Tammy And Shelby Meet Again

"Thank You JWren for taking the time to edit my story and art work."

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Picking up the receipt and my phone, I began tapping in Shelby’s number. My finger trembled; I was really that nervous and, truth be told, was not at all sure what I wanted to say.



Holding the phone to my ear, my hand shook as I heard the first note of a distant ringtone. Oh my, I’m really doing this. Then, alarmingly, I also heard the noise of my front door being opened and closed. My boyfriend!


I quickly disconnected the call, hoping that my number would not appear on Shelby’s screen. I didn’t want her phoning me! I put down my cell as Dave came into the room. He walked over and kissed me.


“What’s going on, babe?”


“Hmm… nothing.”


“Who were you calling?”


“Oh, a friend.” I shrugged as if it was of no importance and gave him a brief smile. Dave knew nothing of my shopping escapade and, right now, I was anxious to avoid the subject. I glanced up into his eyes and tried to speak in a casual tone. “How was your day?”


But Dave wasn’t to be deflected or deceived. ”Tammy, are you okay? You’re acting a bit strange.”


For a few seconds I was silent, sitting perfectly still, looking up at his concerned face. But my thoughts were racing. What do I do? What shall I say? What to tell him? I sighed.


“Well?” he asked. “What is it? Something’s happened. I can tell.”


I nodded. ”Dave, I need to tell you something that happened to me today at the mall.”


At that, Dave sat next to me on the edge of the bed. He seemed anxious, worried about what I was going to reveal. After taking a deep breath, I related what had happened, how Shelby had taken control in the dressing room. Dave’s face broke into a big smile and I frowned.


“Well,” he said, still grinning, “what did you do?”


“I didn’t do anything, Dave; I just stood there.”


“Did you cum?”


I stared at him, confused. I was embarrassed telling him about the event and I hadn’t been sure what he’d think or how he’d react. I mean, I wasn’t even sure about my own feelings. After all, I’d never been with a woman. Truthfully, I thought Dave might have expected me to stop her – maybe I should have stopped her – but here he was smiling at me, his eyes twinkling.


“Tammy, baby, did you enjoy it? Did you cum?”


“Yes Dave,” I quietly conceded, nodding, “I did cum… but I’m not sure if I enjoyed it.”


“You must have. You didn’t stop her. “


He took the receipt from my hand, read it and looked at me. I couldn’t tell if he was mad, upset, happy, confused or what he was. But he reached out and, holding my hands, he said, “If you enjoyed her, I have no problem with you calling her, and seeing her again.” Then his grin reappeared. “Matter of fact, I would kinda enjoy it myself.”


I was shocked; could not believe what I was hearing. I took back the slip of paper, stood and walked across the room. Turning to look at him, I said, “Dave, what exactly are you saying? You would want to watch? Wait!” I raised a hand, palm facing him, and he remained silent. “You would want to join in? Is that what you’re saying?”


Now, Dave stood and walked over to me, again grasping my hands.


“Baby, I love you and you love me. But, if you enjoyed her, there is nothing wrong in seeing her again. I’m not threatened by that, Tammy. As for your other question – would I like to join in? – well, sure I would, but only if you both agreed.”


Dave squeezed my hands and looked into my eyes. “I would actually love to see you being pleasured by a woman,” he said softly. “But, if you’d rather I wasn’t involved, I will understand. But it could be something we’d both enjoy.”


I stood motionless, looking at him. I’d never dreamed he thought about me with another woman or us in a threesome. We’d never talked about anything like it. I am straight, not bi-sexual. But why, oh why, did I let Shelby do all that to me?


I put the receipt back on my dresser and walked out of the room, leaving Dave standing there. I didn’t want to discuss it any more. I knew I should have stopped her and then reported her to the management.


I went to prepare dinner and Dave followed me into the kitchen. “Tammy, why are you so upset about this?” He walked over and turned me around to face him. “You obviously enjoyed it because you didn’t stop her and… well, you came. So, what’s wrong?”


I looked up at him, wishing I’d never told him about Shelby. I shook my head. “Please, I don’t want to talk about it anymore. It happened and it’s over. Please, drop it. No more, thank you.”


I went back to the bedroom and closed the door. I was now really upset. Why did I let this girl do this to me?




A few days went by and no more was said about Shelby. And yet I couldn’t get her off my mind. I was so confused, thinking one way and then another. Had I really enjoyed what she did to me? Why couldn’t I let it go? Did I want more? Ah, that’s the question… well, did I?


Putting down my morning cup of coffee, I got up and fetched the receipt from my dresser. Back at the table, I sat and put her number in my phone. I still wasn’t sure why I was calling her or what I wanted; I just knew I couldn’t let it go. I needed to talk to her again – no, more than that, I needed to see her again.




“Shelby, hi. This is…”


Before I could say more, I heard, ”I’ve been waiting for your call.”


“You have?” I blurted.


“Yes, Tammy, I want to see you again.”


I blinked and breathed deep, gripping my phone in what I realized was a sweaty palm. ”I don’t know if that would be the right thing. I honestly don’t know what’s happening to me. You see, I’d never been with a woman, till you… till you did what you did.”


“Tammy, I didn’t do anything you didn’t enjoy.” Her tone was light and immediately conjured up an image of her smile. “Why don’t we get together and talk about this? Let’s ease your mind.”


I sat there, not knowing what to say. But I felt myself getting excited, aroused, even a little moist.


“Tammy? Tammy, you still there?”


“Yes Shelby, I’m here.”


“What do you say Tammy? This afternoon… let’s meet or shall I come to your place? Whichever you’d rather do.”


Oh my, what do I do? Do I meet her? Dare I invite her here?


“Maybe we could meet somewhere,” I said, “somewhere in public.”


“If that’s what you want Tammy. But I would rather come to your home, meet you in private.”


“No!” Panic. I was definite. Not here. “Let’s meet at the coffee shop in the mall. It’s public and we can talk there. Shall we say one o’clock? Is that okay for you?”


“Yes, that’s fine. Very good,” she said, almost breathlessly. “And, Tammy… I can’t wait to see you again.”


I ended the call. I didn’t know what I was thinking, but I did know I had to satisfy whatever was going on inside my head. I couldn’t keep letting it eat away at me. I had to find out whether it had been a one-off moment, whether I’d been caught off guard, stunned. Or had Shelby really awoken something sexual in me?


I showered, shaved, did all the things I would usually do before a hot date. A hot date!


I dried, using a luxuriously soft bath towel, and thought about what to wear. It was a warm day, so I chose a sundress. Under that, a white thong with matching bra and I decided on a pair of white sandals. By the time I’d spiked my hair and gone out the door, I’d come to a decision: I will tell Shelby it had been a mistake. It should not have happened, I am straight.


End this mess right now.


I found a parking spot close to the coffee shop. Shelby was already there, waiting for me in a corner booth at the rear of the room. She waved a hand and, as I walked towards her, I thought how lovely she looked.


“Hello, Tammy.” She got up, grasped my upper arms and kissed my cheeks.


I was stunned. I never expected her to greet me with such public affection. I didn’t want to make a scene, so I let it go. I stepped back and, without uttering a word, I sat down opposite her. But I was bubbling up to boiling point again. How dare she kiss me! And in public!


But all I mustered was, ”Hello, Shelby.”


“It really is very nice to see you again,” she said, a rich smile parting her lips. “I’ve been hoping that you’d call and we’d meet again. We did have a lovely time the other day, didn’t we?”


She was smiling broadly but I had an urge to scream at her: No we didn’t. But I couldn’t because, despite my confusion, I had to admit it was true. I’d enjoyed the sex, couldn’t stop thinking about the affect she’d had on me, and that’s why I was here.


‘Tammy, you okay?”


“Yes, hmm… I’m okay… just kinda taken back by all this.”


We ordered our drinks from a waitress. Then we looked at each other across the table, gazes roaming our faces and, clearly, our minds were extremely active. Well, mine certainly was.


The waitress returned and placed our drinks on the table. Shelby watched her walk away before sliding out of her bench seat. “Move over Tammy,” she breathed, “I want to be close to you.”


I hitched along the bench, my summer dress riding up my bare thighs, and Shelby moved in beside me, our hips bumping. Instantly she placed a hand on my exposed flesh. I gasped when her fingers slid down and along my inner thigh, slowly inching towards my crotch. Her touch was feather-soft and oh so delightful. My thong was already damp. How does she do that?


My mind was racing: what do I do? I didn’t want to make a scene. Her hand slid further up my thigh, under my dress, until I felt fingers on the thin material of my thong. I was embarrassed as my body started to react to her touch. I could feel my thong getting wetter. My thighs, as if they had a mind of their own, opened to receive her probing.


Suddenly, Shelby leaned in and kissed me. Immediately, I was lost in the moment. Instinctively, I parted my lips to welcome her tongue and it danced and twirled within my mouth before I hungrily sucked it and then flicked mine into her warm, wet mouth. Her breath was sweet as we panted and moaned.


But wait! What if someone is looking? I must stop this public display.


Even as those cautionary thoughts flashed through my brain, I knew I didn’t want to stop. I couldn’t stop Shelby and my body was clearly enjoying the attention, judging by the juices flowing from my hot pussy. Damn, I wanted her finger in me. I was wriggling on the seat, urging her to touch my clit, press between my labia and pierce me.


No, no! We’re in public. This is insane. I need to stop her.


Shelby’s fingers rubbed firmly against my pussy. My thighs were now open wide, and she pushed my thong aside. Oh heaven! A finger slid easily inside me. Right there in the coffee shop, Shelby began to finger fuck me. My hips moved in unison with her steady rhythm. Very soon I wanted her deeper inside and I slid forward on the seat to give her even easier access.


By now I didn’t care if anyone was watching; I needed to cum. Shelby eased away from my mouth and stared into my eyes.


“Cum for me Tammy,” she whispered and crooked two fingers inside me.


I gazed back into her eyes, thinking we should stop but yet begging her to make me cum. She obviously knew what I was thinking and her fingers pumped my hot, squelching pussy. I contracted to grip her fingers, I was so excited, I was hovering on the edge.


“Please Shelby, please make me cum.”


She fingered me faster and, with her free hand, twisted a nipple between forefinger and thumb. It hurt, I wanted to yell, but it felt good, too, combined with the fingers thrusting to their full length in my gaping tunnel.


My pussy throbbed, clenching and releasing her frantic fingers. I was ready to cum. Shelby, still looking steadily into my eyes, pulled my nipple. I couldn’t speak, all I could do was moan. Shelby covered my mouth with hers, muffling my scream, as I began to buck my hips.


I exploded right there with people at tables all around me in the shop. Shelby kissed me till my hips stopped bucking. I was slouched, my bottom precariously balanced on the edge of the bench, my face was flushed and my breath came in short, sharps gasps. Shelby withdrew her fingers from my drenched pussy, and smiled at me.


“Would you like to leave Tammy?” she asked, a smile playing on the corners of her succulent, swollen lips. “Go somewhere a bit more private?”


Breathless, all I could do was nod my head. Somehow getting to my feet, I saw I’d left a wet patch on the bench. I looked at Shelby but she shrugged, smiled and headed for the door. Juices were still seeping down my thighs and I thought everyone in the coffee shop must know what had just happened.


Outside, Shelby turned and kissed me again. Ridiculous I know, but I felt embarrassed, flustered, and quickly pulled away.


“Shelby, we’re in public.”


“Tammy, you’ve just cum in there. Have you forgotten already?”


I sighed. She was right and, when she raised questioning eyebrows, I suggested going to my place. Shelby followed me in her car and we’d barely got inside the door to my apartment when she began to undress me. By now I didn’t care; I helped her to strip me naked and I gasped when she dropped to her knees and planted wet kisses up my thighs.


“Where’s the bedroom?”


I led Shelby to my room where she began to undress, as I stood watching. This all still being new to me, I didn’t really know what to do. I just watched as Shelby removed her clothes, gradually revealing her beautiful body.


Her long blonde hair tumbled over her shoulders onto beautifully formed breasts with nipples, oh so puffy. As she continued undressing, I admired her perfect hour glass figure, the smooth shaven mound and long, graceful legs. Yes, I was definitely attracted to this young girl.


Dropping the last item of clothing, she walked towards me. My pussy burned with desire. I was still so wet and wanted her to touch me again as she’d done in the shop. I stood quite still and she was close enough to touch me now. Her fingertips glided down my shoulders, onto my chest, moving slowly to my breasts. I gasped for air: her touch was so light, so sensuous. My pussy quivered with excitement.


She cupped my breast and raised her other hand to touch my face. Her fingers gently ran along my lips, slowly parting them. She slid two slender fingers into my mouth and I avidly licked and sucked them.


Shelby stepped even closer, putting both hands on my arms and pulled me to her. Our bodies met, the feel of her cool flesh sending desire pulsing through my system. I’d given up trying to understand what was happening to me. I knew I wanted to feel Shelby’s touch again. I not only wanted it – I needed her.


She deftly stroked her hands down my arms and held my hands. Walking me to the bed, she told me to lay on my back. Shelby lay beside me and turned on her side to kiss me. I sucked in air and held my breath as she kissed down my body. My eyes closed; I’d never felt anything so tender and sensitive in my life. My body was on fire, limbs trembling, my mind eagerly wanting to be pleasured.


She continued to leave a trail of kisses over and down my body. At my breast, she took a nipple in her mouth, licking around it, sucking and nibbling, driving me crazy. She repeated this sensual treatment on my other nipple. My back arched, I wanted more. I reached for her but she pushed my hands back on the bed. “Relax, Tammy,” she breathed, “and enjoy.”


Kissing my tummy, Shelby teasingly lapped her tongue inside my navel. God, that felt so good. She snaked her hands under my legs, bending them at the knees and prising them apart. Her lips were on my shaved mound, and I looked down my undulating stomach as I raised my hips to press my glistening pussy against her mouth. I desperately needed her to play with my very sensitive clit.


Shelby sucked my swollen pussy lips, running fingers and thumb near my clit but never touching it. My pelvis was still raised, seeking relief. But she wasn’t going to give it to me yet.


“Please,” I begged, “let me cum, make me cum… I can’t take it any more.”


Shelby, sliding her tongue from the base of my slit to the clit, and back again, rimmed my little brown hole while sliding a finger inside my dripping pussy. She pushed in deep; I was so close!


“Please Shelby,” I begged loudly. “Please make me cum.”


Inserting a finger deep inside, she began rolling her tongue and sucking hard on my clit. I screamed: I was cumming, my hips bucking wildly, out of control. I couldn’t stop, it was one orgasmic wave after another. I was hardly aware that Shelby had also inserted her little finger into my anus until it set me off again, my hips thrusting as I screamed yet again. Eventually, I couldn’t take any more, couldn’t move, and I sank back, exhausted and sated.


Shelby slowly took her fingers out of both holes, moved back up the bed and placed her lips on mine. I was drained and could hardly respond. I’d never cum like that before. She cuddled me in her arms.


The next I knew, I awoke and it was dark. I immediately started recalling what had happened.


As I turned over towards the sleeping Shelby, curled next to me, I saw through the darkness, a figure standing at the bottom of the bed. I opened my eyes wider, trying to see more clearly, and began to sit up.


“Hi Babe, is this your new friend?” Dave asked…


Published 9 years ago

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