Sixteen hours till the game.
His team spectated bitterly from the bleachers as football players dominated the campus’s only field.
“Now what?” Scott, their captain, sounded grim.
Alec eavesdropped on Scott’s exchange with Pierce, a striker, perched discreetly under the stained bleachers. A whistle blew, signalling a foul and muffling Pierce’s response, but Alec caught the gist. “… ask Sanders, and don’t send freshmen.”
They had these exchanges often. It portrayed the notion of sending recruits to the football captain as risky. Alec didn’t think so. Albeit a freshman, he was good with words. He knew he could get Sanders to bend, even if just this once. His eyes surveyed the field, scanning the faces of beefy, huddled jocks. Sweat laced their chiselled bodies, and an afterthought clicked in Alec’s mind. Shit, they’re hot.
He’d have opted for a spot in the middle of their huddle, had one been offered.
Alas, their captain wasn’t amidst them. Alec’s best guess, Sanders was in the locker room. As he crept below the bleachers, Scott and Pierce’s conversation fell out of earshot. He jogged across the compound, thoughts racing with a comment the captain had made the previous practice. “Don’t hog the ball, Alec. You’ve got teammates.”
Alec’s lips curled upwards at the edges. Finally, he’d get to prove himself a team player.
Sem Sanders flexed before the locker room mirror.
Alec bit his lip, still as though paralysed by the sight of the football captain’s naked torso. His toes curled, tiles cold against his bare feet. Sem’s body mocked him like a sadist, perspiration trickling in the slim grooves of his lean muscles, broad shoulders double the span of his. Dark, glinting eyes that hinted at mischief and malice. Thick, intimidating eyebrows and lips curled into a smirk; a smirk directed at Alec.
Alec’s blues met the reflection of Sem’s dark orbs. “Sneaking up on me, kid?” called the captain.
“N–No, sir,” Alec stammered, forcing the words past his pulsing Adam’s apple.
“Sir?” Sem echoed, chuckling. “It’s Sem, kid.”
Blood rushed to Alec’s cheeks. “Of course,” he rushed, averting his gaze. “Um, I’m from the soccer team, and we’ve got this match to–”
“Soccer player, huh?” he cut across, raising an eyebrow. Fuck, thought Alec. Sem looked so hot. His eyes lingered on Alec, but not on the boy’s face. “Figures,” he added, “you’ve got the bod.”
A lump formed in his throat. Alec’s best hope was that the sweat that beaded his forehead slid down the side of his face to extinguish his burning cheeks. “Si–” he caught himself. “Sem. I came to ask if we could –”
“And that ass,” he interjected. Alec’s skin tingled, toes curling on the pretence of a completely different stimulus. Sem chewed his lip, groaning a short string of muffled profanity. “Damn.”
Alec swallowed the lump in his throat. He’s just messing with me. “We need the field,” he persisted. “Just for today.”
Sem shrugged nonchalantly. “Sure.”
Alec blinked, stunned. “Really?”
“On one condition.”
He felt his stomach knot, thymus pulsing against his sternum. A shiver spiked up his body, skin prickling against the sweat that soaked his jersey. It wasn’t what Sem had said. It was how he’d said it. Hungry eyes ogled his body, Sem’s voice rough, husky and assertive.
Alec steeled himself, though Sem’s condition seemed clear already. He’d come this far. He wasn’t leaving until he got that field. “Anything, sir,” he choked out.
Sem smirked; a dirty, devilish curl of the lips. “Scotty usually asks me,” he muttered, but not in disappointment. “He’s sending freshmen now?”
Alec’s chest heaved. He shook his head, albeit hesitantly. “He–He didn’t ask me to come. I did it alone.”
“Oh, yeah?” Sem turned to face Alec, the latter retracing a step. “Bet they all kept their mouths shut.”
A gasp slipped past Alec’s lips, not of his volition. Scott hadn’t been the only senior to ask Sem for the field. Pierce, Olly, Lance, Ammar … they’d all been at the mercy of the quarterback. “Also,” Sem trailed, his tone dark, “I told you not to call me sir.”
“S–Sorry,” Alec stammered.
Sem wrinkled his nose. “Come ’ere,” he rasped. His index finger curled, a luring gesture that tethered Alec like he’d been chained at the ankles. He stepped forward, feet trembling on the icy tiles. “Closer,” he breathed. Alec’s timid gaze was met by the quarterback’s dark, lustful eyes. He took a step closer, against the warnings of his gut.
Fingers curled around his neck, and in his hair. Sem drew Alec to his chest, the freshman’s cheek pressed to the senior’s hard, sweaty chest. Sem’s nostrils inhaled Alec’s scent, the bridge of his nose against the younger’s scalp. Lowly, the jock murmured, “You’re mine now.”
“S–Sem,” Alec half-sobbed, pleadingly.
“Oh, no,” he crooned, with cynical affection. “You don’t get to call me that either, kitten.”
Kitten. “Sem, let go of me,” Alec begged. Sem could feel his throbbing chest against his tight abdomen. “Please, I don’t – ah!”
He gasped, inhaling sharply as the quarterback pinned him to the wall. Alec’s back arched off the bone-chilling tiles, only for Sem’s crotch to grind against his flat stomach. “Shh,” the elder shushed, fists clenching the younger’s wrists, pinned overhead. Sem’s eyes flashed cruelly. His hot breath stung Alec’s neck. The intoxicating scent of his sweat, muddled with the smells of Gatorade, worn sneakers and dirty jerseys laced the air.
He set his jaw on Alec’s scalp, tucking the boy’s head under his chin. A sob escaped Alec’s parched throat, as Sem’s cold, menacing fingers slipped beneath the fabric of his jersey; caressing his supple skin, void of intimacy. Petrified, Alec’s sobs withdrew, replaced by whimpers as lust transformed his response. Sem’s nails dug into his flesh, scraped the sides of his torso.
“Ah.” Alec’s hiss met with a malicious growl.
“Shh,” Sem warned, in an undertone, smudging his index finger against Alec’s moist lips. Cuticles dug into the small of the freshman’s back, tracing his spine to intrude his shorts. Hot, rough and stinging; the sensation of Sem’s nails raking the soft cheek of Alec’s ass as he groped it. Hard.
Sem’s shallow breaths hung over the boy’s exposed neck, and like a tiger, his jaw snapped without warning. He bit into Alec’s neck, eliciting a scream. “AH!” The senior’s palm clamped his mouth shut.
“If you scream,” he snarled, “unless I tell you to, you’ll come back every week like my little Scotty boy, and I’ll fuck your tight little ass till it bleeds.”
Alec swallowed a whimper. Tears brimmed in his eyelids, sobbing soundlessly as the quarterback’s lips latched onto his throat; sucking, slurping, nibbling at his Adam’s apple. He slipped a finger past Alec’s gritted teeth, invading the boy’s mouth. His nail struck the back of Alec’s throat, provoking a bit-back moan. “Fuck,” Sem grunted.
Alec gagged, resisting the intrusion. Panting, his sobs rose to a scream as the quarterback ripped the polyethylene stitches of his jersey, teeth sinking into the pink bud of Alec’s hard, left nipple. Torn fabric clung to the boy’s drenched body, split at the seams. Sem groaned, faintly tasting blood, flesh and the boy’s sweat on his tongue. “Mm.” Four lithe, calloused fingers slipped down Alec’s throat, the fingers of his free hand twisting the boy’s nipples.
Alec’s hands sought subtle revenge in Sem’s hair, tugging at the dark, messy locks. The quarterback’s lips deserted the boy’s desperate nipples, tongue sloppily painting a stripe up his chest and across his cheek. “P–Please.” Alec’s stomach churned at the sick pleasure. “Stop.”
Their noses brushed; like puppies, wolves or mates. Sem nuzzled his nose with the boy’s. Alec’s strangled gasp rekindled the malevolence in the quarterback’s eyes, where fleetingly, he’d caught a glimpse of affection. Sem’s forehead rested against Alec’s, breath against each other’s lips. Tilting his chin up, Alec pressed his lips to the quarterback’s; wet, warm and sloppy was the boy’s first kiss.
“Mm.” Sem moaned into his mouth, as if Alec’s saliva tasted like chocolate. His metacarpals curled in the freshman’s hair, tongues battling to savour one another’s flavour. Sem cupped Alec’s delicate, pale face. His chokehold on the boy slackened, as need for restraint subsided and desire sparked in the soccer player’s sapphire eyes. The less Alec resisted, the less Sem restrained.
To please the predator, Alec relented, becoming his prey. Sem grunted his approval as the boy flung his head back against the tiled walls and mirror, soft moans echoing in the locker room. It no longer smelled of body odour and dirty socks, Alec noted, but of testosterone and fresh sweat.
Sem broke the kiss. “On your knees,” he growled. His cuticles bore slits on the skin that encompassed the boy’s shoulder blades.
Obediently, Alec fell, striking his knees painfully on the hard floor. His cheek brushed the fabric of Sem’s tight performance underwear, the football player’s shorts already a shrivelled pile of cloth at his ankles. Sem’s fingers curled around Alec’s neck, thumbing over his windpipe; by the chin, Sem lifted the boy’s pale face. “You want that field, kitten?”
Alec’s cheeks burned, trembling lips patched with blueback splotches from where Sem had bitten them. “I asked you a question, kitty.” Sem’s tone was unforgiving.
Alec choked on a “yes”. Albeit hesitant and shivering, he managed a nod.
Sem hummed in satisfaction. His shaft was erect, throbbing; premature fluid soaked his underwear in wet patches. It struggled against the fabric. A hand slipped past his briefs, as Alec’s hands braced against the smooth muscles of the quarterback’s thighs. Before he could tug off his skin-tight undies, the boy’s teeth sunk into the band, flushed cheeks slapped on both sides; one, by Sem’s girthy cock as it sprung free, the other by Sem’s palm, hot, hard and prickling against the boy’s sensitive skin, so as to position his lips at the tip of the jock’s aching cock.
Alec’s timid eyes rolled up to meet Sem’s remorseless glare. The sight between the quarterback’s legs was too beautiful, too innocent, to neglect completely. Sem bit his lip, bucking his hips. Alec’s left cheek pressed against the icy tiles, Sem’s cock streaking across his right; trailing pre-cum, but just missing his mouth.
A fresh tear slid across the boy’s cheek. “If you want it,” Sem spoke coarsely, smacking the tip of his dick on Alec’s wet, drooling lips, “suck.”
Screams clawed at Alec’s throat, crawling upwards. Vehemently undeterred, he swallowed them; just as he swallowed Sem’s massive cock. He’d looked big before, but inside Alec’s mouth … shit. His cheeks puffed, his eyes widened, his oesophagus stretched. Promptly, he gagged into the first slurp, unable to inhale enough air through his flared nostrils. Sem hushed him, coaxing him none too gently by ruffling his hair.
“Atta boy,” he rasped, and Alec felt a sick surge of gratification at the quarterback’s approval.
Sem’s sheer size challenged Alec’s throat, three quarters of his shaft shoved past the boy’s slobbery lips. Bile lurched up from his stomach and he choked, unlatching Sem’s cock with a puckered pop! “I said suck, kitten.”
A bead of saliva hit the tiles, Alec’s dribbling lips wet with pre-seminal fluid. The boy forced his eyes shut, withholding tears, as Sem forced his shaft back into his mouth. Deeper this time. Alec bobbed his head tamely on the quarterback’s length, a slave to Sem’s cock. His cold fingers curled around the jock’s cock, stroking the quarterback’s slick foreskin as he sucked him off.
Sem groaned. “Fuck.”
Alec swirled his tongue around the head, trickling a strand of drool into Sem’s piss slit. “Shit.” Calloused hands fooled around in his hair, yanking at fistfuls. Sem bucked his hips, shoving balls-deep into Alec’s mouth. Tantalised by the salinity, Alec’s throat relaxed. The quarterback’s cock sank deep into his oesophagus, engulfed such that the boy’s lips painted a wet ring around the base of Sem’s shaft.
“Good boy.” Sem’s back arched, a deep, pleasurable groan escaping his lips. Alec’s fingers fondled his balls, hot palms massaging his nut sack, sticky with sweat. Ignoring the sickness in his gut, he shook his head like a dog playing tug of war, Sem’s cock bouncing against his insides. “Ah! K–Kitten.”
He’s close. Scott’s coaching replayed in Alec’s mind. Go hard, or go home. Feverishly, Alec sucked, slurped and swallowed; gagged and gulped. Sem hissed as the boy lapped his tongue against the tip of his cock, licking a slavering stripe up and down his shaft. His hips shook, Alec’s nails digging into his hard flesh. “Fuck, kitten. I’m gonna cum.”
Despite his yearning howl, the only pop was that of Alec’s lips as Sem pulled out. Alec collapsed, head spinning, soaked in sweat, chest heaving, sprawled across the floor tiles. “You’re not getting off that easy, kitten,” the quarterback growled, thumbing over his piss slit to postpone his climax. He ogled the breathless boy sprawled at his feet. “Pants off.”
Alec’s breath hitched, but the authority in Sem’s tone curbed his defiance. Reluctantly, he slid his shorts down his slim legs, exposing pale, almost white, skin. As he stripped, trembling, the quarterback stalked off toward a bench, sat upon it and fixed Alec with a look that no sexual innuendo would accurately describe. Thick, arched eyebrows. Heaving, muscular pecs. Straight, broad shoulders. Rumpled, gelled-back hair. Sweaty, olive skin. Fuck, I’m done for.
Alec’s body shook as he slipped his fitted briefs off, blushing as his shaved cock sprung free, erect and squirming. Sem’s brick-hard cock dangled between his legs. The quarterback sat fondling his balls, smacking his shaft against the palm of his hand, splattering pre-cum as he awaited Alec’s soft, impossibly tight ass. Alec bit his lip, cheeks hot as he bent to untie his shoelaces. He froze upon unknotting the bunny ears, immobilised by the skin smacking sounds that permeated through the air.
Sem whistled, a devilish smirk curling the corner of his lips. “You’re a keeper, kitten.”
The quarterback patted his lap, gesturing for his kitten to come sit. Stark naked save for the red sneakers, Alec ambled towards him. He nibbled on his bottom lip, shy, as Sem jerked off. “Ever had a man bust his load inside you?” asked the quarterback, linking his arms around the boy’s waist. He pulled Alec onto his lap, sweaty chest flush against the boy’s back. Meekly, Alec shook his head. “I’ll go easy,” Sem whispered, arms wrapped protectively around the freshman, “for a little while.”
Enveloped in the quarterback’s strong arms, Alec felt his cock tease the crack of his butt. Absently, his thoughts hammered on about protection, lube and light fingering to loosen him up. He had always assumed that his first time would be cautious, done by the book. Quickly, he learnt he wouldn’t be getting that treatment. His only hopes for lube were his own saliva. Visibly, Sem hadn’t the patience to finger him. Just as visibly, he’d be taking the quarterback raw.
As if on cue, Sem mumbled against his neck, “Take one for the team, right?”
Alec swallowed hard, Sem’s leaking cock rimming his butthole. The quarterback’s lips brushed against the boy’s neck, trailing hickeys as he bit and sucked on the supple skin of Alec’s shoulders. His hands molested the boy’s body, fingers swept across parts only Alec had ever touched. “S–Sem,” he whimpered quietly.
“Shh,” the quarterback shushed him, clamping a hand over the boy’s mouth, catching Alec off guard. “Call me daddy.”
Mercilessly, he shoved all of his huge, throbbing cock up Alec’s hole, eliciting a muffled scream. Fresh tears spilled from the boy’s eyes, wetting Sem’s cracked fingers. The pain was excruciating, unlike any spike of agony Alec had ever experienced. Sem’s shaft burned his insides, hot and hard like a sterilised rod. “Fuck, kitten,” he breathed against Alec’s neck, and his cock pulsed with blood. “You’re so tight.”
Alec’s mouth hung open behind Sem’s rough palm, silent screams lost between his voice box and gritted teeth; there was no air in his lungs that he could have dragged up to make a sound. Sem’s arms held him securely by the waist, sharp nails plunging into the skin of his sides. “You like that, kitten?” he panted. “You like daddy’s cock?”
Despite the agonising pain, Alec managed a nod. Sem planted a sloppy kiss on the boy’s cheek. “You wanna ride daddy?” His husky voice, the pleasure injected in it, was enough to compel yet another nod from the boy.
“C–Can I, daddy?” came Alec’s stifled voice.
Sem licked the boy’s face, pleased. His sore cock leaked inside Alec’s tight, puckered hole. Alec bit the inside of his cheek, and steadily, he began bouncing on the quarterback’s cock. “Ngh,” he whimpered. “Ah … mm, daddy.”
Alec glimpsed Sem’s contorted features in the mirror. His eyes crinkled, jaw unhinged to expel sighs, moans and hisses of pleasure. A thick film of perspiration glazed his sharp features, beads of sweat trickling onto Alec and smacking the tiles. Alec hastened their pace, driven by the occasional, addictive and torturous jerk in his thighs as Sem’s cock slid up his channel and smacked his prostate. “H–Harder.”
Sem bit behind the boy’s ear, breath hot against his earlobe. “Beg.”
“H–Harder, daddy,” Alec squirmed, red sneakers planted firm on the quarterback’s knees, nails digging into the flesh of Sem’s thighs as he rose and dipped on the quarterback’s hard shaft, triceps sore, threatening to cramp. Alec rocked back and forth on the jock’s cock; a complete, moaning mess. His hips trembled, sneaker-clad feet balanced uncomfortably on the quarterback’s patellae.
Everything about their position brought discomfort, everything except the rhythmic thrusts of Sem’s hips. “Shit, kitten,” he gasped, fucking Alec hard. “So damn tight.”
Sem’s balls clapped against Alec’s, the former’s arms wrapped firmly around the boy’s midriff. An arm unlinked, and the free hand closed in a tight fist around the boy’s desperate cock. “Ngh,” Alec whimpered, as Sem thumbed over the spot under the tip of Alec’s circumcised shaft. “Faster, daddy.”
Sem’s tempo tore up Alec’s insides, battering his prostate. His hips cramped. “Fuck, I’m gonna cu–”
Sem bucked his hips. Hard. Choking back a sob, Alec inhaled sharply, loud, wanton moans slipping past his lips. “S–Sem.” Fuck. Sem’s final, triumphant thrust resembled that of a wild, vicious animal. Alec’s screamed pierced the air. “AHHH!”
Hot, sticky cum shot up his ass, setting his intestines ablaze. He felt his channel tighten around Sem’s cock as its tip prodded his prostate, leaking a surplus of man juice. Alec hit his climax in unison, splattering his chest and stomach with cum. “Fuck,” Sem breathed, fingers curled in the boy’s soft hair, tugging. He tilted the boy’s chin up, capturing Alec’s lips in his. They made out hotly, as cum dripped out of Alec’s ass, Sem’s thrusts gentle as he emptied the rest of his load. The quarterback mumbled into their shared kiss, the words, “Field’s yours, kitten.”
Follow me for more stories. I love you, cum again.