So with my fresh doctorate I went searching for a job at any institution that wanted me. I, of course had no business looking for a job in the private sector. What the fuck would they need an Anthropologist for?
So, after browsing through the Chronicle of Higher Education for several weeks I finally found a temporary position at an american indian university. They were always looking for Native Americans to fill teaching positions, but this time they had been unable to find any available Anthropologists to teach their Introduction to Anthropology. The other professors disdained teaching a beginners course, for whatever reason. I was happy to take the job. I was nearing the end of my savings.
The semester started with a bang. None of the students would even meet my eye in class. I think there might have been a little reverse discrimination going on. After all, we Anglos had screwed them out of their land, placed them in virtual prisons of schools, and still didn’t recognize their humanity. But I was an Anthropologist, and gradually a few came to realize that I was on their side, no matter what.
Anyway, that was what they were learning in class, that all cultures had some value, and some had some bad mojo. So they gradually warmed to me.
I of course held office hours, as any academic does. Very few took advantage of that time. Only two boys, and one girl would regularly come in to talk of their test results, or the scores on their assignments. The two boys were not overly bright, but were obviously trying, which counted for a lot in any academic setting. They were going to finally settle for Cs in the class, but with anyone else they would have flunked. I counted them as a qualified success.
The other regular was quite different. For one thing, she could have got on fine without ever even visiting me. She was A material all the way. But she wasn’t satisfied just sliding through with an A in the class, she really wanted to understand and incorporate the material in her academic life.
We had our own little offices, partitioned off from the other teachers and professors, but they weren’t truly private. Anyway, I held office hours twice a week for two hours, and the boys took up half of my time. She always waited patiently in the hall to talk with me. It somehow made me quite proud and a little proprietary, I must admit.
One day, half way through the semester, the boys had come and gone, and she came in slowly with her ever present shyness. I told her to sit down and tell me what was on her mind. This time was different. She wouldn’t even meet my eye. I had to find out what the problem was. I had started to care a lot for this little American Indian girl, and I didn’t like what I was seeing.
She finally, after many minutes of very strong shyness, admitted that she had started to have some odd feelings for me. I had found out in earlier conversations that she hadn’t the faintest idea what sex was about. These things can’t help but slip out when you are completely naive.
She used the name Maria here in school, so I said, “Maria, I could teach you many things, but it’s against the rules while we are teacher and student.” That is when she began to cry, and, fuck it, I don’t let girls cry, especially the ones who have been sweet to me. So I took her two hands and said, “Maria you are special. I will teach you as a teacher should. Alright, sweetie?” And she nodded her head enthusiastically.
I knew we were exposed in this cubicle. Any one might poke their head around a partition, but I was also a man who hadn’t had sex since his last girlfriend left him months ago. Fuck it.
“The first thing you need to know is the difference between men and women. Do you know that?” I asked. “Well,” she said, “I’ve had hygiene in high school but it didn’t make sense, and we couldn’t ask questions.”
“Okay, we will start with the basics.” I unbelted my pants, pulled down my jeans and my boxers, and my already hard cock sprang up. She giggled. She said, ” I’ve seen my daddy when he was drunk, but it was much softer and smaller, and I’ve seen my younger brothers when we shared a room, but they were never hard and long like that.”
“Okay, now you have to be brave and do the same thing.”
She was blushing so hard (even Native Americans blush you know), but she slowly took off the school uniform skirt. And then the panties with the flowers all over them (she was a little rebel, you know). What I saw was so incredible I almost came right then. I saw a most beautiful little pussy, with sparse curly hair surrounding soft, delicate labia.
“Now, are you ready for your first lesson?” I asked.
She nodded shyly with her hands starting to cover her sweet pussy. I took one hand and placed it on my cock, hard as a rock, and she just naturally squeezed it. She even began to stroke it up and down. And with no coaxing she put her other little hand on my balls and started kneeding them. This girl was a natural!
Then I reciprocated. I put one hand on her labia, spreading them apart to see the cooze inside, and with the other began unbuttoning her blouse, to see what we might find.
All this time we were in a cubicle/room accessible to other faculty. It was invigorating.
After I had removed her blouse with one hand, exposing small titties about enough to fill an A cup ( and a mouth), I decided to introduce her to the wonders of cock-sucking. So I took her little hands playing with my cock and put her on her knees in front of me, smiled and said “do you trust your teacher?” She nodded her head vigorously. I couldn’t help but give her the biggest kiss I could. She grinned, and then I brought her mouth to my cock, and watched as she opened her sweet mouth and took my meat.
This was all new to her. She had no idea what to do, so I gave her a running commentary. “Lick the head first, now take more in your mouth, start moving up and down while sucking, and try to use your tongue to twist around it. And don’t forget to tickle the balls underneath with one hand.”
She was a fast and enthusiastic student. It was wrong, but fuck it. All’s fair in love and sex. Now it was my turn. I didn’t need to cum yet. I had a feeling I would be getting a lot of those from Maria in the future. Now I needed to show her how her own goodies worked.
“That was great my precious Maria, but now you are going to learn even more.” I got her off her knees and then sat her down in the chair opposite mine. She smiled with confidence in her teacher. So I leaned in, put both hand on litttle titties, and started licking all the little pussy I could find. It was so small. It had a tiny little clit, barely visible, and her labia looked like the lips of an angel. They even seemed to be smiling at me.
I couldn’t help but smile back like a silly ass. Then I went to work with my teaching job. I licked that clit till it stuck out almost an inch, then I licked those labia until they looked like they wanted to squeal in protest, then I sucked until I felt a huge cum about to burst from her cunt, and she squirted all over my face. I bet she didn’t know she was a squirter. She did now.
All the while she was moaning pathetically as if she was in pain, but such good pain, no, my lover? And when I did stop, and looked up at her lovely Native American face, she looked back and begged for more. What could I do, I sucked some more. Then decided to really teach her. I picked her up from the chair, laid her down on my desk after pushing everyting off, spread her legs and gave her her first fuck, from either an Indian or an Anglo. Either way she loved it. Fucking is fucking, and this was her first, and I wanted her to remember it as the best she ever got.
So I rammed my European cock into her true American cunt, and we fucked like fucking had just been invented. All the while I was sucking on those little titties, just a perfect mouthful. The best tits I had ever sucked; perfectly natural, with swollen nipples, almost at big as the tits. Like sucking on a honeycomb. And, of course my cock kept getting harder and harder as I realized this was virgin pussy, with a little blood on my cock, and everything else was virgin, too. Including the sucking she gave my cock.
I wanted so badly to initiate her ass-hole, but I knew that should wait. She was having so much fun getting fucked the first time, let her make a magic memory from that. So, when I felt the pussy cum leaking out on by desk (how would I explain that) I gave her the biggest wad of cum I had shot in months. It started dribbling out down her leg with her own cunt juice and we gradually slowed the fucking.
Then she became all shy again. I could see in her eyes the doubt she felt, so I gave all the reassurance I had in my heart. I held her close. I kissed her eyelids, cheeks, and lips, and held her in the embrace of love. That always works.
We slipped into our clothes; we hadn’t been caught, I still had a job. Then she took me home to the apartment she shared. Her room-mate was out. She wanted to formalize the relationship. It was more than a game. She was the best pussy I had had in months and I wanted more.
So she cooked me a traditional New Mexican dinner and afterward I did initiate her into more ways to make love. Including ass hole fucking. I may be an ass hole myself. But I’m an educated one, and I know how to teach fucking. Quite well, I might add. We are still together after two years here at the american indian university. They never did find an Indian to teach Anthropology.