Growing up in a small, conservative farm town had a its benefits. But experiencing different cultures, seeing the world, and really expanding my personal boundaries are not some of those things. By the time I was 28 years old, I had finished college, had a master’s degree, and was back teaching math in my old high school. And I was bored!
In spite of having been the “popular jock” back in my high school days, as well as being a popular teacher, I had only dated a few times and those never lasted long. I seemed to suffer from a severe case of wanderlust. As much as I loved my small town, I wanted to experience something bigger. I decided to fake a “sick day” and travel to Richmond, the nearest big city that was hosting a teacher job fair. I just happened to see a table that said “American Academy of Berlin.”
“Guten Tag,” the headmaster, Herr Hayes, said.
“Oh, I’m sorry, I don’t speak German,” I said as I started to walk away.
“Haha, that’s fine. English is the language of instruction at the school. Besides, almost everyone in Berlin speaks some English. We are looking for a high school math teacher with at least a few years’ experience and preferably a master’s degree,” Herr Hayes said.
“Hmmm, really? I kind of fit the bill. May I give you my resume?” I asked.
“Of course. Let me see…AP trigonometry, algebra, calculus…excellent! Our families are very educated Germans. Engineers, accountants, lawyers, scientists. They expect a lot from our teachers. And they are willing to pay well for what they want. Let me show you where you would fall on the salary schedule,” Herr Hayes said.
I looked and gasped. “That salary is for how many years?”
“I know it shocks Americans who have never worked overseas before. That is one year of salary. Plus we provide round trip annual travel back home in business class, a fully furnished apartment, utilities, and insurance. Really, your only expenses are food, cell phone, and your personal travel and recreation,” Herr Hayes said.
My trip back home was a blur. Hell, I didn’t even have a passport! My head was spinning with the possibility of actually moving to Germany to work and get paid as much as my superintendent was making! The unsigned contract was sitting in my passenger seat just waiting for me to give the school an answer in 24 hours. All I had to do was sign it and scan it back to Herr Hayes.
Since I rarely take sick days, the next day at school everyone was asking if I was feeling better. Apparently my absence caused quite a stir. I felt guilty for lying about my absence, and so I had to confide in Kathy, my teaching partner.
“Please don’t tell anyone, but I went to a job fair and even got an offer!” I said.
“Oh cool. Which district offered you a job? I know you would never move from your house, so is it one of the neighboring districts that swooped in and threw a few more dollars at you?”
“Well actually it is farther than the next county. And a boatload more money,” I whispered.
I showed Kathy the contract.
“What?! You got this offer and haven’t signed it yet? Oh my God, what are you waiting for?” she asked.
“I’m honored by the offer, but, honestly, I’m a little scared,” I admitted. “It’s so far from home and everything that I know.”
“Exactly! That is why you have to accept the job. Hell, if it is just horrible you come back in a year. You have absolutely nothing to lose,” Kathy said.
“Done! That’s it! I’m doing it. Kathy, I just needed a push, and you gave it to me!” I said.
Six months later I was getting settled in my apartment. The school rented a beautiful two bedroom apartment in a quiet, lush, Berlin neighborhood for me. There were plenty of parks, bike paths, neighborhood shops, and a lively restaurant and bar scene within walking distance. And everyone spoke at least a little English! The one thing I hadn’t found yet was a gym. Swimming was my sport in high school and college, and I have had pretty good luck keeping my body in the kind of shape when I was training daily. So I had to find a gym that also had a pool.
I searched the internet for gyms near me, and a long list of gyms, fitness centers, and spas showed up. I decided to visit one of the spas that was just three blocks from my apartment. While it did not have a lap pool, it said that it had saunas and relaxation pools. “Why not,” I thought! I packed up a towel and swimming suit and headed off to Sauna Berlin. It sounded authentic enough, and I had the whole afternoon free.
When I arrived at the check-in counter, the attendant sized me up and immediately spoke English.
“Welcome to Sauna Berlin. Is this your first time here?”
“Yes, I just arrived and have the afternoon to relax, so I thought I would try this out.”
“Excellent. You will wear this bracelet that controls your locker. We provide you with two large towels and sandals. Any consumables will be billed to your account with the watch. Enjoy!”
“Thank you. Which way is the men’s locker room?” I asked.
“There is only one locker room. In Germany saunas are textile free and coed. Down the hall and to the left.”
Textile free? One locker room? Coed? Is this what I think it is? I asked myself. My question was answered just as soon as I entered the locker room and came face to face with a 40ish German woman completely naked coming out of the shower. She smiled and said, “Welcome.” Apparently my American face and awkwardness gave me away every time.
I quickly scanned the room and saw a variety of adults, male and female, fit and fat, representing every body type with only one thing in common: all 100% naked!
My swimming career in high school and college gave me loads of experiences walking around almost naked in front of girls, female teachers, friends’ moms, and others. I could barely keep my penis in my speedo, but I was really only naked in front of males. I practically grew up in male locker rooms and was completely comfortable being nude with guys. Sure it was uncomfortable at first, but I adapted.
However, now I faced a dilemma. The only times that I was naked in front of a female were for one reason and one reason alone. Sex. And the way my body works, when I am naked with a female for sex, my cock immediately responds appropriately. Or, maybe, inappropriately is the better word. How in the world am I going to get naked and not get kicked out?
I was relieved to find that my locker was actually tucked away in a quiet corner so that I could strip naked and hide my impending erection with my towel. I took my shirt off and hung it up. Shoes and socks got thrown in there. And now for the moment of truth. I unbuckled my belt, opened my jeans, unzipped them, and slowly pulled them down my legs. Standing in just my boxers I hung up my jeans. Taking a deep breath and looking around seeing no one nearby, I pulled my boxers down and threw them in the locker. As I closed my locker I could feel the inevitable. I looked down and my cock was growing in anticipation of being surrounded by naked females.
I grabbed my towel and held it in front of my cock as I walked to the showers. These showers reminded me of high school showers. One big open room with nozzles along the walls facing each other. I ran the water to warm it up before hanging up my towel and feeling the warm water run over my body. I faced the wall hoping that no one would come in and be able to see me. As luck would have it, my German lady friend walked in and took the shower right next me. Before I could turn away she got an eyeful.
“Wow! You are like all the American boys. At least until they get used to how we do things in Germany. Relax and it will go down. Eventually.”
I could feel my face turning a hundred shades of red.
“No need to be embarrassed! I’ll help you through this today. Come with me,” my friend ordered. “My name is Gretchen.”
We wrapped our towels around our bodies and headed out to the spa area. Even with the towel wrapped around my waist it was still obvious that I had an erection pushing the front of my towel out. She took me to the far end of the shallow sitting pool. She pointed to the farthest spot for me to sit. I quickly whipped my towel off an sat down submerging my cock. Gretchen sat down next to me hiding me from anyone else who came in the pool. We sat opposite each other so that we were facing each other with our feet and the other person’s ass.
“Now just rest your arms down at you side and relax,” she said.
“I don’t think I can. I’m so embarrassed. I’m sorry, I just…”
“Nonsense! You are just a normal red blooded American boy. It’s normal!” she said.
“Maybe, but no one else has, uh, the same condition,” I said as I scanned the facility.
I wasn’t wrong. There were probably 50 guys walking freely around the spa. All fully naked. All sizes of cocks. But only one hard-on—me! There were at least as many females walking around naked as jay birds as well. Wherever I looked there were beautiful naked people. And I had to hide myself because of my condition.
“If you relax you will get used to it all and your penis should return to its normal size,” Gretchen said.
“I hope, because otherwise I’ll be like a raisin after hiding in this pool for hours,” I joked weakly.
I didn’t wait for hours to pass, but we sat in the pool for about 45 minutes, and I was still as hard as I have ever been.
“I really wish I could go explore the other areas of the spa. Would it be horrible if I put my swim suit on?”
“Not horrible, but against the rules,” Gretchen advised. “No one has a swim suit on. Look, I know what to do. Follow me,” she said.
Once no one else was around, I got up from the pool and quickly wrapped my towel around my waist. My cock was still pushing against the towel, but it was better than walking fully exposed and bobbing back and forth. I followed Gretchen back into the locker room where she found an open changing cubicle.
“What are we doing?” I asked.
“Just get in here with me,” Gretchen said as she closed and locked the door.
Gretchen pulled my towel off leaving me standing in front of her completely naked. So here we were. 28-year-old naked me with a massive erection face-to-face with a 48-year-old naked German woman with a perfect body. Up until that point I had been so obsessed with my appearance and condition that I hadn’t really looked at her body. Even at her age, she was in great physical condition. Gretchen obviously worked out a lot. I guessed that she must be a runner given her slender, strong legs. Her ass was firm and round. Her breasts were absolutely perfect. Big, tight, and juicy. Nice perky nipples. But the best part of her body was her pussy. Nice and tight with her clit poking out making a sweet appearance. Her pubes were blond just like her hair. She carefully trimmed to allow an obstructed view of her pussy. While trimmed, her pubes were still long enough to run your fingers through them.
“Um, now what?” I asked naively.
“Just leave it to me,” she said. “You aren’t the first American boy we’ve had to help here. At least until you get used to how we do things here.”
Gretchen pulled me in to her. As our lips met, she gave me the most sensual kiss of my young life. Her arms wrapped around my body, and her hand reached down and rubbed my ass slipping a finger down my crack. I didn’t know how this was supposed to relieve my erection, but it wasn’t working. I was the hardest and biggest I have ever been in my life.
Gretchen was licking my ear as she whispered, “Are you enjoying yourself?”
All I could get out was, “Mmmm yes.”
Gretchen was stroking my cheek gently. “Funny, you don’t seem to be enjoying it,” she said as she took my hand and moved it toward her body. The first thing I felt was her closely trimmed pubes. And then she guided my fingers to her pussy. As she pushed my fingers inside her, she reached down from my cheek, down my chest, playing with my bushy pubes, and then tickling my balls.
“Oh my God, Gretchen,” I gasped.
“Yes, dear?”
“Oh, oh, oh, yes, fuck,” was all I could get out.
Gretchen took hold of my erection and stroked me slowly. She had a technique that I never experienced before. Not even when I jerked myself off. Not even when a girl was playing with my dick. Apparently my face was telling Gretchen that I was close to coming. She knelt down and took my cock in her mouth for the most intense blow job I ever received. She swirled her tongue around my shaft and took my entire seven inches down her mouth. Her lips met the base of my cock and her face was lost in my thick pubic hair.
Between the visual pleasure of seeing her work my cock and the sensations on my cock, I couldn’t control myself any longer. My body arched backwards forcing my cock into her mouth with even more force than before. I could feel my balls emptying stream after stream of hot cum into her mouth. She took it all. Every. Last. Drop. Sucking it all down. I collapsed into her arms as she stood up to catch me.
“Feeling better,” she asked?
I looked down at my cock. For the first time that day it was soft. “Yeah, obviously I feel much better,” I said.
Gretchen looked down at my cock and gave it a little squeeze. “Just checking to make sure you are completely relieved,” she said.
“I think I am ready to go out in public now.”
“No worries at all. It’s not uncommon for American boys to pop erections until they get comfortable with German culture.”
We walked back to the spa area, and I was only too happy and so proud to walk naked throughout the spa. My cock behaved for the rest of the day, and I was so excited to be able to enjoy the nude atmosphere without fear of being embarrassed. I only used my towel to sit in the sauna and never covered my cock with it. I felt so liberated being nude among so many other nude people. Even though it wasn’t a swinger club, there was a certain vibe I could feel. Women were staring at me and being blatant about looking down at my cock. I could spread my legs for their viewing pleasure without the worry of getting hard.
“Will I see you here again?” Gretchen asked?
“Absolutely! This is my new recreation center!” I said smiling.
“Auf Wiedersehen!
“Bye, bye!”