Tempting Trevor: Part One

"Trevor's cock tease sister makes summer vacation very hard"

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Prologue: Cute

Mary was just so damn cute, but just that. Cute. Trevor’s hand slid up her tummy to cup her small breast, but she delicately pulled his hand away, allowing him to continue kissing her, but hesitant to go any further. After a year of dating, Trevor was finding it difficult. He was always horny these days, just out of high school, with the whole summer break ahead, and his girlfriend was cock-blocking him again.

Trevor was a gentleman, though. He respected girls, treated them politely, and Mary was no different. If she wanted to wait, he would hold out, take care of himself, and be patient. That was one of his greatest qualities, he was told. Patience.

Mary kissed her boyfriend back and placed his hand back on her tummy. Trevor contented himself with the feel of her soft skin, teasing as it was. She knew she couldn’t hold off Trevor’s advances forever. Boys wanted girls to put out, but she wasn’t ready for that.

She was supposed to save it and be sure that he was the one. That was what they had drilled into her, and that was what was right, she knew. It was getting more difficult, though. Whenever he kissed and touched her, it didn’t feel exciting. It felt scary. She’d imagine his penis, big and hard and angry, ready to shove its way into her body, where he’d pump her full of a billion tiny sperm.

Trevor pulled away, looking flushed, then suggested, “Maybe we should hit the pool for a while?”

“Yes! I’ll go change!”

She flew from the couch and ducked into the bathroom, her backpack in her hand. Trevor went to his room, changed into a pair of swim shorts, and then returned to find Mary waiting in a cute one-piece suit. He looked her over, from her cute, freckled face, down her slim body, to her lean legs. Everything about her was just cute. So cute.

Chapter 1: Erotic Inadequacy

Stacy wheeled into the driveway of her parents’ home and parked the car, snagging her bag from the back seat before heading inside. The house was quiet and empty, both of her parents gone to work, but as she looked out through the glass doors of the living room, she caught the sight of her brother and his little girlfriend splashing in the pool.

Stacy smiled and felt a flutter in her stomach. This was an opportunity she could not miss. She cut through the hallway and up the stairs to her room. She found it, just as she’d left it on her last visit from college. Neat. Tidy. Everything in its place. She rooted through her drawers and found the perfect suit. It was a few years old, and her tits had grown a bit since she’d last worn it. It was just right. She stripped down and donned the too-small suit, then tied her black hair back in a ponytail.

Trevor and Mary floated lazily on their backs in the summer sun, the warmth of the pool water enveloping them pleasantly. Insects hummed. Birds called. A slight breeze drifted across the backyard. They were at peace. One with nature.

The sound of the glass door sliding aside broke the tranquility of the moment. Mary was the first to look up, and she couldn’t help but stare. She wasn’t a lesbian or anything, but she could acknowledge beauty when she saw it, and Trevor’s older sister was certainly a beauty. Her long, black hair, tied back in a ponytail, swished back and forth as she stepped across the concrete patio. The suit she wore–what little of it there was–exposed more of her body than it hid. And what a body.

Mary flushed as she caught herself looking at the bulging mounds of titflesh barely concealed by the tiny suit. Stacy’s flat, toned stomach was like a chiseled statue, and her lean legs were sculpted to perfection. She’d met Stacy before, briefly, and she’d felt completely inadequate as a woman, then. Now, though, seeing just how incredible her naturally tanned body actually was, she felt like a little girl. She was a little girl, compared to that. Her own tits were barely mosquito bites, more nipple than tit. Her freckled face had nothing on Stacy’s clear, unmarred beauty.

Trevor called from behind her, “Hey, sis! When did you get home?”

Mary heard him splashing through the water behind her. Stacy took a leap into the pool, sending a splash of warm water into Mary’s face, and making her sputter. She came up, slicked back her hair with a grin, and waded towards her younger brother. He caught her up in a hug that lasted no more than was appropriate.

“I just got in,” Stacy answered, “Then I saw you two dorks in the pool, and it was just what I needed after the drive. I swear my ass fell asleep, and my back is killing me.”

“Oh!” Trevor exclaimed, “I’m sure Mary could help with that. She’s going to start massage therapy classes over the summer. She’s fantastic.”

They both turned expectantly toward Mary. Stacy draped her arms over Trevor’s shoulders, pushing her big tits into his back, and stroking her fingers casually over his muscular chest. Mary felt a flush creep over her. She caught herself thinking that the two of them looked… a bit sexy together.

“I… Um, sure,” she stammered.

“Really?” Stacy asked, her voice rising, “That would be so awesome! You can lotion me up,” then she added, “If you don’t mind.”

“No, it’s fine.”

Mary followed Stacy out of the pool. As the older girl mounted the steps, Mary was treated to the sight of her blatantly exposed ass. God, some girls just had it all, she thought, with a twinge of jealousy. They moved under the shade of the awning, where Stacy snatched a towel and sunscreen from a cupboard, threw the towel down on one of the loungers, and laid on her chest. She offered the bottle to Mary, who took it.

Mary squeezed the bottle of lotion as Stacy unsnapped her bikini top and let it fall away. Even her bare sides were perfect, Mary thought, not a flaw in the skin. She bent down and went to work, smearing the lotion from the small of Stacy’s back up to her shoulders, and then down again, giving her a nice, even coating to lubricate her motions. Then she got to it, kneading, rubbing. She felt the tension drain out of Stacy’s muscles and she purred happily.

“God, Trev was right. You are good at this. I can only imagine what those hands do to him,” she said, eyes shut as she grinned.

“Yeah. He seems to like my massages,” Mary agreed, oblivious to the innuendo.

“He’s looking good,” Stacy said, “It’s pretty amazing what a year and some time in the gym can do, don’t you think?”

Mary glanced over to the pool, where Trevor had resumed his lazy floating, soaking in the sunshine. Stacy was right, of course. Trevor had filled out, gaining definition and muscle. He was damned good-looking. She felt that brief surge of fear in her gut.

“Yeah,” she agreed, “He’s been working really hard on it.”

Stacy caught the familiar quaver of uncertainty in her voice and knew it immediately. Inadequacy. Mary knew her boyfriend was way out of her league. There were dozens of girls like her in school. Stacy had turned a few of them into dedicated little pussy slaves. It couldn’t have been more perfect.

Stacy chatted with her idly, asking about her upcoming classes, how long she’d been doing massage, just making pleasant conversation. From the pool, Trevor gave the two of them an occasional glance. It was kind of hot, he thought, watching Mary’s hands glide across his sister’s skin, her face pursed in concentration. He knew from experience what Stacy was feeling. Mary was great.

“Those cute little hands feel amazing,” Stacy said honestly, “Do you think you could do my glutes, too? And the legs?”

“Um, sure.”

Mary’s hands shook a bit, making Stacy smile inwardly. She squirted more lotion into her hands.

“Let me help,” Stacy said, and lifted her butt into the air, hooking her fingers into the band of her bottoms, and sliding them down, completely exposing herself to Mary’s stunned eyes. Mary swallowed. She was going to have to get used to this, she thought. There would be plenty of nude massages in her future if she was serious about this. Stacy dropped the little thong next to the lounger and parted her legs slightly. Mary’s trembling hands tentatively touched Stacy’s bare ass and then spread the lotion across her firm cheeks.

Stacy groaned delightfully as Mary’s hands dug into the muscle and worked, then slid down one leg, back up, then down the other, spreading the lotion in an even coat. Trevor took note as well, trying not to be too obvious, but… wow! He’d seen Stacy remove her bottoms. Even now, he was sure that his girlfriend was getting a look at his sister’s pussy. Maybe she was even touching it. No, that was just his hormones talking. He must be worked up from his earlier make-out session with Mary. Mary would never touch another girl. That was something slutty girls did, and that was not Mary.

Still, it didn’t stop him from fantasizing a bit as he floated along dreamily. As they got older, things might change. Maybe Mary would find that she enjoyed doing things with girls. Maybe they’d do other things with girls together, like the swingers in pornos did. His dick hardened a little at the mental image of Mary touching another girl’s pussy. Another girl with long, black hair, who was definitely not his sister.

After several more minutes, Mary felt that she’d completed her task, and wiped her hands with a towel. Stacy turned around and sat up, facing away from Trevor, but completely exposed to Mary. Mary’s mouth fell open as she took in the sight of Stacy’s exposed breasts, big and round, topped with small, dark nipples. Stacy, outwardly, took no notice, but inwardly she was exultant. She ignored Mary’s look of shock as she snapped her top back together, then fished for her bottoms. Stacy spread her legs, giving Mary an unobstructed view of her shaved pussy, while she casually slipped her bottoms back up her legs. She stood and gave Mary a quick peck on the lips.

“Thanks so much, baby. That was great!” she said, honestly, with a little wink, “I am definitely gonna get a lot of use out of you over the summer.”

Mary felt a quiver of arousal shoot down her body at that light, friendly little peck. It was the words that followed, though, that made her flush. More massages. Stacy was going to need more massages over the summer. Stupid, she thought. What else could she mean? Stupid, Mary.

Stacy shouted, “Cannonball!” and made a rush for the pool, dove in. She heard Trevor sputter and yell as he took an enormous splash to the face. Mary followed but took the steps into the water. The three of them lounged in the water chatting, and then played Monkey in the Middle with a beach ball. When Mary was the monkey, though, she stood no chance. She was too short compared to the two siblings. She attempted to leap for the ball but failed each time. Finally, Stacy pulled her throw and let Mary win. While Mary thought it was nice, it made her feel foolish.

Then, it was Stacy’s turn in the middle. Trevor threw the ball high over his sister’s head, treating Mary to the sight of Stacy’s tits bouncing wildly as she leapt for the ball, missed. Mary retrieved it and was successful in passing it back. Again, Mary stood transfixed by the way those bulging boobs bounced as she leapt. Stacy managed to get her fingers on the ball on the next pass, though, which put Trevor back in the middle. The time slipped away, until they’d finally had enough of the pool, and they hauled themselves out of the water.

Stacy put her arm around Mary’s shoulders as they walked back into the house, and that made Mary feel good. Like she’d been accepted.

“Come on upstairs and clean up with me,” Stacy said invitingly, “let’s girl talk!”

Mary did not do much in the way of “girl talk”. Her friends mainly comprised other girls from her mother’s church group, which she was forced to attend each Wednesday evening and Sunday morning. Mary didn’t mind church. It was ok. It just wasn’t all that fun. The girls were nice, but they didn’t talk about much other than TV shows, Jesus, and their cats.

Mary threw a glance back at Trevor, hoping for escape, but her boyfriend just waved with his silly little grin and said, “Have fun!”

He spread a towel on the couch and reached for the remote as Mary was practically dragged away by his sister. It would do good for Mary to have a girl who wasn’t a Churcher to talk to, he thought. Maybe it would loosen her up a bit. Stacy was thinking the same. Almost.

Chapter 2: Dolly

Mary’s heart was in her throat as Stacy dragged her into the bathroom and shut the door. The college girl started the shower and let the water run. Mary stood in shocked silence. Stacy expected them to shower together? In their suits, surely. She knew other girls did stuff like that, changing together and seeing each other naked, but Mary wasn’t one of those girls. Stacy was older, though, an experienced college girl. She was so hot that she probably had lots of other hot girlfriends who were naked with each other when they changed and talked about boys. Maybe they did other things with each other, too. Stacy certainly wasn’t shy.

Stacy stripped off her bikini, and Mary drank in the sight of her nude body. She was trapped in a tiny room with a girl she’d only met previously for a few hours over Christmas, and here she was, completely naked. Stacy turned to frightened Mary, a look of casual expectation on her face. Oh, God! She expected Mary to get naked, too!

“Oh,” Stacy said, suddenly, “you’re a little shy?”


“Oh, baby, it’s ok,” Stacy cooed and hugged her naked body against Mary, “You’ve got nothing to be shy about. Look at you!”

She peeled the straps of Mary’s suit off of her shoulders, and Mary shivered. She let Stacy pull the straps down and pulled her arms free of them. Stacy peeled the suit down, exposing Mary’s tiny tits and hard nipples.

“Oh, my God! You have the cutest little boobies!” Stacy squealed.

Mary blushed in embarrassment. Little boobies. She didn’t have big, gorgeous tits like a woman. Like Stacy. She was eighteen and had little girl boobies.

“Oh, honey,” Stacy said, “They’re so perfect. Why are you ashamed? I’ll tell you, it’s not all it’s cracked up to be toting these big, heavy things around,”

She cupped her big tits and shook them enticingly to emphasize the point. Then she took hold of Mary’s suit again and pulled it down her legs, exposing the rest of her lean body.

“You’re like a precious little dolly,” Stacy said, and stroked Mary’s cheek with the back of her hand, “I could just eat you up!”

Mary looked away, embarrassed, as Stacy’s eyes raked over her body.

“Come on,” Stacy commanded, taking Mary’s hand, “let’s get cleaned up.”

Mary allowed herself to be led into the shower with the other girl. The hot spray of water pelted down over their bodies. Stacy squeezed out a thick dollop of shampoo into her hands and smeared it into Mary’s red hair, lathering it up. The older girl smiled warmly at her, and Mary felt a little better. Then Stacy took a bottle of body wash and squeezed it into her hands, rubbing them together. She smeared the wash onto Mary’s neck, and then across her shoulders.

“Let me return the favor,” she whispered and turned Mary around.

Mary let herself be turned, and felt Stacy’s soft hands rub the gooey wash into her tense shoulders, down her back, up her sides.

“Just relax, baby,” Stacy said in her ear, breath warm, her tone soothing.

The older girl’s hands on her body were making Mary feel funny, like she did when Trevor tried to feel her tits. No, her boobies. She felt herself relaxing, melting into the feeling of Stacy’s stroking hands on her body. Stacy’s bare breasts pressed against her back, and she could feel her hard nipples poking into her shoulders. Her hands spread the lather over Mary’s flat tummy, and then up, up, until her hands passed lightly over Mary’s excited nipples. She let out a small moan. Stacy’s hands stayed where they were, working the lather over Mary’s breasts as she continually pinched and massaged her nipples.

Mary was so confused. How had she got into this situation? There was something about the older girl that just made her want to follow. Like she was a pet. She’d never felt anything like what was happening to her right now. It felt so good!

“Do you like that?” Stacy asked in her ear, “It feels so nice, doesn’t it?”

Mary nodded, unable to speak.

“I’ll bet Trevor just loves these little boobies, doesn’t he?”

Mary panted with excitement.

“I’ll bet he sucks on them every chance he gets,” Stacy said.

“No… he… we haven’t…” Mary caught herself stuttering.

“Oh my God,” Stacy hissed, “You totally haven’t done it with him, have you?”

Mary shook her head.

One of Stacy’s hands stayed on her nipple, gently pinching and rolling it in her fingers, but her other hand slid lower. Mary knew where it was going, but she felt powerless like she was Stacy’s toy. Like a little dolly. Stacy found her target, slipping her hand between Mary’s legs. Mary parted her thighs for her like it was Stacy’s right to touch her there. She hadn’t even let Trevor touch her like this, but here she was, giving his sister full access to her body like she owned it.

“Doesn’t my little brother want to touch your cute little cunny?” Stacy said, stroking her.


Published 3 years ago

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