Tammy and Sammy chapter 6

"I need access to that lovely little cunt, twenty four hours a day, seven days a week"

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The holiday bungalow was everything we’d hoped for, a solitary bamboo house on the beach of a beautifully unspoilt tropical island. The only sign at all of any work having been done on it was the mooring quay where the motor-boat dropped us.

We’d checked in on one of the larger islands and then been ferried across to what we were already referring to as our own little island, we’d been expecting to be given keys to the house but as the hotel receptionist had said with a smile.

“No keys, there’s no need.”

“Paradise,” I breathed and Sammy echoed my thoughts.

“Sheer heaven.” She was standing, practically drooling at the splendour of the island, the lush green vegetation contrasting to the deep blue waters of the Indian ocean. In the nearest tree an exotically coloured bird sat carefully observing us as we lifted our cases up and walked hand in hand up to our bungalow.

“Right,” she said suddenly as we got into the kitchen. “First things first.” and she pushed me back against the door.

“Panties off,” she giggled. “I want access to that sexy little cunt twenty four hours a day for the next two weeks.”

“It’s all yours,” I sighed as I stepped out of the panties and pulled her face into my groin.

“Every little bit of me is yours for as long as you want it.”

She pulled away from me and looked up into my eyes.

“I love you so much Tammy.”

“I hope so you tart, I’ve just married you.”

I took her panties off too and inhaled the fragrance of her cunt before turning her around and gently tonguing her pretty little anal hole, but she pushed me away giggling.

“Come on, let’s get unpacked first, I want to make love on the beach.”

It took us about an hour to unpack and explore the bungalow, it was beautiful if quite basic, but for two horny sixteen year olds, it was perfect and the huge king size bed was just a bonus.

Hand in hand we strolled along the beach, our feet in the gentle rolling surf, we could see other islands dotted around ours but none were even within telescope distance so we thought nothing of sinking down into the water, our mouths open, tongues searching and duelling each other’s.

Turning round we moved easily into the sixty nine position and made love as the warm water rolled over us adding to the wetness already between our thighs, I managed to reach into her innermost depths with my tongue, tasting the smooth velvet lining of her cunt and licking the delicate pink skin within there.

I examined closely, the tiny little hole of her uterus and tried to ease my tongue into it, my reward was a mouthful of her sweet golden urine, which I swallowed thirstily and then moved onto the tiny little bud of her clitoris.

Her tongue was doing wonderfully erotic things to my own cunt and she had a finger in my back hole too pushing my pussy onto her mouth. I felt my anus gripping it and a tingling began in my toes, it spread rapidly to my cunt and with my whole body practically rigid, I came. I couldn’t even lick her pussy, all my senses were concentrating on the amazing feelings washing over me.

I slumped back onto the wet sand and allowed my lover to grind her cunt down on my mouth as she too came with her usual squeals of delight.

“Oh God Tammy” she said as we lay in the surf, still in each other’s arms, it can’t get any better than this can it?”

Her lips sucked gently at a nipple and I shuddered with pleasure.

“It’s absolute heaven Sammy,” I agreed. “A hot blazing sun, beautiful blue water and a gorgeous little nymphet in my arms.”

“Mmm, I can say the same thing,” she giggled. “Let’s explore a bit shall we?”

Stopping off at the house to pick up our cameras, we went into the dense undergrowth, just walking behind her had me wet again, her bottom was luscious, it was made for kissing.

“You’re swaying your hips deliberately,” I said and she giggled, “No I’m not.” but the sway became even more deliberate when she heard the clicking of my camera.

“It’s the natural rhythm of my body.” she turned and posed with both hands up above her head, legs together, breasts jutting out proudly and just a hint of her slit showing at the juncture of her thighs.

“Oh my God Sammy, you’re beautiful.” I said as I clicked away rapidly with the camera, she posed in every erotic position imaginable and yet denied the camera the view of her beautiful little haven and by the time I’d used the roll of film up, I was soaking wet.

“Where did that come from?”

“I don’t really know,” she laughed, “I think just being here naked with you does it.”

We walked on, hand in hand through the trees and suddenly stopped in amazement.

“Oh wow, look at that!”

We’d walked into a clearing with a little beach, beyond the beach a clear blue lagoon lay shimmering in the hot, blazing sun, a little rowing boat was pulled up on the beach and there was something on the seat.

Excitedly we ran down to see what it was and when we actually saw it, we both burst into tears.

A box on the seat contained two large bottles of vodka, but it was the two bouquets of flowers that had choked us, each one had a little note attached to it saying simply.

“To our beautiful little princesses, from your two mums and two dads.”

We hugged each other whilst sitting in the shallow water and looked at the notes.

There was no other writing on them at all, they must have paid out a fortune to do this for us and we both knew it.

Feeling too emotional to enjoy the stunning lagoon at least for the day, we took our presents back to the bungalow and found vases for all the flowers.

“They’re beautiful,” I said as we looked around at the display, Sammy slipped an arm around my waist and kissed me on the cheek.

“I think we’re two very lucky girls Tammy, don’t you?”

I could only nod in agreement, my emotions were only just below the surface, even my lover’s hand caressing my naked bottom went almost unnoticed.

“Our parents are amazing,” I agreed at last and then the phone rang.

Sammy answered it, saying, “Yes ok, thank you, thank you very much.”

“The boat to take us over to the hotel for dinner will be here in an hour,” she said, “That was them reminding us that it comes every day at this time.”

We showered together, somehow managing to keep our hands off each other, well almost, after all if a girl can’t wash her wife’s pussy for her, who can?

We helped each other dress in identical plain white dresses with high necklines, they were floor length, so we wore high heeled shoes with them, our hair was short anyway so we just combed it but decorated it by using a hair grip to fix an orchid from the bouquets just above our left ear.

Beneath our gowns we wore tiny white thongs, also identical, sexy little scraps of lace that mummy had bought for us.

“We’’ll have fun taking them off each other darling,” she’d said with a twinkle in her eye!

The boat was on time almost to the minute and the boatman gallantly helped us both aboard.

“You are both looking very lovely isn’t it?” he said in tortuous English, but we accepted his compliment with a smile and enjoyed the short ride to the main island.

There was freshly chilled champagne on our table and the meal was absolutely superb, the other guests were charming, the staff wonderful and all in all we felt like royalty.

A small orchestra provided the music to dance to and we danced easily, looking into each other’s eyes, “I love you.” she whispered.

“I love you too,” I replied and then we were split up by a middle aged couple who we later learned were George and Denise.

George took Sammy and I danced with Denise who told me they’d won the lottery.

“How much?” I felt I should ask and she giggled.

“Fifteen million and a few bob.”

Her reply stunned me and I giggled with her.

“That’s a lot of money, are you enjoying it?”

“Oh by God yes,” she laughed, “We’re enjoying it all right, we’re spending it like water.”

She was good fun and we laughed a lot together until Sammy and George joined us and Sammy said they’d invited us along with some other couples, to a barbecue on their island the following night.

“Oh yes,” I said, “We love barbecues don’t we Sammy?”

“Do we? Oh yes we do Tammy, yes absolutely.”

“Don’t bring anything except yourselves,” laughed George, “I think that makes about two dozen couples all together.”

I felt a bit better when he said that other couples would be there and I think Sammy did too, we’d been imagining a swinger’s party or something where we’d all end up in a great big huge bed altogether.

She grinned at me and we went onto the dance floor again, just the two of us, her breath was warm and sweet, she tasted slightly of champagne and I wanted to eat her, right there and then in the middle of the dance floor.

“My knickers are wet Tammy,” she whispered as I slipped my hands down discreetly onto the upper slopes of her bottom.

“Mine are soaking.” I said softly, “Let’s go back, I want you in bed now.”

She moaned very softly in the back of her throat and even through her dress, I felt the hard points of her nipples.

Running my hands back upwards, I put both of them on her breasts and squeezed them gently, “There isn’t one single part of your body that I’m not going to kiss tonight and I’m gonna start now.”

“You can’t,” she giggled.

“Who can’t?”

“You wouldn’t.”


I moved my hands downwards and hidden by our bodies I stroked her mound.

“Ooh Tammy,” she hissed. “You’ll make me wet myself.”

“Oh fuck yes,” I said and she giggled, just as the boatman tapped me on the shoulder.

“I’m at your service ladies, isn’t it?”

We stood on the beach watching as the boat disappeared into the setting sun, then Sammy took my hand and lead me over to a precariously leaning tree on the edge of the beach.

“Turn around,” she breathed softly,

“What are you going to do to me?”

I could feel the wetness increasing in my panties.

“Lean back.”

Squatting down, she kissed my ankle and ran her tongue slowly up over my shin to my knee.

“Take your dress off.”

Her tongue licked my other ankle and ran up wetly to my knee again, but this time she went further and I felt her warm breath on my thighs, one after the other.

“Open your legs,”

Tenderly she kissed each cheek of my bottom, swiping her tongue slavishly over the soft skin and I felt her finger easing the lacy thong out of the valley between my cheeks.

“Oh God Tammy I can smell you, it’s beautiful.”

I sensed her nose against my anus while she inhaled.

“Sammy, oh fuck Sammy.”

I started to cum as she licked gently at my little rosebud, her hands holding me open as her tongue delved into me, I was cumming hard as she licked the whole length of my slit, my legs were shaking, I was gasping for breath and my nipples were painful.

“Turn round again quickly,” she gasped and as I did so, she pulled the front of my panties to one side, her tongue found my clitoris and I came again.

“Do it for me Tammy,” she whispered and I think I nearly fainted as I looked down to see her mouth open for me, for what she wanted.

No, life just can’t get any better than this!

Published 6 years ago

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