Chapter 15: I Like Girls
Trevor woke up alone, nearly convinced that the previous night had all been some kind of crazy dream. The dried mess around his crotch and the discarded bottle of lube on the floor told him otherwise. Stacy was gone. He rolled over onto his stomach and fumbled for his phone on the nightstand. It was just after 9:00. His parents would be in church by now. He nearly laughed at the ridiculousness of it. His parents were praising Jesus, while their son was naked in bed, covered in his own dried sperm, and his sister’s spit, after she’d fucked him with her hands and tits.
It had been the best moment of his life, and instead of experiencing the eroticism of it all with his girlfriend, it had been with his own sister. He was a pervert. It was nasty, and he was a pervert. Damn it! He couldn’t help himself. His stupid penis just kept convincing him it was okay! But wasn’t it okay? He was learning things. Good things. Things a man should know. That was okay, wasn’t it? He was so confused.
After cleaning the filth of the previous night off of himself, he went to the kitchen, fixed cereal, and took his customary seat on the couch to munch and mull. He assumed Stacy must be out running. It wasn’t like her to sleep late, even after a long night. She had a body to maintain. What a body it was, too! He felt a rush of shame. He was a dirty pervert that fantasized about his hot sister sucking him off, and not even for a lesson.
It was just for pleasure, and that made it incest. It was dirty, nasty, and perverted. He hadn’t even thought about his girlfriend in a sexual light for the past few days. His entire fantasy world now revolved around the next lesson with Stacy, and what new pleasure she would introduce him to.
Not today, he decided. Today, he was going to focus on Mary. She’d come over in the afternoon, and he’d hold her, and kiss her, and make her feel good, just the way he’d learned. The way he’d learned with Stacy. Shit! He set his empty bowl aside and lay on the couch to watch TV. Hopefully, he could find something to distract himself until Mary was free.
A few hours went by as Trevor flipped channels, with no sign of Stacy. It was now pushing noon. He stretched and took his bowl to the kitchen, then checked the note board to see if there was a clue. There was.
“Went to church. Be home later.” The note was in Stacy’s handwriting.
Trevor snorted at the absurdity of it. Stacy at church with his parents? She hadn’t gone to church for years. Briefly, he feared for her safety from the wrath of the Almighty. An image of Stacy being struck by lightning as she entered the building flashed through his mind. He returned to his couch and texted Mary.
“Potluck will be over about 1:00. Can I come over and talk after?” she replied.
Talk? Mary rarely wanted to “talk” about anything. He felt nervous, watching the time tick away, waiting. By 1:00, there was still no sign of his parents or Stacy. His phone pinged.
“On my way,” Mary’s message read.
Trevor checked his deodorant and brushed his teeth again, just to be sure. Soon after, Mary arrived wearing one of her new outfits, a lavender spaghetti strap top, and denim skirt.
“I love the new look, babe!” he complimented her, squeezing her in his big arms.
“Me too!” she exclaimed, “The girls at church even said I looked hot! Can you just imagine? Me, hot? My mom wasn’t as happy about it, but I don’t care. I’m the only one who has to live my life.”
“I always thought you were hot.”
“That’s because you’re too sweet,” she said and pushed herself away.
Trevor sat with her on the couch and kissed her, soft and slow just the way he’d been taught. Mary allowed it, but she was stiff. Maybe he was doing it wrong, he thought, worried.
“Trevor,” Mary said, breaking away, “Can we talk about something?”
He nodded, his gut wrenching.
“You know that I love you, right?”
He nodded.
“You’re the sweetest boy I’ve ever met, and you’re my best friend. Even in school, you never treated me any differently from everyone else, even though I wasn’t hot like the other girls, or athletic, and outgoing. When you asked me out, that’s why I went with you. Because you’re genuinely good, and you have this big, beautiful heart.”
“Thanks. I love you, too,” he replied.
“I know that girlfriends are supposed to do, um, certain things for their boyfriend, you know? Sex things?”
He nodded. Maybe this wasn’t a bad talk.
“And you’ve been very patient with me. You never push me to do anything I don’t want to do, but I know that you want more. It’s just…“
He brushed a lock of her hair out of her eyes.
“It’s ok. Go on,” he said.
“Trevor, I’m so afraid,” she said, and he saw her lower lip quiver in that way it did before she started to cry.
He moved to pull her close, but she stayed him with a hand on his chest, inhaled deeply, and continued, “It’s not just that. Lately, I’ve been having these thoughts, and… and feelings… “
“What kind of thoughts?”
“The kind my mom would say are sinful.”
“Everyone has those thoughts, babe,” he said, grinning, “Even your mom, I’d bet.”
“Not these kind,” she answered, shaking her head.
“I’ve been thinking about… about girls,” she said, and hung her head, hiding her blushing face with her hair.
Trevor was silent for a moment, then said, “What about girls?”
She mumbled something that he couldn’t hear.
“What?” he asked again, as kindly as he could muster.
“About… doing things with girls,” she stammered.
“Like, intimate things?” he asked, carefully, his heart hammering in his chest, mouth dry.
She nodded, and said, “When I think about it, I don’t feel afraid, like I do when I think about boys. Not just you, but boys in general.”
“What are you saying, exactly?”
She was quiet and began to sniffle. She wiped at her eyes with the back of her hand.
“I don’t know what I’m saying. I… we just… we’ve always been able to talk about things that I couldn’t talk to other people about, and it’s one of the reasons I really do love you. You remember when I told you that Jamie Williams tickled me so hard in the locker room that I peed myself?”
He chuckled, half-heartedly, if only to try to lighten the mood.
“It’s like that. I would never tell anyone that kind of thing because it’s too embarrassing. I can tell you, though. You’re not like other people. You don’t ever judge me. You’re important to me, and I don’t ever want to lose you, so I thought that I should tell you.”
“Thank you,” he said, “I just… I’m still not sure I understand, or what you want me to do.”
“I don’t either. I just know that doing things, intimate things, is important in a relationship, and doing those kinds of things with you is really hard for me. It’s scary, and I don’t know if I’m ready for it. I don’t know if I’ll ever be ready for it. But I know that you need it, and I don’t know what to do!”
Her voice rose to a high pitch at the end, and she finally broke down into fitful sobs. Trevor held her and wiped at her tears with his shirt, not sure what he was supposed to say. She loved him, but she didn’t want to have sex with him? Sex made her afraid? Was she breaking up with him?
“Are you breaking up with me?” he finally asked.
“What?” she asked, looking up at him through tear-streaked eyes, “No. I don’t think so. I don’t want to. I just don’t know what to do!”
She collected her purse and stood up, crying again.
“I’m sorry,” she sputtered, “I’m so sorry. This was stupid. I can’t… “
Overcome, she quickly left the house before Trevor could even process the fact that she was leaving. What the fuck had just happened? He paced back and forth across the living room, phone in hand, dialing. It rang, and rang, with no answer. He tried three more times with the same result. Finally, he climbed the stairs to his room and lay down, defeated. What the hell was he going to do?
Chapter 16: Sex Therapist
The feel of warm arms wrapping around his body roused Trevor from his fitful nap. He cracked an eye and wondered where he was for a moment. He’d been dreaming about something. He couldn’t remember. His eyes hurt. Everything hurt. It felt nice to be held. Shaking off the sleep fog he rolled over and saw Stacy lying in bed with him. She wasn’t naked, and she looked tired.
“Hey, you,” she said, with none of her usual pep.
“I heard from Mary,” she said.
“What did she say?” he asked.
“It was kind of hard to tell. There was a lot of crying. I think I got the gist of it. She’s afraid of sex, like I told you before.”
He shrugged and replied, “And she’s into girls.”
“Yeah, there is that,” she said, “I wasn’t really surprised, though.”
“What do you mean?”
“In college, you meet a lot of girls that are like Mary. They’re out of the shelter of their parents’ influence, and they’re not sure who they really are, now that they can make their own choices.”
They lay in silence a while, eyes closed, while Stacy held him.
“You really are a sweetheart,” Stacy finally said, “I know this is hard, but we’re going to figure it out.”
“What do I do?” he asked.
She pondered the question, then suggested, “Why don’t you let me talk to her? You know, girl talk. Dicks and clothes, and all that. Let me figure her out.”
Trevor considered it. What other choice was there? He certainly had no idea what to do. He didn’t want to break up with her, but if they were just going to be good friends, what was the point of a relationship at all? It was all so new and confusing.
“Thanks,” he said, nodding, “You okay?” he asked, “You look tired.”
“Long night,” she said and felt him shiver.
“You went to church?” he asked, to get his mind off of his sorrow.
Stacy laughed and said, “Yeah. I just figured with all the sinning I do that I might yet find redemption.”
He smiled weakly.
“I’m kidding. The whole man in the sky thing’s not really for me. I just thought it would be nice for mom and dad.”
The couple of hours spent after church in a hotel room, being relentlessly pounded by her father, had also been good for mom and dad, she thought.
“You know what I do when I feel like shit?” Stacy asked.
“Masturbate?” he said, and she punched his arm.
“Well, that goes without saying, fuckhead. No! Retail therapy.”
“It’s a proven method for dealing with depression. Why do you think Americans are such gross consumers? We’re all depressed as fuck, so we just buy shit constantly to keep the endorphins pumping.”
“Yeah. Okay,” he consented.
“Maybe wash your face first,” Stacy said, “You have boogers and eye crusties.”
She kissed his forehead and flounced out of the room. A few minutes later, face washed, he made his way downstairs, where his mother was on the couch with her laptop.
“Hey, mom,” he said.
“Hey, honey. You okay?” she asked, a look of concern on her face. Had Stacy told her about Mary?
“Yeah,” he said, without admitting anything, “Just a tough day with Mary.”
“Do you want to talk about it?” she asked.
He shook his head. “No. It’ll blow over. Stacy and I are going shopping for a while.”
She nodded and said, “Have fun.”
A moment later, Stacy appeared, wearing a tube top and a little skirt that ended well above the knees. Trevor couldn’t help the lusty stare he gave her and, consequently, did not notice the same look on his mother’s face.
“Ready?” she asked him.
He nodded. Stacy gave their mom a light kiss on the head, and they left.
“I think I know what will make you feel better,” Stacy said, as they walked into the mall.
“I’ll let you pick out something really sexy for me to wear for our next lesson. What do you say?”
Trevor looked at her and blinked.
“Next lesson?” he asked.
“Unless this thing with Mary means you’re going to be celibate for the rest of your life, you still do have the chance to get into her pants. She’s afraid and confused. That doesn’t mean she’s suddenly a lesbian.”
“I… I guess so.”
“You’ve got a lot of patience, Trev. Even if your future isn’t with Mary, she’s not the only girl around. Any one of my friends would throw themselves at you in a heartbeat!”
Trevor had been so preoccupied with his own despair that he hadn’t even considered that. Stacy was right. Sure, it hurt right now, just because he was so confused, but what if it wasn’t the end of the world? It just kind of felt like it.
“Okay,” He agreed, suddenly hard. Apparently, penises were not so prone to sadness as brains.
Stacy led him to Frederick’s once more, where he felt completely out of his depth amongst all the different kinds of sexy clothes.
“Anything you want,” Stacy said.
He wandered about, trying to imagine Stacy’s body encased in the variety of skimpy things. What did he like? He had no idea. He spotted a set of black, lacy thongs and push-up bra, with a sheer gown. In his mind, he saw Stacy wearing it, her already large breasts pushed up on display invitingly, while she knelt between his legs and jerked him off.
“I like that one,” he said, his cheeks flushed.
Stacy appraised it, and grinned, “Nice choice.”
She rifled through the sets, found her size, and took it to the dressing room. Trevor waited. A few moments later, she came back out with the set in her hand.
“Perfect,” she said and leaned in closer to whisper, “You’re going to cum so hard when you see it. I swear to God, this thing is dangerous.”
Trevor’s jaw fell.
She brought the set to the counter with Trevor following.
Trevor kept stealing glances at the little black bag containing the sexy lingerie, as they walked through the mall. Stacy dragged him everywhere, buying him new clothes, video games, and an upgrade for his phone. She’d been right. Retail therapy was working. Despite all the new stuff, though, he kept looking at the bag and imagining.
He felt like a pack mule as he hauled the numerous bags of merchandise to the car and hefted them into the back seat. Stacy, then, took him to dinner before they went home. At home, Stacy left Trevor to lug the bags up to his room, taking only the tiny black one. It was still early evening, and his parents were watching TV. He busied himself with putting away his clothes and playing with the new phone as a distraction, but he was still preoccupied with his (possibly lesbian) girlfriend troubles.
Stacy knocked on his door and let herself in. He looked up from the phone, half-expecting to see her wearing the sexy lingerie set. She was not. She was dressed in shorts and a lacy blouse that he could see her bra through. She sat on the bed.
“I’m going to go out for a bit with Mary,” she said, “Don’t worry, okay? We’ll figure this out.”
“Thanks, Stac. I owe you one.”
She ruffled his hair, which he was finding that he did not really hate as much as he once did.
“You bet your sweet ass, you do,” she said.
Stacy left him alone with his thoughts and left the house. Mary was waiting on the porch when she pulled up, looking sad. She got into the car.
“Hey, baby,” Stacy said, leaning over to hug her.
“Hey, Stacy. Thanks for talking to me.”
“It’s what girls do,” she said, pulling the car out of the drive, “Tough day, huh?”
Mary nodded and said, “I don’t know what to do!”
“Why don’t you start from the beginning.”
As they drove, Mary related the conversation with Trevor and tried her best to explain her feelings.
“Ever since you… we did… what we did, I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it. It was so beautiful,” she said sadly, “I feel so awful, though. Why was it so easy with you, and it’s so hard with Trevor?”
“Because you’re a lesbian, baby,” Stacy stated flatly.
“I… I am not!” Then she thought for a moment and asked, “Am I?”
Mary had never met any lesbians that she knew of. How did she know what lesbians were like? How did one know if they were a lesbian? Stacy had probably met lots of lesbians. She clearly liked girls, and Mary did know that there were lesbians in colleges.
“You check all the boxes,” Stacy said, nodding.
She stopped the car in the parking lot of Tara’s apartments. Mary looked up at the familiar building.
“Are we… going to do it again?” she asked.
“We’re just going to talk about your problem with Trevor,” Stacy said, shaking her head, “Tara’s working nights again, so I thought it would be easiest to do it here. Is that okay?”
Mary nodded, and they walked up to the apartment together. Stacy flipped on the lights and turned on the radio, then handed Mary a wine cooler.
“You need to take the edge off,” she said, twisting the cap on her own and flicking it into the trash.
Mary was quiet. She wasn’t sure what to say. How did one discuss their potential lesbianism with their boyfriend’s sister?
“What’s a relationship, baby?” Stacy asked, toying with a lock of Mary’s hair.
“What do you mean?”
“Just that. What is your typical relationship? The kind you see on TV or in the movies.”
Mary thought about it. It was an easy question, but she suspected there was more to it.
She answered, “A boy and a girl. They fall in love, have sex, have a family, and argue about kids or money.”
“That’s the Hollywood relationship,” Stacy said, nodding,…