‘Bing,’ my phone chimed an incoming text. Hey, I have a favor to ask, can I call you? The text was from Sarah, one of the women from my tennis club. Yes, of course, I responded. Seconds later, my phone rang. “Hello?”
“Hi Jimmy, it’s Sarah. How are you?”
“Hi Sarah, I’m good. How are you tonight?”
“Not great. That’s kinda the reason for the call. Long story short, I broke my foot practicing for the big match tomorrow.”
“Oh No! Are you all right?”
“Yes, I’m fine. It’s more embarrassing than anything else. That is the reason for the call. I’ll be in a boot for the next few weeks, so I can’t play in my doubles match tomorrow. I was hoping you could play in my place; you’re getting a call up to the big leagues.”
“First Lisa, and now you. How did you both break your foot in the space of a week? That stinks to be in a boot, but at least it’s not a cast. Of course, I’ll cover for you, anything to help the team.”
“Oh, that is great. I know, we just got a replacement for Lisa, and then I go on the IR. Are you going to be practicing tomorrow morning, like usual?”
“Yes, I was planning on it. Should I not go?”
“That’s good. Use it to loosen up instead of going hard. I’ll stop by and fill you in then. Thanks again Jimmy, you’re a lifesaver. See you in the morning.”
“No problem, Sarah. I’ll see you in the morning.”
I showed up at the club at my usual time. Usually, there would be a few others to warm up with. Today I seemed to be alone. As I started to warm up against the wall, I heard a voice calling, “Hey Jimmy, how’s it going?”
I turned to see James walking towards me. I had to look twice. I almost didn’t recognize him with the platinum blonde hair. James was on the older side of our group, late forties, or early fifties, in decent shape. A fun guy to hang out with, even though he is a bit odd. No, not odd, quirky maybe? Quirky isn’t the right word, eccentric, yes that’s appropriate. The first time we met, we hit it off quickly, not only both being James’ but both of us working in computers.
“Hi James, how are you this morning? And, you have done something with your hair.”
“You like? I was going for a different look. Sarah told me you are going to fill in for her at the match today. I got the call after Lisa went down. It should be a lot of fun. Do you want to warm up?”
“Yeah, sounds good. I hope I didn’t bite off more than I can chew here.” I grabbed my racquet and headed for the court. James and I volleyed back and forth, just trying to loosen up for our big match in a few hours. We were warming up for about fifteen or twenty minutes when Sarah and Lisa started walking, or should I say hobble our way.
“Hi Jimmy, hi Jamie,” Lisa and Sarah called out in unison, almost as if it had been rehearsed.
“Hi guys,” I responded.
“What’s up, you sexy bitches?” I did a double take at James’ response; I never heard him talk like that.
“Jamie, stop it. You’re making me blush.” Lisa chuckled, “Jimmy, I can’t thank you enough for doing this. The club would have had to forfeit the entire match if it weren’t for you.”
“I can’t believe everyone is making such a big deal out of this. I’m not going to guarantee a win, but I will give it the old college try.” I’m not sure what the big deal is, it is just a club match, it’s not the US Open.
James looks at me funny, “Jimmy, you know this is a doubles match, right?”
“Yes, I know James, I play doubles all the time. I might not be going to Wimbledon this year, but I can hold my own,” I chirped back.
The three of them were staring at me like I had three heads. “Jimmy,” Sarah was speaking slowly, “you are replacing ME, in a MIXED doubles match.” All three of them were staring at me like I was an idiot.
I stare back at them blankly, and all of a sudden, light dawns on Marblehead. “Wait, What? You do realize I’m a guy.”
“I think we can fix that,” Sarah chimed in.
“How are you going to fix that?” I asked, not sure I wanted to know.
“Simple, silly, we give you a makeover,” Sarah almost giggled.
James walks over to me, puts a hand on my shoulder and leads me a short distance from the girls. “Sorry Jim, I thought you were up to speed when we talked earlier. I’ve done it before; it actually can be a lot of fun. It would be a shame to have to forfeit the match, it doesn’t look good for the club.”
“James, I know I’m not the biggest or burliest guy around, but I’m still a guy. No offense, you like it because you’re gay, or bi, right? I’m fine with that, but I don’t think that’s who I am.”
He looked me in the eyes, “I’m not gay, some might say BI, I prefer Tri because I’ll try anything once. You never know until you do. I’d bet you have never sucked a dick?”
“No, I haven’t,” I stated firmly.
“Then, how do you know you wouldn’t like it? Let me tell you a little story.” He pulls his phone out of his pocket, scrolls through it, and shows me a picture of a smartly dressed man and a stunning woman. “That’s my old partner, he was the sales guy, and I was the tech guy. The picture was taken shortly before we broke off our partnership. We had a big dinner with a supplier to get the parts we desperately needed. Long story short, the supplier was a pig and wanted a blowjob to seal the deal. That was the first dick I ever sucked, and we got the parts we needed. It was that night I realized I didn’t need him, so I bought him out. The last time I heard, he was still out there hocking toasters, I ended up selling the company for millions. He wasn’t willing to give something a try to get the job done. I was.”
I tried to laugh it off. “At least his wife is hot.”
“Jimmy, that was me in the dress.”
I had to look at the picture again as he started talking, “Jim, we’re not asking you to suck on anything. All you have to do is let the girls give you a makeover, if you don’t look like a girl, we call it off. If you don’t look bad, you play some tennis as a girl. It’s as simple as that.”
“All right, how bad can it be?” I relented.
James’ face lit up. “Great, let’s tell the girls.”
We joined the girls and went to the locker room for my “makeover.” They had me take my clothes off. Being naked in front of the girls, I started to get both excited and embarrassed. I was trying to cover what little I had to be embarrassed for while turning bright red. Sarah came over, pulled me close, kissed my neck, then whispered in my ear, “Jimmy, why don’t you go in the other room and take care of that? We don’t want it to ruin the lines of your dress.”
I went into one of the bathroom stalls, god I was so horny, thinking about Sarah and Lisa I was done in no time. When I returned, the two girls were giving James a manicure complete with bright red polish. “That was quick, Jimmy,” Lisa commented, holding back a chuckle. “We have a lot to do, I hope you can last a little while now.”
They paused James’ manicure and had me stand spread eagle so they could slather Nair from my neck to my toes. I had to think about baseball as Lisa massaged it on my dick and balls. As I was waiting for the Nair to work its magic, they went back to James’ nails. I was left to the horrid smell and the tingling, turning into a burning sensation that enveloped my body. The alarm on Sarah’s phone went off. “Ok, little lady, into the shower and be quick about it. There is body wash, shampoo, and conditioner in there. Be sure to use them all, and don’t take your hair out of the bun until you get all the Nair off.” She gave me a slap on the butt and pushed me towards the showers.
The warm water felt good, and the lavender-scented body wash was starting to cover the chemical smell of the Nair. Looking down, there seemed to be a lot of hair going down the drain. I never thought of myself as being hairy, but from the looks of it, I was. I finished with a quick wash and condition of my hair. Grabbing the towel they had left for me, I dried off, wrapped the towel around my waist, and stepped out of the shower.
When Sarah saw me emerge from the shower, she came bounding over. “Giving everyone a peek at the goods? That’s not how us girls wear our towels.” She grabbed the towel from my waist, moving it up under my arms, across my chest. “That’s more like it.”
She grabbed a second towel, dried my hair, then flipped the towel around so it was wrapped up on my head. “That will do for now. Come on, we’ll get some moisturizer on you, then on to the nails.” Sarah pulled me over to the sink area, where Lisa joined us. Gazing at my reflection in the mirror, while not an overly attractive girl, I definitely looked more female than male. Lisa grabbed the towel from around my chest, and the two of them started working the moisturizer all over my body. With their hands working my body, I completely zoned out.
Lisa broke the silence, “Sarah, what are we going to call our new creation? She can’t be Jamie; we already have a Jamie. Jimmy, do you have any thoughts?”
I hadn’t thought about it. I don’t know any girls named Jim or Jimmy. After deliberating for a minute or so, I said, “I have always thought Amber was a cool name.”
Lisa was rubbing moisturizer into my chest. She leaned in close; I could feel her breath on my ear as she whispered, “Amber is a really cool name; for a stripper or a slut. Are you a little slut, Jimmy?” She pinched and pulled on my nipple.
“N-no, I’m not a slut, I’m a good girl!” I couldn’t believe the words that came out of my mouth. Where the heck did that come from? I was trying to think of another name when I saw it, on the bottle of moisturizer, ‘Keri.’ “How about Keri?”
Now it was Sarah’s turn, rubbing my dick and balls. “Oh, is Keri a good girl, or is she a little slut too?” Her other hand was massaging my butt when she said ‘slut’ she pressed a finger to my hole.
Baseball, baseball, baseball, I had to get all these dirty thoughts out of my head. I didn’t want to get another woody. As I started to speak, Sarah started running her finger in circles around my hole. “Kerri is a good girl.” My knees were weak, it barely came out as a whisper.
Now it was Sarah’s turn to whisper in my ear, “Too bad, I could really use a big ole’ slut after the match.” She pulled her hands away and gave my butt a stiff smack. “Now go sit on the bench; time to do your nails.”
I stumbled towards the bench. James or Jamie held out his hand to steady me, and helped me to sit. He helped me slide a skirt up my legs. Thankful for a little bit of modesty, I lifted my butt, and he pulled it around my waist. “If you keep playing along Jimmy, er, I mean Keri, I’m sure she’ll turn you into a ‘big ole’ slut.’ From what I hear, she is quite the freak in the bedroom.”
The thought of being with Sarah was causing a stir in my new skirt. I’m not sure I wanted or needed that right now. The next thing I knew, Lisa and Sarah were working on my hands, while Jamie went to work on my toes. Before I knew it, my fingers and toenails were covered in bright pink polish.
“Mani/Pedi done. Now it’s time for a boob job, you lucky girl. Lay down on the bench, face up,” Sarah’s eyes twinkling as she spoke.
“You too Jamie, you’re getting new boobies too. Lay down on the other end of the bench,” Lisa instructed Jamie. Sarah straddled the bench and sat on my stomach; I could feel the heat radiating from her pussy through her shorts. I saw Lisa doing the same to Jamie.
“Ok ‘Girls,’ we are going to glue these on your chests so they don’t come off, right Jamie? The glue takes a few minutes to set up so you ‘girls’ need to stay still until it does.” Sarah was looking me in the eye as she spoke. She sprayed the back of ‘my tits’ with the adhesive, then passed the can to Lisa. Sarah looked down at me as she moved the forms into place, holding them with her hands. She used her palms to hold them, then her fingers to make sure the edges were firmly glued down.
“These look good from this angle Sweetie; I think we should check from another angle, what do you think?” Sarah stood up, walked around, straddled my head, then sat back down. Now at this point, my brain is on overload. Do I lick, bite, or do nothing? I tilt my head back and move it back and forth. Hearing Sarah’s moans and seeing a wet patch growing before my eyes, I knew I made the right decision. “Oh, what a good little slut you are.” Sarah rubbed her pussy on my face one more time, as she started to stand up. “This will not do.” She said as she slapped my now hard dick.
“Awww!” I yell as I sit upright. I hear Jamie making a similar noise to me.
“You girls are going to ruin the lines of your skirts,” Lisa commented.
“Let me fix it, Miss,” Jamie quickly responded. She walked over to me and gave me a big hug. Our fake tits pressing against one another. I couldn’t help but notice, mine were considerably larger than hers.
Jamie dropped to her knees, ran her hands up my thighs, then lifted the hem of my skirt and tucked it into the waistband. She looked up at me with her big brown eyes, “I’m going to take care of this for you, pay attention to what I am doing, what feels good, so you know what to do later.” She took my dick in her hand and then brought her mouth down to it, giving the head a little kiss before taking it completely into her mouth.
All I could do was moan as she started bobbing, her tongue swirling around the head. Jamie’s left hand was pumping my shaft, his right cupping my balls. When her fingers started pressing on my rosebud, I lost it. I erupted in Jamie’s mouth, and she just kept on sucking. Jamie cleaned my dick off and lowered my skirt. Standing up, she kissed me, her tongue darting into my mouth. I could taste my cum in her kiss. “Mmmmm, Keri, you taste so good. Next time try to give a gurl a little warning before you unload in her mouth.”
“Oh, our star pupil made short work of the new girl,” Lisa was giggling. “Keri, why don’t you thank Jamie for helping you with your ‘little’ problem, and the pointers?”
“Oh Keri, that would be great if you could help me out,” Jamie was looking me in the eyes as her hands went to my shoulders and applied the slightest amount of pressure. “Remember what I said earlier, ‘Give something a try to get the job done.’”
I don’t know what it was, but I sunk to my knees in front of Jamie. I tucked the hem of her skirt into the waistband and proceeded to copy the steps that had just been performed on me. Jamie was definitely larger than me, but probably still below average. While trying to bob on her cock, I start to gag. Jamie pulled my head back and looked me in the eyes. “When you start to gag, pull back and regroup, then get right back to it.” She released my head and I tried again. I could feel her going deeper in my throat. I started feeling cocky, no pun intended. I slid my hand around to finger her butt. Jamie grabbed my head with both hands, pulling me onto her. “A real man will take control of you, like this. Don’t fight it; let him do what he wants.”
I started getting into a rhythm. I could feel her cock sliding into my throat. Jamie was moaning and purring. She pulled me all the way onto her dick. “This is the best part,” he groaned and exploded down my throat.
Lisa came over, helped me to my feet, and threw her arms around me. “That was sooo hot. I can’t believe you’ve never done that before. You looked like a natural.” She gave me a big kiss, thrusting her tongue into my mouth. Breaking the kiss. “Jamie has some of the sweetest-tasting baby juice around, don’t you agree?”
Jamie was next to hug me. “What did you think? It wasn’t too bad, right? You gave it a try, you didn’t die. Now let’s finish getting ready and go play some tennis. What do you think?”
It was Sarah who broke up the love fest. “Come on, girls, we have a lot left to do, and time is getting short. Keri, be a dear and lie back down on the bench.” As soon as I lay down, Sarah picked up something off the bench. “This is just some tape. That will hopefully keep everything where it should be. Of course, you will have to sit to pee, but all girls do.”
They pushed my balls up and tape my dick down. The very tip of my dick was sticking out at the bottom, so I could pee if needed. I was given a pair of silicone shorts to wear, which had padding in the hips and butt, and a pussy in the front. When I pulled them up, there was a small hole where the tip of my dick could rest right behind the lips. This was followed by a pair of white briefs, which I guess were heavier than underpants, but it almost looked like I had a camel toe.
The sports bra came next, which, if I am being honest, I was glad for. The breast forms had warmed with my body heat and were really starting to jiggle. Finally came the dress, all white with pink on the hem, and a pink stripe just below my chest. I slid it on. It seemed very tight, I guess it was made of spandex because it did stretch to fit me.
“Oh, this is coming together better than I expected,” Sarah cooed. “We’re almost done, just your hair and a little makeup and you’ll be ready.” She directed me towards a chair. As soon as I sat, she brushed my hair and pulled it into a ponytail. Now, I have had long hair since high school, and wear my hair in a ponytail all the time, but this was different, instead of being down by my collar, it was high up on my head. Sarah came around and started applying makeup, I have no idea what she was using, but after what seemed like an eternity, she stepped back and looked at me. “Yes, I think that will work. Lisa, check out Keri.”
“Oh my god, her mother wouldn’t recognize her.” Lisa gave me a little wolf whistle. “I think she is missing something though, hold on.” Lisa disappeared for a minute. She came back; when I tried to turn to see what she was doing, she grabbed my ear. I heard a click and felt a sharp pain, then another. She went behind me and did the same thing on the other side. “I have some earrings that will just make this outfit.”
They stood me up and turned me toward the mirror. Forget my mother. I didn’t even recognize myself. Staring back was a beautiful young woman in a tennis dress. Jamie came up behind me, wrapped his arms around my waist, and put his er, her head on my shoulder. “You look hot bitch, how about we go play some tennis?”
I would be paired up with Chris, and we would be playing against Kirk and Hilda, aka ‘The Hilda beast.’ She had to be at least 5’ 10” tall and looked like she could bench press a Buick. I would like to say the match went well, but that would be an outright lie. Between the constriction of the dress and my tits interfering with my shots, we lost. As Sarah and Lisa were consoling me on the sidelines, I saw Jamie talking to Chris and Brian, her partner. Jamie and Brian took the court against Patty and Nick, and it did not go well, they lost in straight sets.
“Well losers, time to pay the piper,” Hilda proclaimed loud enough for all to hear.
Jamie looked quickly at me, then at Chris and Brian. They both nodded back at her. “I think we would like to invoke ‘losers’ choice’ here. We need to discuss it as a team. We will give you our final answer in five minutes in your locker room.”
Hilda’s eyes lit up. “Oh, this could be interesting. We’ll see you losers in five minutes.” They turned and headed toward their locker room.
When I turned back, our entire team was already headed to ours. By the time I caught up, I was entering the locker room. “What is ‘losers’ choice’?”
Jamie was the first to speak. “Well, to make things interesting, we have a standing wager of $200 per person on these matches. I’m assuming you didn’t know about that part, and probably don’t have the cash on you. “Losers’ choice’ gives us the option of paying off the bet in another way. For mixed doubles, the losing girl gives the winning guy a blow job. The winning girl has the option of receiving oral or can fuck the losing guy.”
Jamie paused to see if I was comprehending it. “I’d give you the money, but I don’t normally carry cash, all I have are two hundred-dollar bills. Remember what I said earlier, just go with it and have some fun. I’ll even take the bigger of the two… unless you want the bigger one,” she chuckled.
Sarah was giggling at that comment as she approached me. Pulling me close she whispered in my ear, “Do this for me please, I’ll make it worth your while.” She planted a big kiss on my lips and took a step back. “It is all up to you and Chris. After all, he is the one that has to service Hilda.”
Chris shot Sarah a dirty look. “I’ll leave the final decision up to Keri, if I have to fight the ‘Hilda-beast’ for the team, I will. Sorry Keri, if I had an extra $200, I would give it to you.”
All eyes were fixed on me. Could I go through with it? Did I have an option? With a heavy heart, the words passed my lips, “Ok, I’ll do it.”
“All right, let’s do this quick before I go running for the exit,” Chris exclaimed, obviously referring to Hilda. The team huddled up, I had one arm over Sarah’s shoulder, one over Chris’. Chris’s hand firmly planted on my butt. The team started filing out of the room. I paused, wondering if I could do this.
Sensing my trepidation, Jamie put her arm around my waist and started leading me out the door. “You’ll be great. Just try it and see, just do like you did to me and it will be over before you know it. One other thing, they don’t know you’re not really a girl, so be careful what you say and do. We’ll all be in trouble if the league ever found out.”
We entered their locker room, and their whooping and hollering died down quickly. “What’s it going to be losers?” Nick called out and turned to smile at Kirk, who was standing next to him.
Lisa walked over to them. “Drop trow, boys, let’s see what we’re working with.” They didn’t even bat an eye; they both dropped their shorts. They both were semi-hard. Lisa took one in each hand and started pumping. “Oh, we have a couple of Big boys here.” They might have been bigger than me, but weren’t that big. She was obviously just stroking their egos.
Lisa turned to face us, switching hands as she did. “What do you girls say? Will it be $200, or charm one of these snakes?” She let go of their dicks and motioned to them like it was the price is right. Between stroking their cocks and their egos, they were both rock hard now.
Jamie grabbed my hand. “Come on girl, let’s show these boys how us country bitches take care of snakes. If you don’t mind, I’ll take care of Kirk here. You know I’m a size queen.” She pulled me to where the guys were now sitting with their shorts still at their ankles.
Now Kirk wasn’t all that huge, maybe a little above average, but bigger than Nick. We knelt in unison, almost shoulder to shoulder. Crawling closer, I kept one hand on the floor to keep from falling over. Grabbing Nick’s cock in my hand I gave a tentative kiss to the head. He was definitely bigger than Jamie. I took it in my mouth, swirling my tongue around. Nick moaned, “Oh my god, she is good.”
“I don’t know about yours, but this one has got to be a pro,” Kirk was panting as he spoke.
Behind me, I could hear laughing, along with cheering. I had never had sex in front of other people, and it was turning me on. I was starting to get a good rhythm going when Nick put his hands on my head and started driving me down on his cock. I started gagging, my eyes watering. I was having trouble getting a breath in.
I felt Jamie’s hand on mine. She gave my wrist a reassuring squeeze. That was all I needed. I pulled back so I could get a breath, then doubled down on my efforts. The next thing I knew, my nose was buried in his pubes. Nick pushed down on my head while lifting his hips off the chair. Finally, he grunted and shot his load right down my throat. I thought I was going to choke as his cock kept spasming.
I put my hands on Nick’s legs for support and pushed myself back up to a kneeling position. He looked down at me, still breathing heavily. “Keri, that was probably the best blow job I’ve ever had.”
I smiled back at him. I turned to look at Jamie, just as she was being rewarded for her work. As she sat up, she turned towards me and smiled. She threw her arms around me and gave me a wet, sloppy cum filled kiss. Sarah came over and kneeled to join our embrace. “You two sexy bitches have me so wet right now, just wait until later.”
Lisa came over to help us all to our feet. “Now boys, it is your turn to pay up. Front and center.” Chris and Brian dropped their shorts right there and stepped out of them, both sporting raging hard-ons. My eyes almost popped out of my head when I saw Brian’s cock, it was huge, the largest I’ve ever seen in person.
Patty’s eyes went wide. “I’ve heard rumors. I thought they were kidding when they told me how big you were. I will definitely be giving that a test drive.” She grabbed Brian by the dick and lead him to one end of the bench.
Hilda looked at Chris’ manhood. “That’s ok, I guess.” Then looked directly at me. “On the other hand, this little bitch has been eyeing me since we started playing, and I don’t think she has learned her lesson, yet. Lay down on the bench and make it quick,” she barked.
Not sure what to do, or if she could even do that, I turned to look at Sarah. Sarah looked over at Lisa, who shrugged her shoulders. Sarah hugged me tight, and whispered in my ear, “Please just do it, I don’t want her making trouble for the team, if she finds out, we could all be in big trouble.”
Hilda stripped naked and started flexing her muscles in front of everyone. “Now get over here and lay down on this bench, before I paddle that ass raw.” Holy cow, she was big, and not an ounce of fat on her. Not wanting to get my ass beat by her, I sat down on the bench. Before I could lie down, she straddled me. I was looking right at her pussy. She moved forward and used her pussy to push me the rest of the way down.
I was finally in familiar territory, and this was my favorite. In this position, I could work her lips with mine and rub her clit with my nose. I dove right in; when she put her weight on my face, I stuck out my tongue and thrashed my head about. When she lifted, I licked up and down her entire slit, nibbling on her lips a little just to keep things interesting. In no time, she was moaning and panting. I knew she would last long. A couple of times, she tried to lift off me completely. I wrapped my arms around her thighs and pulled her back down on me.
I think it was after Hilda’s second orgasm that I got a little scared when she started squeezing my head with her thighs. I thought she might pop my head like a grape. We kept going for a while until Hilda grabbed my hair and pulled my face into her. I was all too happy to oblige her. She started bucking and shaking while screaming and cursing. That’s when her juices flooded my face. I tried to lick and swallow all her juice, but there was just too much. She sat on my face for a minute, letting her orgasm subside, then slid forward off of me and lay on the bench.
When I had regained some strength, I sat up, hoping to see Brian’s massive cock in action, but he and Patty were both sitting and looking at me and Hilda. I looked back at Hilda; she was still face down shaking on the bench. The rest of my team all had smiles on their faces. Chris had pulled his shorts back up, but they didn’t hide how excited he was.
I sat for a minute, regaining my composure. Hilda was stirring, rolling off the bench and getting back to her feet. Lisa was the one who broke the silence. “OK team, let’s let these guys hit the showers and get out of here before they never leave.”
Hilda grabbed me and pulled me close. Whispering in my ear, “You are amazing. I have never come so hard, so fast. Maybe you could come to our club and we can play? After we could go to my place and do that again, Then I could break out one of my strappies, I have one that would put Brian to shame.”
Before I could respond, Sarah grabbed my hand and started pulling me to the door. We exited their locker room and headed towards ours. That was the end of my first mixed doubles match…Or was it?