That with a sharp sting pierced her golden brown skin.
Bending over a bit too far, she fell upon hands and knees.
Looking around she was relieved that only the seagulls
Stood witness to her tumble, sitting up straight, with grace
She crossed her legs and laughed with the gulls
As they spread their wings with fast pace and flew away.
She wanted to know what caused her fall.
Reaching low into the warm grainy sand she sifted,
It ran much too quickly for her other hand to catch.
When she looked at the center of her left palm
Surprise could not be mistaken, mouth open
Eyes twinkling bright, flashes of vivid color faded
As what she held in her hand was a tarnished key
This key she thought might belong to her.
A long time ago, many steps behind, one she lost.
Straining sight, curious to know if she was right
She pondered for many hours, even for days.
The Moon overtook the Sun’s beaming light.
Until one warm orange blossom scented eve,
She realized that she was wrong.
Holding that key was time lost, gone by
So with one strong, full hearted swing, she
Threw the key back far into heart of the Sea
It was then that she said, lungs full of fresh air,
Be well Tarnished Key; you do not Belong to me.