Teenage Temptation

"One girl's coming of age, its precursors and aftermaths"

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It was the beginning of May. School would be out in a month. This was fourth period, the first one after lunch. I was sitting in study hall, cell phone in my lap and an open book on top of my chair-desk. Careful was the watch word. The monitor sitting at her desk in front was always on the lookout for phone use. She had been known to confiscate phones, sometimes for a few hours, sometimes till the next day.

I was determined to send the text I had been contemplating for two weeks, seriously contemplating for this week. Today was Friday; I had a now or never feeling.

Before entering the few necessary characters, thoughts of events from past years and recent months ran through my mind, thoughts of my Mom’s “talks” with me, thoughts of my brother, Craig, and his best friend since fifth grade, Lucas… especially thoughts of Lucas.

The first Mom “talk” was when I was eleven going on twelve. It was wonderful and uncomfortable at the same time. In her mind it was time for that mother-daughter talk about the facts of life, about how my body would change, about what the hormones I was already feeling would do to me—mentally and physically. She delved into the fact that soon I would have my first period, and everything that would entail.

She was so good, I wanted to laugh and cry at the same time. I really did not know how to react so I just listened and said, “Yes Mom” quite a bit.

The second “talk” was when I turned fourteen. The actual “talk” was during the summer before I started high school. This one was much more no-nonsense. The dangers of boys. The bad things that could happen if I “got carried away.” She really went into areas that first of all I already knew about and secondly had no intention of venturing into. But I had to admit she did have good points, and even though I felt we were both completely embarrassed, she carried it off in an almost businesslike manner.

As a result of that “talk” we agreed on several things. I promised to maintain my state of celibacy until at least sixteen. She promised that on my sixteenth birthday we would go together to get my driver’s license, get my belly button pierced–which I had been requesting for over a year–and go to the gyno doc to get on birth control. She insisted that the latter was not a permission slip, but rather a realistic protection for something she hoped I would delay until I felt I was really emotionally ready for all the changes that it could bring to a young girl’s life.

I kept my promise and she kept hers. The week before my birthday she told me that I would be taking a sick day from school the following Wednesday, February 2nd, my birthday, and we would do the three things she had promised. There had been no mention of our “talk” in the intervening years, except for my occasional whining about not being allowed to get my belly button pierced.

We left that morning to go to the drivers license office for the written and driving tests; I passed both with flying colors. Then it was off to a gyno doc appointment. I had been seeing her yearly since the first mother-daughter talk so I knew what to expect. The Depo shot was a new addition to the routine. I received her medical briefing on everything to expect as a result of being on the new medication and the importance of getting a shot every three months. Then we went to the piercing studio that I had picked, and my parents approved.

It was a pretty short visit. The iodine disinfection, a quick sharp pain from the needle, and then I had a red jewel in my navel with about a two inch intricate silver filigree dangle—I loved it! What Mom didn’t know was that there was another studio in town that carried more risque dangles. I had my eye on one that said, FUCK ME in bold black letters. She also did not know that I had already planned to celebrate my birthday on Friday with my boyfriend, Matt, after school at his house, before his parents came home from work. That was to be the end of my celibacy.

In the years leading up to my birthday many things had changed. My body for one. No longer the awkward, flat-chested girl, I now wore a 34C bra and had what I thought was the sexiest butt in the school. Within parental limits, I dressed to show myself off to maximum advantage. I know the yoga pants drove my dad crazy, but they were the in thing. He tried to ban them, but Mom intervened. She gave me some very meaningful looks, but agreed that I should be allowed to wear them.

The soccer and gymnastics that I had been involved with since I was ten had kept me fit and shapely. I could easily do the splits and my stomach was flat and strong. I had let my hair grow long. It was a natural golden brown that complemented my slightly olive skin and light brown eyes. I was not unaware of the heads that sometimes turned when I walked down a school hallway or through the mall. Part of it was good genes and part was my own hard work. I was sure my parents had planned the sport involvement to keep me as occupied as possible and also to give me good life experience.

On Thursday after school, I was able to buy the dangle with the bold black letters. It was hidden in the lining of my purse.

Matt was a year older and a grade ahead. I had been dating him for about two months. He was no virgin and really wanted me, but also understood and respected my promise, with the tacit understanding that soon after my birthday things would change.

He had been giving me more than occasional rides home after school; sometimes we stopped at his house. We played video games, listened to music and watched movies. Even with his promise he still tried, unsuccessfully, every move in the book to bend me to his will. He took every opportunity to remind me of what was coming up. It was becoming harder and harder to resist as I was very infatuated with him. In one way those two months sped by and in another it seemed like my birthday would never arrive.

That Friday he was giving me a ride home. We both had big, unspoken hopes for what would happen between leaving school and me eventually arriving at my house. I had previously given him a sneak peak at my shiny sliver dangle; the black one remained a secret surprise. I stopped in the bathroom and changed them before meeting him after school.

As I got in his car he said, “Sooo…”

I replied innocently, “Sooo?”

“Julia, you know you drive me up the wall don’t you?”

At my brief bathroom stop I had confirmed my feelings that my pussy was soaked. God I wanted this! I had heard a number of so-so or even disillusioned reports from other girls about their first time. I had tried very hard not to build this into something unreasonable. Nevertheless it was my first time, my special moment, and I was convinced it would be wonderful.

“Well let’s hope that you can knock down that wall in a manner most satisfying. Think you’re up for that?”

“I’ve up for that ever since we started going out! I swear to god, you have the best bod of any girl in that school. I see that smirk! And don’t think I missed the subtle accentuation of your tits. If you’re as ready as I’m hard, this afternoon is going to be outstanding!”

“Well then I guess you need to drive faster so you can find out,” I said as my grin got bigger. “Oh, by the way, did you see my new belly dangle?”

I pulled up my top as he looked.

“Jesus H. Christ!” was all he said as the car sped up.

Later, as we lay next to each other panting and sweaty from our recent wild exertion, I softly whispered, “Thank you Jesus.”

“What? Did you say something?”

“No sexy one. I must have moaned from our recent workout. God I loved this! Can I please have more? If you think you are up for it that is…”

I thought, for whatever reason, I was one of the lucky ones. He had made me cum twice. It was the single most exhilarating feeling I had ever experienced. It started deep between my legs, building slowly but surely towards that final moment when it took over my body. My moaning became a scream as my body jerked in uncontrollable waves of intense pleasure.

My mind came back to the present as I heard him laugh and say, “Hello. Anybody home?”

I knew what he wanted, what I wanted. Moving between his legs, I wrapped my mouth around him, bringing his cock fully back to life. He pulled me up to him and slipped back into me as his cream began to trickle out.

I was in charge this time and I loved it. Feeling a cock in me for only the second time was even better than the first. I went slow. I went fast. I moved forward and back. Anything to get that feeling, the excitement of his cock going in and out of me. I was driving myself to yet another orgasm. It hit, and I clenched his cock tightly as I kissed him deeply. This time I felt his pulsing stream gush into me. That just increased and prolonged my orgasm. What a milestone I had reached.

I looked at the time and blurted out, “Holy crap! Look at the time. I gotta get home. Love ya, love ya, love ya, but get me home. I’ll be right back. Get it together!”

I jumped in his shower for a quick cleanup, came out and threw on my clothes just as he pulled on his pants and shirt. We hit the car, and he got me home in record time. I grabbed my backpack and strolled into the house saying “Hi” to Mom as I headed for my room, hoping that sex was not stamped on my forehead.

“Hi dear. Did you have fun with Matt this afternoon?”

“Oh yeah. Usual stuff. You know he loves those video games, so we mostly did that. Also listened to a new album he had picked up. Something by the Crazy Crooked Crazies. Not really my thing, but he enjoyed it so you know how it goes…”

“Glad you had fun. Dinner soon.”

“Okay, I’ll be right down as soon as I change.”

Up to my bedroom where I dropped my pack and dropped to my bed, reliving the recent world changing event. God what a revelation! I knew I would never forget today, but I was already planning for when we could get together privately enough to do it again.

Pondering if Mom had ever had this experience, I took another quick shower and came down for dinner, once again feeling like I was a walking neon sign for sex. However the rest of the evening was normal with no remotely awkward questions. I later slept like a baby with the most pleasant dreams.

Matt and I did it as often as we could find the time alone, and that was quite a bit. After school was almost always available, and we got creative on the weekends.

It was not long after my sexual awakening that I began to see Lucas in a totally different light. He was my brother’s best friend. They had met in fifth grade when I was in third, eight years old. I was simply the overlooked younger sister that they occasionally found ways to make fun of or pull crazy jokes on. Now eight years had passed. Eight years of being the butt of their fun, when they even took the time to notice me.

Now they were both seniors while I was a sophomore. However since the beginning of this school year Lucas seemed to take a different view of me. Nothing had been spoken between us that would indicate any difference, but now he seemed to look at me differently. A few times I had a strong feeling he was checking out my boobs and butt when he thought I was unaware. Each time this happened I felt a tingle, a pleasing tingle. I would have given much to know his thoughts when I got that feeling.  

I was no longer the gawky kid Lucas had met when he and Craig became buds. I had blossomed, as some would say, blossomed to my 34C’s for one thing. Lucas had also blossomed. Neither he nor my brother were the kids that goofed around, made fun of me and played video games for hours. Now they had girl friends. I suspected that they were way more than just “friends.” I was not ashamed to admit it to myself—I was majorly attracted to Lucas.

This attraction grew each time I saw Lucas, which was usually several times a week. He had grown into a very handsome guy, probably 6’1″ with a very athletic build. He and my brother had both been on the wrestling team for four years. They won championships for the team. They were well known throughout the school.

I knew the type of girls he dated, the beautiful, sexy, captivating ones. As much as I liked my own looks, I knew I could not compete with girls two years older than me. Two teen years was huge in the world I lived in. Nevertheless, being as enchanted as I was, I threw caution to the wind and decided I would never know if I did not try. What was the worst that could happen? Lucas could politely tell me I was too young for him and I would smile as I dissolved inside and tried to never see him again.

Knowing I could not ask him out face to face, a text message seemed the only way. It had to be a bit cryptic, at least in the beginning. Even though I was determined to do this, I was apprehensive about the whole thing. With a very loose plan of how to respond to whatever he might say, if he even answered, I keyed in a message and hit send.


It was fourth period, and I was sitting in my U.S. Political History class when I felt the text vibration of my phone. Mr. Robinson was a stickler about phone usage, but I was super curious. My friends all knew this was a normal blackout time for me. I slipped the phone onto my lap and peaked. The caller ID was just a number, a number I did not recognize.

The message appeared: Hi sexy 🙂

So someone was either punking me or some girl was cautiously trying to make a connection. If it was a punk, I’d get them back sometime. If it was a girl, it deserved further exploration, but this was a bad time.

I quickly sent back: Hi back sexy, whoisthis, more next period 🙂

It vibrated again: ok, think about someone u know a long time and now u may think differently than in the past 🙂

This was a puzzle. The person on the other end was being very careful. A good punk or a girl being very subtle? A clever message that left me food for thought. It could be any number of people. I knew many people, some just in passing and some really well. My contact list was loaded with past and present friends, yet this number was not in it. The bell rang, and I was off to my next class, study hall. I would have plenty of opportunity to communicate.

In thinking about the message, I could not come up with anyone who would be a clear-cut match for the clue. There were possibilities, but to start naming them would both give away my thoughts and possibly insult or inhibit the sender.

I sent back: interested 🙂 pls narrow down, another clue

Soon the phone vibrated again: someone recent u have possibly taken x-rated interest in that was not there before       

This was not much more than the previous one. If this was not a punk, she was being very careful. She was obviously interested but felt she could not just say it. I took awhile to think about it. I actually liked mind games as long as they were fun, like this one, and not meant to hurt anyone. Thinking the sender was in that category, not wanting to hurt or be hurt.

I sent: whoever u r I promise not to disclose this under any circumstances, ur obviously an interesting person 🙂

Back: do u think ur best friend would know?

How would Craig ever know? He also has many friends, but he does not know everyone I know and vice versa. Then it hit me, Julia! I had known her for eight years. Most of that time she was just Craig’s little sis, but recently I had finally noticed she was way past that stage. She was totally delicious—and seemed to know it.

Seeing her in this new, sensual way had me wondering about her… status. At sixteen it was entirely possible she had crossed the Rubicon of sex. I recalled one recent time while inconspicuously, I thought, checking out her boobs, she turned to me and grinned. Another time our eyes met and she held my gaze for several seconds before smiling as she slowly turned away. So how to get to the bottom of this with a good outcome?  

I sent: r u 16?

Back: yes, 2 young?

Sent: not at all! first initial J?

Back: yes…

Now it all lined up. It almost had to be Julia. She fit everything that I had asked. Is she really coming on to me? I should be so lucky. What would Craig think… if he found out. Tricky business. I decided to go all in and either be right or make someone unhappy.

Sent: JULIA???

Back: YES!! Happy?? Be honest…

Sent: OMG YES! ur SO hot!

Back: im sitting tonight at dr barns house…

Sent: can I come see you

Back: be there at 8, park on side st, come thru backyrd, txt me when there

Sent: I’ll be there, lookin very forward!!

Back: good, me 2 :)!!

There were more texts sporadically throughout the afternoon. All of them, from both of us, contained some sexual innuendo or intimation that could be taken in different ways. The word games she was playing left no doubt in my mind what tonight was going to be all about. Her cleverness made me like her even more and increased my desire for the night to come.


It was Friday night. Since Julia was doing a babysitting job there was no argument over the car she and her brother were supposed to share. Craig had the car to himself for almost two years, but now Julia had her license and their parents had made it clear sharing was what was going to happen. They would work out a car for her when he graduated and went to college.

Dr. Barns arrived at 6:30pm to collect Julia and bring her back to his house. He had told Julia in advance that he and his wife had dinner and movie plans that would keep them out till about midnight. Having seen him pull up, she grabbed her backpack, yelled “Bye” into the house and headed out the door.

Prior to his arrival she had carefully loaded the pack with a few books and what she wanted to wear after she was alone and had put the baby to bed. Now she was in jeans and a SeaWorld tee shirt with panties and bra under; that would change later. Right now she chitchatted with Dr. Barns about the evening he and his wife had planned. She had sat for them a number of times so both were perfectly comfortable in each other’s company.

Once at their house, Mrs. Barns gave her the usual instructions and contact info that Julia had heard a number of times. She just smiled and nodded, saying “Yes” to everything Mrs. Barns listed off. Then they were out the door to enjoy their evening. She played with young Sara until her eyes started to droop, then got her off to bed.

Going to her pack, she pulled out a pair of very worn denim shorts, a cropped top and a towel. She switched the shorts and top for her jeans, tee shirt and underthings. Then the silver dangle was replaced by the bold black one. Lastly, she took the towel to a guest bedroom and spread in on the bed. Seeing the time was 7:45, she waited for a text.

Soon her phone chimed. The text read: parked and walking towards house

She sent: rear light on, meet u at the door 

Seeing him approach, she opened the door and let him pass before closing it. As she turned to him he quickly took in her provocative look, saying with a big smile, “This is not the Jules I have known for so many years.”
Smiling back, she replied, “No, this is the much improved version two point one.”

“Two point one?”

“Things change. I like to keep track.”

“I see…” he said, not really understanding. “Your dangle is very subtle, hardly noticed it.”

“It’s only for very special occasions.”

They both broke into laughter as he held out his arms and she snuggled right in. Looking up, she ardently welcomed his kiss. Eventually he pushed her back a bit and turned her around so his hands could go under and up her top, where he cupped her boobs and tweaked each nipple. Her months of having sex with Matt had, among other things, solidified and heightened the arousal she felt from having her nipples fondled. She leaned back into him, sighing and moaning, as her desire jumped.

“How much time do we have?” he whispered in her ear.

“Easy two hours. They told me midnight but better safe than sorry.”

“Not that I’m in a rush—“

“Of course not. Me either.” A big grin spread across her face. “So just for the heck of it, let me show you their house. I’ll start with one of their bedrooms.”

She pulled away and grabbed one of his hands, leading him through the kitchen and other rooms, to the room where she had spread the towel. He noticed it and said nothing, realizing why is was there. They were soon in another embrace.

This time he pulled her top off, fully exposing her. “Damn Jules, you are one blessed girl; your boobs are magnificent. From this afternoon on I have been pretty much blown away by this whole thing. I have been in some state of hardness ever since I knew it was you.”

As he talked she had just been moaning and enjoying his touch. He seemed to know just how much to squeeze, just how to hold and caress to trigger maximum passion. When he mentioned “hardness” it roused her out of her reverie.

“Speaking of ‘hardness’ I think it is about time to get that fellow out and put him to use.”

“Well just get down on your knees and set him free. I’m sure you know what to do from there.”

She punched him lightly as she was sinking down. “Smart ass!” she quipped. Then undoing his belt and pulling down the zipper, his manhood pooped out.

“Lucas! Holy shit!”

“What?” he calmly asked.

“You know ‘what.’ You’re… moby dick!”

Laughing, he said, “That’s a new one. And that’s bad?”

“Well… no. I mean… Jesus, will that fit? Okay that was stupid, sorry. It was just… well a shock.”

“Wrap your lips around it. We will soon see about fitting it to your extreme satisfaction.”

“Yes sir,” she mumbled just as it passed her lips.

Lucas chuckled to himself as he pulled off his shirt. Her increased efforts and seeming enjoyment did not go unnoticed. He wondered, as he had before, how much experience Julia possessed. This was something not to be asked, especially knowing that soon it would become evident.

Julia was indeed enjoying giving him oral pleasure. In Lucas’ mind she was no neophyte, her performance was impressive. As she continued her pursuit of giving, and receiving, pleasure, her size and fit question ran through her mind. It was a shock, but she decided to trust him. Besides, having had only one previous guy did not make for enormous experience. She decided this definitely was going to be fun.

Lucas reached down to pull her up. He was more than ready to be horizontal on the bed with her. Enjoying what she was doing, she resisted; his size was new and she wanted more time. Eventually unable to resist any longer, up she came.

“Get those sexy shorts off if they are not joined to your skin and let’s hit the bed. We have some fitting to do and I want a turn with my tongue.”

Her shorts were already on the way down before he finished. Shaking them off, she jumped on the bed, landing directly on the towel with her legs spread wide. Staring at Lucas as he began to move between her legs, she inserted her middle finger into her pussy and then slowly pulled it up and circled her clit. “I have just the place that would absolutely love some tongue attention.”

“Julia, I have no idea what you’ve been told before, but to my eyes your pussy is the sweetest one I have ever seen. Its symmetry and proportion is perfect.” Just before his lips encircled her and his tongue found her clit, he finished with, “You continue to surprise me.”

As she was about to respond, his tongue ran across her clit and began flicking it. All that came out at first was a loud moan, then, “Oh Lucas! God you’re good. Eat me baby. Do it, do it!”

When his arms reached up and his fingers found her nipples, her moaning got louder as she occasionally encouraged his action. Thoughts of just how much better he was than Matt ran through her mind as she reached down and pulled his head tight to her. Those incredible feelings were beginning to overwhelm her much faster than in her previous experience.         

“Fuck Lucas, I’m gonna cum! Oh my god! Yes, yes, do it! Oh nowww!”

Her hands went from pulling to pushing him away from her now super sensitive clit. She lay gasping as he slowly retreated, licking around the edges, avoiding the parts he knew would jolt her.

“I take it that was satisfactory,” he said playfully.

“Good god yes! Can I have that every day?” she replied just as playfully.

Already moving up he said, “Now lets see what we can do about a proper fitting for you. I think you need a custom job. Something just for you.”

Laughing she replied, “Oh yes sir. I am really very special and need a very special and extended fitting. It might take you quite awhile to get it just right, so take as much time as you need.”

Lucas continued moving up, pausing to play with her dangle a bit. “I give you big props for wearing this. It is pretty audacious, but I like daring, spirited girls; don’t ever lose that.”

Her face flushing a bit, she replied, “Thanks. I know it’s pretty outrageous. You are only the second guy who has seen it. I’m sure not going to flaunt it!”

As he moved further, he paused to kiss and suckle her delicious nipples. This brought forth more moans and sighs of pleasure and caused her to clasp her boobs and push them to him. He was now almost positive about her experience. When he eventually left her nips behind, he also left a red love bite that she would discover, and adore, later.     
Finally on his knees, with his cock at her dripping entrance, he began to rub its head up and down her slit. Each movement gathered more and more of her slippery nectar on him. Julia’s first instinct had been to urge him to get it in, to fuck her, but she just closed her eyes and relaxed, letting him go at his pace, simply enjoying every stroke and caress of her.

When he decided he was sufficiently covered with her juice, he gathered her legs under his arms and leaned forward to meet her lips and use his hips to guide his shaft into her. With its first slight incursion she was already being spread more than Matt ever achieved. All concerns were gone. She held him tight and whispered, “Oh baby I want it so bad. I can’t wait to feel it all.”

He said nothing as he slowly pushed deeper and deeper, her moans getting stronger and stronger. At last he was tight against her. Staying tight he began to move so that he rubbed firmly against her clit.

That stimulation brought her out of the tranquil, sensual state she had been in. “God Lucas, I feel so tightly filled, so stretched. It’s wonderful! Thank you for the perfect fitting. Now fuck me silly!”

He proceeded to do just that. Starting with long, slow strokes, they gradually sped up until he was pounding her and she was screaming. Still holding her legs tightly as they tried to thrash about, her orgasms came in waves. At one point he withdrew almost completely and fucked her as fast as he could go, only penetrating her about two inches with each stroke. When her begging for more reached a fever pitch, he plunged totally in with one quick push. That drove her into biggest, most intense orgasm she ever had. He held her as tight as he could to keep her thrashing body in position. Not long after that he finally discharged his gobs of jizz, in pulse after pulse, until he was temporarily empty.

Releasing her, he rolled onto his back, panting and sweating from his oh so pleasurable exertion. Julia, who had been consumed by her orgasms, was gasping for breath. She managed to say, “Holy fuck Lucas, what did you do to me? I never imagined.. never thought that… thought that it could be like this. You’re incredible, your cock is incredible. The fitting was perfect.”

Lucas started to laugh and soon Julia joined in. They turned on their sides, sharing a passionate kiss and then lay back down. Julia looked at the clock and told him that they had another forty-five minutes.

“Great!” he said. “Time for a quickie!”

Once again they laughed as their hands began to roam each other’s bodies—they used all of their forty-five minutes.

That night turned into many more trysts until Lucas left for college and Julia started her third year of high school. They tried to stay in touch, but time, distance and other relationships caused it to slowly fade away. They were many hours apart; life had a way of taking over.

Ten years later, on a Friday evening, Lucas stopped in a bar in Manhattan after seeing a Broadway play with a couple friends from work. As they were talking he happened to look at the door as two women walked in. His eyes lingered on one. Could it possibly be, he wondered? Her sophistication and beauty stood out. Her shoulder length chestnut hair was streaked with blonde; some cleavage was showing above her low cut, sleeveless, little black dress.  The Hermes or Hermes-looking multi-colored scarf around her neck set everything off. He called out, “Julia?”

She immediately recognized the voice and hurried over as he stood. “Lucas?”

“Oh my god! How can this be?” they both said at the same time, breaking into the easy laughter that was so familiar.

“Are you…?” he asked.

She lifted her left hand and wiggled her ringless fingers as she glanced at his. They hugged and Julia raked her finger nails down his back as she whispered, “I might need a new special fitting.”

“Still the bold one I see. An extra special fitting for sure, and no getting away this time!”            

Serendipity had stepped in. They are together to this day.

Published 7 years ago

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