I couldn’t believe how frustrating it was to have to go back to school. At twenty, I was so much older than these childish kids, but the Uni wouldn’t take my application without a couple of pre-req’s. It didn’t help that the local college wasn’t offering makeup courses, so it was either go back to school or wait a year. Typical, that useless Guidance Officer gave me wrong info and I had to pay the penalty of doing Lit and History as a ‘mature age’ enrolment. I was in a class with all these seventeen-year-olds that don’t know their brain from their bum, and I felt like an idiot. The Lit was fine but God, the History course was hard yards.
At least, I had a hot teacher! Hmm, Ms Stein – she must have been in her forties, but she had a great figure – quite tall but always in heels, and busty. I wonder if she knew how many of the boys had boners after her class. It was fun to watch actually while I sat at the back. She certainly made a point of dressing to show off in elegant but businesslike clothes. I loved seeing those legs, curious about whether they were stocking-clad, or was it pantyhose, when she got up from her chair to come around the room and then, of course, it was all dicks up as she hovered over your shoulder and ‘accidentally’ rubbed her full firm tits on your back as she leant over to correct the errors on your work.
Always in a nice lacy bra too – that was easy to know as she bent over and always had a couple of buttons undone. She wore sexy gear, there’s no doubt, but what was under that I wondered? I’d have bet she kept it shaved and wet all day as she teased the boys. It had to be why she wore that nice perfume – to hide her own scent. Still, I had to concentrate as I needed to pass the course and I must admit I was not a natural at the subject.
But my path to an A grade started unexpectedly after only a few weeks of struggling in the class. That first step is still so clear in my mind. She came towards me, swaying hips and those heels doing wonders for the shape of her legs – concentrate! Poor Jim across the aisle was getting the full down-the-front-of-the-blouse view as she leaned over his desk front – I’d have bet his cock would have flipped that desk over any second if she hadn’t moved away when she did. Then it was my turn. Around the back, she came with her classic hand on the back of the chair as she leaned over my shoulder. And there it was – firm tit pressed against my shoulder blade! God, she was warm.
“Pardon, Miss?” I had to concentrate as I tried to ignore the distraction.
“I said, Mark, that you’re not using the essay structure I showed the class. See … here and here you need to have the quotes to prove your thesis.”
I wish I could tell where she was pointing but, as she reached for my essay to show me the errors, I got a full right tit in the shoulder and her sexy as Hell mouth was only an inch from my ear. If only I had the stones; I’d have just turned and kissed her fully on the mouth and see how those nipples hardened. In hindsight, that wish was prophetic.
“I know it’s hard, Mark, but these students have been doing this a lot longer. You need to put in the extra effort to catch up.”
I bet she knew it was hard! Ms Stein was always making it that way.
“I will, Miss. I’ll try to remember.”
“Perhaps some extra time is needed. I could help you in my free period later today if you wish?”
“That would be great, Miss. Thanks. I’ll come to your office after lunch.”
“Okay then.”
And it was tits away. All the time we chatted she was gyrating against my back in the smallest of movements, just enough for the heat of her body to get me warmed up. She loved it! She never went near the girls like that and you could see that one or two wouldn’t have minded. They could see what she did to the boys, but the guys wouldn’t complain as long as they were getting a feel of those full boobs. Still, at the end of it all, I had to pass this course, so I just had to grin and bear it and try to focus.
After a short period of quiet work, the bell went and we made our way out to head for the cafeteria. Lots of books were held in front of laps – you’ve got to laugh. After a snack and a short break in the warm sunshine, the bell went again to muster the troops into class. All the kids headed off but, being on a two-class timetable, I was free. I could have headed home but thought, if Ms Stein was offering to help, I needed to take what help I could get. A few of the ditzy girls hung around making them very late for their final class. After being here a few weeks, I’d already heard the rumours about ‘what a hunk’ I am. I guess anyone in their world who wasn’t pimply-faced counts as a hunk although, if I was honest, I hadn’t exactly struggled for lady companionship; at least not until I went back to school. What a turn off that was when you’re in a club … “And what do you do when you aren’t chatting up lovely ladies?”
“I’m finishing high school!” The look said it all – what a retard he must be!
Finally, the yard was clear and I could feel safe heading towards the office area. I didn’t really want the other kids knowing I had remedial classes – they’d think I was a retard too. I still had to get by every day and high school hadn’t changed much. Reputation was everything and I still had to have someone to talk to just so I didn’t go crazy for the four half-days I was there. I made my way to the office and knocked on the door.
“Come in?” Ms Stein’s soft voices called. I opened the door and entered. “Well, Mark I was glad you decided to come. Let’s get started.” She had such a sexy voice and the way she said, ‘come’ started thoughts skipping through my imagination
Already she was on her feet and moving around her desk. “We can work over here,” and she pointed to a side table with two chairs crammed side by side. I pulled out a chair for her and offered, “Ma’am?”
She laughed, “My what a gentleman,” as she sat down. Pushing her chair in allowed a great view down her blouse – was it open another button?
She patted the chair beside her, “Well let’s get started,” and she looked around and saw my gaze. Standing over her for a change, I looked up into her eyes and then back down at those gorgeous D-cup tits and inviting cleavage. She sort of gasped and then turned away, a hand coming up to her blouse. I guess I’d spoiled it. Oh well, still I’d had a good view first. I sat down and brought out my books and put them on the table.
I moved into the table and immediately noticed that the small space forced our legs into contact, her thigh alongside mine. She didn’t pull away. I wonder how much can be put down to luck and how much to psychology? I’d given her the right chair and I took the left. This had the happy result that her blouse hung open to my view while we were seated together. That plump firm tit and that black lacy bra were in full view as she hadn’t actually buttoned up anymore. This was going to be hard work.
I opened my book and we started looking at my notes for the essay topic. As she read them, I sat waiting and gazing at her lovely cleavage. I was sure that she wasn’t oblivious to this, but she made no move to avoid it either. I guess she was enjoying putting on the show just like in class. I wonder how wet she was down below? Her perfume was quite intoxicating when this close.
“Hmm, good ideas, Mark, but they need organising. Let me see your planning.” She turned more toward me and put her hand on the back of my chair. More lace on display and practically an open cleavage. Again, I flipped a page or two, and as I turned the page and put it down, the back of my hand brushed across the front of her breast. I could distinctly feel a hard nipple pushing through the material. My God, she was begging for it! Pretending to try to find the page, I kept flipping back and forth three or four times, and each time, I made a point of grazing against that tit. No protest … hmmm!
“Ah, here it is, Miss,” I whispered.
“Oh, Mark,” she breathed deeply, swelling her nipple against my hand, “I think as a mature student, and in private like this, you can call me Janette. Not in class, you understand but in here we can be less formal, okay?”
“Sure, Janette,” I smiled as I looked into her eyes. Her proximity was invigorating, and I felt myself getting hard.
I left my hand where it was, and she leaned in again to read my essay plan, crushing my hand against the desk with that pointed tit. I wish I’d written a longer plan! Time stood still in that close, warm environment until she started to move away and began to speak, “Well I think that your …”
It was as far as she got because it was at that moment, I don’t know why, I decided to turn my newly released hand and cup her lower breast. She took in a sharp breath and then looked into my eyes before looking down to see my fingers cupping her warm boob. It seemed like an age. I could feel the texture of the soft material and the heat of her breast. We didn’t move until I gave the slightest squeeze and she murmured, “Ohh!”
She looked up again but still didn’t move so I took the initiative and squeezed more firmly and shifted to cup more of her tit as I leaned over and kissed her. She didn’t respond at first but sat motionless. I knew I was well over the line but, wherever it was, it was too late now to turn back. It’s as well to be hanged for a sheep as a lamb, my Lit teacher had quoted from somewhere a day or so ago. Never was a lesson learned so quickly or thoroughly.
I pushed in closer and pressed my lips to hers kissing her fully on the mouth. She made a quiet mewling sound as she responded to the kiss and I felt her tongue against my lips. I turned to her and my other hand went straight to her blouse, inside the opening and onto the full firm nipple that was trying to punch a hole in her bra. I squeezed and captured that nipple that seemed incredibly long between my thumb and finger and began to gently roll it around. Ms Stein’s … Janette’s breath was coming in gasps and her bosom was heaving with her arousal.
Maintaining the kiss, I pushed back my chair and turned toward her, my knee pushing between her open thighs as she turned to me and the contact resulted in her immediately opening them more. I sucked her tongue that was now exploring my mouth. It was unusual for me to have the experience of being kissed this way, but this older woman’s hot and experienced mouth showed me she knew how to kiss as my tonsils were inspected. I allowed one hand to roam across her breasts while I dropped the other into her lap and pushed up the hem of her skirt.
“No! We mustn’t!” she breathed into my mouth, but I wasn’t really listening to the teacher’s instructions at this moment. The stocking-clad thigh was hot and my hand made its way along the smooth silky material until it reached a clasp and lacy stocking top. One question answered – she was a stockings and suspenders lady. Not surprising but certainly pleasing. I pushed forward and she clamped her thighs together on my hand, pulling away from the kiss, “No we mustn’t, Mark!”
“A bit late to say that, Janette,” I said as I pushed further and there was that inferno of her core at my fingertips. In one of those corny romance novels, it would say ‘she swooned’. She fell back in her chair and her legs lost their grip on me and my fingers delved into the wetness of her panties. I couldn’t see them, but they were obviously a match for the lacy bra.
I fondled her cunt lips, grazing their length with my fingertip and felt how much they protruded and were engorged with her wetness, on heat as she was. Sliding the panties to one side, I plunged a finger fully inside her and she clamped her vaginal walls to hold it there as she started panting. I withdrew and pushed in again setting up a simple steady pace trying to extend a digit to brush against her clit. Answer number two – a shaved cunt; I knew it!
She had thrown herself back in the chair by now and I was able to thrust a second finger into her and I could sense her building towards an orgasm. The panties were restricting my movement, so I stopped pushing. “Take your panties off!”
She froze, stunned. “What?” she asked, a glazed, puzzled look in her eyes.
“Take off your panties for me!” She understood my demand and didn’t even seem to hesitate. She stood up in front of me between the chairs and reached up under her skirt on each side, giving me a close-up view of her suspenders and the lacy stocking tops as she drew down the soaking flimsy material and stepped out of them. Her aroma filled my senses. The whole time she was looking down into my lap where she saw the outline of my cock tenting my pants. She bent at the waist and picked up the flimsy material scrap and wantonly dropped it onto my cock in my lap.
There was open lust in her eyes as she started to bend down toward me, I think to kiss me again, when the office door opened. Mr Graham, the Geography teacher, came in and stopped suddenly. “Oh, sorry to interrupt, just grabbing a text,” he said and then he paused to peruse the scene before him. Luckily for Ms S, her blouse had fallen back into its natural position as she stood up when she heard the door opening. Her skirt was at its usual knee-length and her knickers were hidden from sight in my lap.
“Oh, Harold, that’s alright,” she said perhaps a little too brightly as she heard the final bell ring in the background, “we were just finishing off.” Not quite I thought!
She turned back to me and the look of loss in her face was a vision to behold – loss of the orgasm I think she was near, loss of the fuck I was going to give her but, at least, in my mind, mostly the loss of the panties that were now in my possession. It was an interesting hold to have over my teacher. What a rumour that would be and it would be believed too.
Mr Graham’s arrival had quelled my ambition for the moment and my impromptu swelling had wilted quickly. It was only time now for a carefully stage-managed exit. Gathering my books and standing up, secreting the panties in my pocket as I did and still leaking fluids into my boxers, I made my exit.
“Thanks for the help, Miss. I’ll see you tomorrow in class. I’ll get that homework finished tonight.”
I had to find a way to get this woman alone for more than just a lunchtime break. Only she and I knew the homework would be me using her panties along the length of my cock and smelling her womanly scent as I came into them. “See ya, Mr Graham.”
And I was gone.