Tender Discipline (Part 1)

"What does Master have in store for his disobedient pet tonight?"

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Master was not happy with me. I felt genuinely bad. I truly hated disappointing him.

He had instructed me on what room I was to wait for him when he got home, what to wear, and what position I should be in. I was to be wearing my baby blue lace teddy, with matching thong, and to have my hair down. I should be on the bed knelt forward with my head down. I was also instructed to make sure to be wearing the diamond heart necklace engraved with “Master’s beautiful pet”. This was one of my most prized and precious possessions. No man had ever bought me jewelry before, and this necklace was a touching memento that symbolized our commitment to each other. I was never to remove it, unless he asked me to.

I waited in the bedroom for my punishment. I was freshly showered, groomed and wearing head to toe the french body lotion he had brought me back from one of his business trips to Paris.

I softly stroked the necklace when I heard the soft growl of his car pull up. I remained on the bed not wanting to be caught being further disobedient, by looking out the window.

He entered the home and slammed the door behind him. I heard him put down his brief case and drop his keys in the ceramic bowl on the entrance table. Then I heard him sifting through the mail he brought in with him. I heard him open a letter and unfold it to read it.

‘Why is he doing that now?’ I thought. Did he forget I was home waiting for my punishment? Or was he trying to torture me by way of prolonging the inevitable?

“Now where is my little, disobedient, baby girl at?” he suddenly called out.

Be careful what you wish for, I thought with a soft shiver erupting through my body. I had decided to use that shiver to my advantage and pull the top of my teddy down slightly to let me tits slightly pop out just enough so my hardened nipples were visible. I hoped this would please Master and he would have mercy on me.

He knew I was waiting in the master bedroom stewing. He obviously wanted to instill a little fear in me. This fear was exciting, I had to admit, and it made my breathing quicken. Then I heard his footsteps approaching.

He stopped at the threshold and leaned against the door frame, arms crossed looking drop dead sexy. His silver hair was closely cropped, his blue eyes framed by a steely stare and as always, he was displaying his devilish grin. His dress shirt was unbuttoned to reveal a tuft of chest hair poking over the top and his sleeves were rolled up as if he was ready to get to his hands dirty.

“My, my, my don’t you look scared?” he said, visibly amused. I shifted uncomfortable on the bed and closed my eyes.

“What are you doing?” he asked.

“I am praying,” I answered back softly.

“Praying?” He laughed. “What for, dear? You answer to your Master first, God second, you know that right?” he said as he unfolded his arms and approached the bed.

His cologne followed him in the bedroom. The heavenly scent floated across the room and I inhaled it deeply. I felt a spark that started the burning desire inside me that I had for only him.

I opened my eyes and looked up at him, feeling like I had once again, fucked up. ‘I am not a good sub and not deserving of my Master’s ownership,’ I told myself. That ruthless feeling of self-doubt was again creeping up in my consciousness. The feeling that I was not worthy of this Man’s leadership. That he will come to his senses any moment and realize that he had made a mistake in choosing me as his sub. That he had wasted his time training me. That maybe, just maybe it was time to find a different sub. A younger sub? A more obedient sub? I pushed away the crushing feelings for the moment.

Sensing my worry, he pointed to his feet. I got up and off the bed and dropped down to the carpeted floor on my knees and put my head down at his feet. I did not forget to put my hands underneath my head to provide a barrier between it (His property) and his potentially dirty shoes.

“Master, please tell this disobedient slut what she can do to be in your good graces again?” I pleaded.

He said nothing for a few minutes. I heard only his breathing. I imagined he was examining me, his property, his whore, his toy. He leaned forward and stroked my soft hair. “Stand up pet,” he said roughly.

I stood up, now face to face with him. He continued to run his fingers through my long and layered hair. My hair was freshly washed, dried and curled for him.

The remains of the day were beginning to tuck behind the city skyline and the last rays visible through the large picture window in the bedroom caught in my blond hair, providing a shimmering effect.

He leaned in to bury his nose deep into my glossy tresses. He inhaled my scent and I instinctively bowed my head.

“My darling Master, please forgive me. I am sorry I caused you any pain. You know that I… that I love you?”

“I know pet. I know,” he said calmly.

He pulled his nose out of my hair and angled his lips towards mine. He gave me a slow and sensuous kiss that lasted a few seconds but I yearned for it to last forever.

I then felt his body become tense. His left hand, still caressing my hair, grabbed a fistful and yanked my head back, abruptly ending our long languished kiss.

His right hand simultaneously reached down to twist my right nipple harshly, which was modestly peeking over the front of my lace teddy.

In my left ear he whispered the following, “My darling little slut, you should know that tonight, ‘love’ has not been invited to our private party. You have gotten away with too many disrespectful acts of late. I have not been a good and dutiful Master to let these go unpunished. This evening, pain will be the guest of honor and have no doubts that… YOU… WILL… LEARN… RESPECT!” He tweaked my nipple to accentuate each word.

I bit my lip to stop from screaming out in pain. I squeezed my eyes closed to prevent the tears from swan diving on to my cheeks.

“Yes Master!” I said firmly. “Please teach your whore respect, obedience and the proper way to honor her Master, her Owner, her Everything!”

He released my hair and removed his pincher grasp from my nipple. Looking down I saw my right nipple was very red and swollen while the left was unprovoked.

“Pet, please draw me a bath. You will be bathing me tonight. You also will do so as you are dressed now,” he said indicating with his head that I would keep my heels on also.

“Yes Sir!” I said standing up straight. He left the room without looking back at me and I heard him walk down the hall to the kitchen and pop open a bottle of wine.

I stepped in the master bathroom and paused to look at myself in the mirror. I turned all the way around to make sure to straighten the teddy and examine how the thong accentuated my pert ass. Only a man could have invented the thong, I thought to myself.

I leaned into the large jacuzzi like bath and made sure to wipe clean anything I may have missed when I had performed the last weekly cleaning.

Next, I inserted the drain stopper at the bottom.

I began to run the hot water and drop in several pearls that would dissolve and provide a slight rose scent and simultaneously moisturize the skin. Another little treasure he picked up when in Paris.

I lathered up the water with my hands to produce a bubbly foam, much like a cloud. The floral scent blossomed in the air.

Finally, from the hallway linen closet, I grabbed two large towels and several tea candles and began to light and place them throughout the spacious bathroom. Last step was to close the skylight directly over the bathtub to keep the room cozy and prevent any noise (screams, moans perhaps?) from escaping into the night.

Just then, I noticed Master standing in the bathroom. I was startled as I do not know how long he had been watching me. His eyes were on my chest. I blinked at him waiting for him to say something. He put down his glass of wine on the bathroom counter and walked towards me.

I was scared. Would my punishment begin now?

He reached out and fondled my right breast that had the damaged nipple. He leaned in and kissed it tenderly. He moved across my chest to the undamaged nipple to lightly lick and suck it. My pelvis involuntarily angled towards him and I moaned softly. Only he could command and control my body like this.

Naturally, my nipple became erect while in his mouth. Like a predator, he bit down and injured it. I looked up at the moon through the skylight and screamed like wounded prey. He used his teeth to break the skin and suck on my essence. His mouth opened to take in more of my left breast, but it is too large for him to take in much. He retreated and stood back to admire his work.

“There. Now my luscious tits are even.”

He stood before me and when I looked in his eyes, I knew what he wanted from me next.

I undressed him slowly, carefully and seductively. I watched him watch me, as I made sure to accentuate all my womanly assets while I prepared him for the bath. As I removed each item of clothing, I showered him with my tender kisses. In my actions, I was able to demonstrate my appreciation for what he does every day, that is, his working to provide for the two of us.

I stopped at any especially tender parts where he had expressed pain in the past, and delivered there extra kisses. With this, I showed my affection and love at knowing where all his injuries were, superficial or deep, visible or not. I had explored his body many times and found all his scar tissue and memorized them with my tongue. Our intimacy, however, went beyond the physical. I knew the genesis of all his hurt, and he the same for me.

I stepped into the bathtub and he followed me in. I sat in the warm bath and gestured for him to lay his back against me. I wrapped my legs around him so my body could provide cushioning and allow him to play with the high heels I was instructed to keep on.

I washed his hair gently and massage his scalp using my nails. I reached for the bath gel to pour in my hands and began to rub his shoulders and neck. I moved down to massage his muscular bicep and forearms and did not forget to spend some quality time on each of his hands. I dipped a wash cloth in the warm bath and used it to clean him all over.

I moved around the bathtub to face him and straddle him. I washed his face and then scooted back to the opposite side of the tub so I could access his feet. I rubbed his feet while playfully singing “This Little Piggy” for each toe.

After I had massaged and bathed him thoroughly, he stood up in the tub and helped me up. He raised both my arms so he could remove the soaked teddy. He pulled the teddy up and over my face, but stopped short of removing it and instead let the lingerie sit on the bridge of my nose and act as a blindfold.

“Keep your arms up, pet,” he told me. I obeyed and let him work his mouth all over my breasts. He mercifully left my injured nipples alone and concentrated on burying his face in my sternum and letting my breasts envelop him.

He removed his face from my chest and proceeded to spank each breast. There were hard slapping sounds each time he did it that would reverberate in the large bathroom. My breasts had begun to glow an angry red color. He then started to manhandle them. Smacking them, pinching, squeezing and biting them. My senses were heightened by the suppression of one, making that bit of torture extra arousing.

He put both hands on my hips and rolled my thong down my legs. I raised one foot at a time so he could remove it completely. I placed my hands on his strong shoulder to keep my balance. He stood up and hugged me and we were naked body to body, except for my heels. He stepped out carefully and then picked me up and swung me effortlessly out of the bathtub. He touched the necklace he gave me and looked in my eyes to find the sentiment reflected back at him.

“Pet, do you trust your Master?” he asked.

“Yes my Love, in everything,” I answered solemnly.

I grabbed a towel and began to dry him off.

“Do you want our bond stronger?” he asked.

“Yes, my Master,” I said, as I patted the moisture off his body.

“So, you will put your trust in me and know that your punishment is required to strengthen our bond?” he asked.

I paused to look in his eyes. There was something troubling behind those dark blue eyes. I brought the towel up and dried his hair.

I kissed his forehead to heal the worry in his mind. I moved down to his lips to forgive anything he never meant to say. I kissed his shoulders to lighten the burden. I kissed his chest, where his heart is, to mend the breaks. I finished at his hands to forgive of any actions he regretted. I held both his hands and placed them, one on top of the other, on my bare chest over my heart.

“Yes, my love,” I whispered trying to hold back the emotion swelling in my chest that was ready to flood my lungs and suffocate me.

He again looked down at my prized necklace and with visible pain in his face, asked me to remove it. He put his hand out indicating I should give it to him.

What does this mean? My mind raced. Was he taking back the symbol of our relationship? Were we done? I felt nauseated and light headed.

He took the towel and wrapped it around his waste. He grabbed a towel for me and wrapped it around by shoulders and lead me out of the bathroom into the bedroom for where my punishment awaited.

Although we walked straight through the doorway, I knew we were turning a corner in our D/s relationship. I just didn’t know yet if it was going to be for the good or for the bad.

To be continued…

Published 11 years ago

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