crash over her toes, sighing in relief. She stood for a moment psyching herself up, enjoying the cool relief, before taking a deep breath and taking off down the shore.


She traveled back the way they had come from the hotel, passing familiar encampments of beachgoers. She had noticed them looking before, but it was a different story now. Subtle glances turned to cocked heads and outright stares.


As she walked she noticed how much attention she was pulling. A giddy smile crept onto her face as she felt lustful eyes glued to her body. It felt better than she anticipated. This was the attention she was craving; the attention that she’d been starved for for so long.


All eyes were on her as she splashed along the water’s edge. She felt like a model strutting down a runway. Instead of showing off the latest fashion trends, she was displaying her hard-earned body. And the crowd was loving it.


Man after man, even some of the women, stopped what they were doing and eyeballed her. She tried to keep looking forward, pretending not to notice or care about their gazes, but she was a terrible actor. As much as she strained against it a smile kept creeping back onto her face, and her eyes kept glancing over to see her next audience member.


From one of her looks, she spotted a balding older man raising up a black box in front of him. She looked again and saw he had a camera and was facing it right towards her. A shock ran through her body as she thought of this man getting a topless photo of her. For a faint second, she thought of covering up and running away but that feeling was quickly overwritten by her aching libido.


Instead of fear, she felt titillated thinking of this man bringing his photos back home and pleasuring himself to them. She was energized knowing this man was so attracted to her he pulled the taboo of taking pictures without even hiding it. She couldn’t get enough of this feeling; she wanted more.


Derek was once again completely flaccid as he sweat out on his towel. He knew what had just happened but was still in shock. This guy had just jerked off to his mom only a few feet from him. He was disgusted and angry and… a bit jealous.


That couldn’t be right, why would he feel jealous? That guy came thinking about Derek’s mom, he shouldn’t be jealous of that. Perhaps he felt a bit envious after having an erection for her for so long, that someone else swooped in and finished off for her first. A sort of immature competition. It was a messed up sort of logic, but it was a messed up situation he was in.


While the dismay dripped away from him it was replaced with thrilling stimulation. He felt the same way as the man in the tent, he was just unable to act on his desires. That was the real jealousy. He’d had blue balls since he first ogled Miranda; even though his erection had subsided, he still yearned for the sweet relief that only an orgasm could bring. He decided to head into the water to cool off, in more than one way.


He stood up and glanced back at the now silent tent and walked out towards the water. He sighed as the cool water rushed over his feet, took a deep breath and dove out into the crystal water. The cool relief smothered his body and put his mind at ease for a moment.


Until he turned back to the shore. When he swirled around he saw a figure moving across the shore. For a moment he thought it was his mother, but after wiping the water from his eyes he was presented with two large factors that refuted that theory.


This woman was stacked. Massive round globes protruded from her chest looking like they were ready to burst. They didn’t jiggle when she stepped, just barely wobbled back and forth. They were just as swollen as her lips and massive ass, a bimbo personified. She walked slowly with her phone held out in front of her, stopping every few feet to pose.


Derek had never seen bare fake breasts in person and was not impressed. She looked like a partially inflated balloon animal. Still, she was topless in a micro thong and flaunting her body around, he couldn’t help but get excited.


The woman stopped between Derek and his beach site to take some butt shots facing the water. With her breasts facing him Derek rapidly got hard again. He was getting frustrated, another erection wasted. Then he remembered the man in the tent. He looked past the woman and sure enough, the window was down with a little bald head poking it. There was movement in the tent wall as well, the guy was at it again.


Derek scoffed initially at the man’s shamelessness but found himself jealous once again that he could freely pleasure himself from the security of his tent. He contemplated finding out how to rent a tent for tomorrow when it hit him, maybe he didn’t need a tent to join in the fun. He was surrounded by camouflage on all sides, the water could be his cover.


The water was crystal clear, from where he was he could see his trunks and legs plain as day through the minor ripples of waves. But from shore, all anyone could see was a blur of color below the surface. If he wanted to he could get completely naked and no one would even know.


His plan was ready, but Derek was not, he was feeling sheepish. He had never done anything so lewd and was having trouble making moves toward it. He tried focusing on the woman, she was feigning kissing her own breast while taking selfies and it was keeping him painfully hard.


What really got to him, though, was the man in the tent. Brazenly jerking off in the middle of the beach without a second thought.


“Fuck it,” thought Derek as he observed the man, “if he can do it so can I.”


Derek looked to his right and his left, no one around. There were people starting to go into the water to his left, but they were far off. He reached underwater and loosened the bow on his trunks. He took one last look around, bit his bottom lip, and pulled them down just enough for his cock to escape into the water. He looked down and there it was clear to see, a long white shaft outlined against the sand below.


Luckily his dawdling didn’t cost him as he looked up and saw the woman still there, yanking on her thong while she snapped. Derek dropped to his knees, sinking to his shoulders and gripped his shaft. It felt so good to finally touch he nearly came before he began. He took a deep breath and gently gripped below the head and started stroking himself softly and the gentle waves crashed over his back. Ultimate pleasure.


Miranda was almost through with her parade. She was getting a bit far from their site and was feeling faint from the heat. She made the decision to turn back, took a few steps then stopped. She was heading back towards her son, but she hadn’t fully experienced the nude beach yet, and she certainly couldn’t with Derek. It was one thing being topless around him, but fully nude? No way.


Miranda made up her mind. If she wanted to do it, it had to be now. There were a few people around her while she grabbed the ties of her bottoms and pulled them loose, letting the flaps a fabric fall off her, completely giving herself to the beach. She smiled with glee as a cool breeze of sea air washed over her vulva. Freedom at last.


She retraced her steps along the shore, giving an encore show to her delighted viewers. Necks were broken as she flaunted her stuff. She couldn’t remember how long she’d been walking, but she kept track of the structures she was passing to be sure she didn’t stumble upon Derek with her vagina out.


Her plan was simple, keep going until she was close enough to just be out of view, then she’d put her bottoms back on. The only problem was, she didn’t want to. She was having so much fun she dreaded getting dressed again. But she was getting tired, and she figured she ought to see how her son was doing, this was their joint vacation after all.


The heat was starting to get to her so she splashed out into the water to cool down. She figured while she was already knee-deep she might as well try out some skinny dipping in the gorgeous water. She clutched her swimsuit tightly and dove in.


There weren’t many people in the water before, but it seemed as she made her way through the water more and more people were heading into the drink in front of her. She thought maybe it has something to do with her being there, she recognized the faces of the men coming down as the ones who were gawking at her, but she didn’t want to get a big head.


Either way, she was ready to use this opportunity to get closer to her admirers. The men got closer and closer as she passed by, each one further than the last. Most of them didn’t even try hiding their motive for approaching, shamelessly staring at her chest.


As the men started breaking the water she started to feel her confidence drop a bit and got a little nervous. She made sure her crotch was covered by the water, suddenly shy with all these old men crowding her. She exchanged pleasantries with the few that got close enough to speak as she trudged through the water.


The thrill she had felt walking out was replaced with slight fear. Perhaps she had moved too quickly with her exhibitionism. She felt uneasy having a herd of plump geriatrics mere feet away from her bare womanhood. She needed to get back to her son, to her safety.


But then she saw him. Flowing locks, chiseled chest, and a jawline that could cut diamonds. This modelesque man stepped into the water a short distance in front of her and perked her right up. As their paths converged Miranda felt the fear drip away and get replaced with… what was that feeling? Lust? It had been so long since she last felt it she wasn’t sure.


As they got closer Miranda saw around the man to a petite blonde next to him. She felt a little jealous to see he had a partner already. The girl was young and hot, but Miranda had a secret weapon to steal his attention. The two of them still had their bathing suits on, and the guy was clearly checking out her breasts already. Miranda decided to make her move.


From a crouching position with the water at her belly, she pushed up and let her crotch break the surface. When her vagina came into view, the guy and girl, along with all the old men, both dropped their vision to take a look. Water dripped through her lips making it glisten in the sun. Miranda entered a new level of ecstasy having this attractive young guy looking right at her most private area. She couldn’t help but smile like a giddy schoolgirl.


It had been a long time since Miranda tried to flirt with anyone and she was nervous, but she shouldn’t have been. When you completely expose your body for a guy, you don’t need to say much of anything to get them to lust after you. She exaggerated her hip sway and dropped her sunglasses down her nose to peer over them at the guy.


“Hi there…” she said softly in her best attempt at a seductive voice as she slowly crossed in front of the pair.


The guy was grinning like an idiot with his mouth hanging open. “Uh, heyyyy,” he answered.


Miranda didn’t stop, she planted the seed she wanted to and continued on. As she passed, the blonde had her hands on her hips and was glaring at her with a furrowed brow. Miranda smiled at her and continued on her way, making sure to keep swinging her ass back and forth. She was on fire.


Derek continually stroked himself to the edge then backed off. He wanted to enjoy this as long as possible, and be ready to finish quickly if he needed to. He couldn’t believe the woman was still taking photos of herself. He hadn’t been keeping time, but she had been there for quite a while striking different poses for her camera phone.


Derek was hoping she’d take off her thong, but she was focusing too much on her breasts that he doubted it. She stopped taking pictures, looked at her phone and turned to keep walking. This was his last chance, he needed to bust before she got away. He was so close all he needed was a few good strokes…


Suddenly he felt something grab onto his shoulders and heard a voice call out, “I’m baaaack.”


Derek whipped his head around when he felt the touch, and saw a blur of his topless mother hurtling towards him. Her wet hands slipped down his chest and she fell off balance onto him. Her chest smacked against his head, cradling him right between her breasts.


Derek clutched the head of his cock tightly to try and stop his orgasm but it was too late.


“Mmm-mom?” He groaned as his body tensed up.


Miranda fumbled to prop herself up, continually smacking his face with the inside of her breast. Derek shuddered as he began shooting ropes into the clear water. Miranda tried to regain her footing but hooked her heel into Derek’s trunks. She slipped off of him and fell backward into the water. 


Derek’s mind snapped back as he saw his mom fall into the water. His orgasm immediately crashed and he quickly stood up to help her but was twisted up with her foot in his trunks as he tried to turn. The momentum of his turning sent him tumbling in the water after her.


Miranda opened her eyes underwater just in time to see a dark figure crashing down on her. She jammed them shut and braced for impact. She felt a jab on her abdomen and hands press against her breasts. Their legs intertwined in Derek’s bathing suit as they sank to the sand.


Derek opened his eyes to see his hands on his mother’s chest and her struggling below him. He had instinctively put them out in front as he fell. He immediately pulled them off and grabbed her shoulders instead. The two of them kicked their feet till they were finally freed from Derek’s trunks. Derek quickly got his footing, scooped Miranda in his arms and broke the surface.


They both gasped for air as they escaped the water. Miranda wiped the hair from her face and looked up at her son. She marveled at how defined his chest looked from this position, relating him to the guy she saw earlier.


“My hero,” she chuckled with a smile after catching her breath.


Derek blushed at the comment. He continued to grow red as he quickly became aware of the situation, he was holding his topless mother in his arms. He couldn’t help but look down from her face to her chest. They looked bigger pressed together, with goosebumps surrounding her pink nipples. It was then he realized that she wasn’t wearing her bottoms either. His eyes went wide as he looked down at her crotch and saw two smooth and puffy lips between her legs. He nearly fainted right there.


Miranda knew where he was looking, it was obvious. Her breathing fluttered as Derek devoured her with his eyes. Her body felt strangely hot, like it had when she showed off to that young man earlier. Derek had the same eyes he had, eyes filled with desire. She was feeling something too but was afraid of how to react to it.


A feeling against her buttcheek grabbed her attention. It was a long, hard object pressing against her bottom. One of her son’s hands was on her shoulder and the other was around her knees, leaving her butt hanging just at his waist. It may have been a very long time since she last had someone rubbing their manhood against her ass, but she knew it when she felt it.


Miranda’s face turned bright red as she came to the realization. Derek was still just standing there eyeing her crotch while seemingly unaware at how inappropriately the two were touching. It didn’t help that Miranda did nothing to cover herself up as she felt him press harder against her. It wasn’t that she was frozen or didn’t have the means to do it; but, surprising enough to herself, she didn’t want to. It was a young, attractive male getting erect from just looking at her, and it was turning her on. Even it is was her son, it didn’t matter at that point. No, maybe it did, but not in the morally correct way. Was she so turned on in spite of her son, or because of him; she didn’t…

Published 6 years ago

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