Tammy And Sammy Chapter 5

"I began to pee through the delicate lace panties."

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We were pleasantly surprised at how many people had crowded into the tiny old church to see us pledge our love to each other. Members of both families had travelled from all four corners of the world just to be there and we both felt genuinely honoured.

We’d had to wait until Sammy’s seventeenth birthday, which was two weeks after mine, but my parents had given us the mews cottage, true to their word, and her parents had allowed her to move in with me on the same day that I did.

It had been two weeks of non-stop mind-blowing sex, we were insatiable, I even dreamed about her while she was in my arms. As soon as we woke up, we reached for each other, eager once more to explore, to discover and to delve into the sapphic delights we held for each other.

One of the sexiest days we spent was when we went shopping in the local supermarket, daddy had upgraded my card to platinum and we spent an absolute fortune, not just on food, but on clothes too. We delighted in dressing up for each other, just like we did back at the school. We actually bought two school girl uniforms and put them on that evening as soon as we arrived home. We even set daddy’s video camera up in the garden and filmed ourselves frolicking later on.

Sammy made me howl with laughter when she walked around the garden with her panties half way down her thighs, pretending she was a naughty little girl, but then the laughter stopped when she pushed me onto my back on the lawn and lowered her sweet little cunt down onto my mouth.

As tradition dictates, we each went home to stay with our respective parents the night before our nuptials and mummy got quite emotional the next morning when I asked her to help me dress for my big day.

We’d talked about what we would wear for hours between us and in the end, we decided that as neither of us were butch. We wanted to wear a traditional wedding dress apiece,

I wore pastel pink underwear beneath mine with stockings and a pretty little lace suspender belt. The hairdresser spent hours on my hair whilst I sat very patiently munching on a beef burger and swigging from endless cans of coke!

“Oh yes, very ladylike,” mummy laughed. But the tears began as the hairdresser fitted the little tiara complete with veil onto my head and they continued unabated as she helped me into my dress.

“Beautiful darling,” she said very hoarsely. “I’m so proud of you.”

“Thanks, mummy.” I kissed her cheek. “I’m sorry I won’t be giving you any grandchildren.”

“Oh don’t be silly, sweetheart,” she sniffled. “Your brother’s getting married soon. He’ll give us loads. I just want you to be happy.”

“I will be, mummy. I promise you I will be.”

Sammy’s mother was worse than mine, she got out of their limousine and assisted my beautiful darling out on her arm and I had to stifle a fit of giggling. She’d been crying and her mascara had run down from her eyes, mummy took her to one side and hugged her while she repaired her make-up.

Sammy and I looked at each other, our eyes devouring, our love obvious for everyone to see.

“Hi,” she said softly. “You look gorgeous.”

“Hi.” I squeezed her hand. “So do you.”

We walked up the aisle together hand in hand, smiling at all the guests and all our friends. I counted at least a dozen members of parliament among the congregation, several very well known models and even a couple of rock stars.

The lady priest looked at us and smiled.

“Beautiful,” she said softly. “You’re both absolutely gorgeous.”

Unlike the traditional ceremony, we didn’t swear any vows, but we did committed ourselves to each other for as long as we live and for the sake of decency, she said to us, “You may seal your love with a kiss.”

We just touched lips briefly so as not to flaunt our feelings, but she whispered, “I love you,” and I returned the sentiment.

Lots of confetti was thrown over us as we posed for photographs outside the church. The photographer was named Cyril and was the campest, funniest man I’d ever met. He fussed over us like a mother hen, moving an arm here, a leg there, and generally mincing around. He was lovely though and kept us all in fits of giggles throughout the whole thing.

Daddy gave a lovely speech at the reception which was held at a five-star hotel near to the church. He invited Sammy’s father up as well to speak and he turned out to be even funnier than Cyril. He poked fun, very gently at everyone. Even Daddy who took it well with roars of laughter.

After all the speeches, ours included, we waited a very brief few minutes whilst the army of caterers cleared the floor and then as tradition demanded, we took to the floor for the first dance. We were nervous at first with everyone looking at us, but Sammy was so radiant, I didn’t really see anyone else but her.

Our mothers got on well too. They seemed to spend rather a lot of time dancing together after the meal. In fact, Sammy commented on it and I was glad I wasn’t the only one who’d noticed it.

“You don’t think they’re, er, do you?”

The thought that our mothers might be getting somewhat “friendly” with each other sent us off into another fit of giggles, but we had to split up then to do the obligatory dance with yet another relative.

I danced with Sammy’s father too and he surprised me by moving expertly around the floor. He smelled of a very expensive aftershave and held me tightly,

“You’re a very beautiful girl, Tabatha. Samantha is a lucky girl to have you.”

“I know, sir, and it’s only proper that I should thank you for allowing her to be with me.”

That enchanted him and I left him when I spotted Sammy standing alone at the bar.

“Hi, beautiful, are you with anyone tonight?”

Giggling at my Clark Gable impersonation, she answered coyly.

“Wha, sir, I’m with the most beautiful person in the whole of the south.”

“Frankly, m’dear, I don’t give a fuck.”

“You don’t give a damn,” she giggled.

“Ok, but how did you know it wasn’t Clark Gable?”

“Because you didn’t have your underpants on over your trousers.”

“That was Clark Kent.”


We often had those silly little conversations, but suddenly we stopped and looked at each other.

“God, I love you,” she said softly, tears in her eyes.

“I know,” I whispered and kissed her beautiful mouth, she tasted slightly of champagne but it was the finest champagne I’d ever tasted and I wanted more of it.

“I want you naked,” I said. “And I want to be naked with you.”

“Oh yes, I can’t wait,” she whispered and squeezed my hand.

“Ah, there you are.” It was Daddy with Sammy’s Daddy and they were very slightly drunk but beaming all over their faces.

“Got a little present for you both,” Daddy slurred,

“It’s a money hoon,” added Sammy’s father.

“It’s a what, daddy? Do you mean a honeymoon?”

“Yes, that’s what I said, Samantha. I do wish you’d listen.”

“Sorry, daddy,” and we both giggled.

“Two tickets for two.”

“One each,” came from my father.

“Oh well, that’s handy.” I laughed.

“Yes, you’ll love it. I say, old boy, our glasses are empty.”

“By Jove so they are.”

“Ok, girls, I’ll see you later.”

“Daddy?” we chorused and they both turned round.


“What are the tickets for?”

“Tickets? Oh, those tickets. I gave them to you.”

“Yes he did, you’ve not lost them already, have you?” Sammy’s daddy lent his support.

“What are those in your hand daddy?”

“Oh.” he grinned sheepishly. “Two tickets for two weeks in the Maldives.”

“One each.”

I snatched them from his hand before the conversation became completely impossible.

“Daddy you’re the best.” I kissed him on the cheek while Sammy hugged her father.

“Thank you, daddy.”

He turned to my father and looked slightly confused.

“Where were we going, old boy?”

“No idea. Shall we get a drink?”

“Great idea, the place is like a bloody desert,” and they lurched off in the general direction of the bar.

“Wow, The Maldives,” Sammy said, “They’re in the Indian Ocean, aren’t they?”

“Yes, they’re a collection of tiny little islands, some only have a single house on them. Everything you order has to be bought over by boat from one of the larger islands.”

“Oh yes.” She leered lecherously at me. “We can be naked all the time.”

“What a lovely thought.” I giggled, “My wife’s hot little cunt on display twenty-four hours a day.”

“Stop it, you’re getting me all wet again.”

“Come with me now,” I hissed and took her hand.

We went into the ladies and cursed our wedding gowns when we couldn’t fit together in one of the cubicles, but as ever, where there’s a will, there’s a way!

“Stand guard, Sammy,” I said and stood over the bowl lifting my gown up around my waist.

“Ooh, Tammy,” she cooed as I began to pee through the delicate lace panties. “Oh yes, that’s so cool.”

Then she did the same and I saw she was wearing stockings too. Her little yellow panties were so pretty I couldn’t wait to put them on. Hurriedly we swapped panties so that we could each feel the other’s wetness between our legs and walked out to rejoin the party.

It was Sammy who noticed our mothers coming out of the ladies behind us.

“They must have been in the same cubicle together,” she whispered. “Oh my God!”

“And they must have heard us,” I added then I giggled. “But at least we know they won’t tell anyone else about it.”

At last, the guests began to leave and even though our feet were practically talking to us, we had to stand dutifully at the door and thank them for attending. We must have shaken hundreds of hands and kissed at least a hundred cheeks, but finally, everyone had gone including our parents and we were able to stagger up to our suite, two very tired but happy young girls.

We were too tired even to make love and contented ourselves by falling asleep in each other’s arms, so it wasn’t until we awoke in the morning that we realised our mothers had been bringing our presents up to the room throughout the evening.

“So that’s where they kept disappearing,” I said. “Perhaps we were wrong about them.”

Sammy was folding her gown which had been left in a heap on the floor with mine when suddenly, she giggled.

“No, I don’t think we were wrong Tammy, look.”

She held out a little scrap of lace to me.

“Mummy’s knickers,” she said simply and a knock on the door announced room service had bought our breakfast.

Hurriedly we donned our robes and sat down to eat an absolutely wonderful wedding breakfast whilst excitedly opening all the cards and presents.

“Well, that’s three toasters so far.” I laughed as Sammy took out yet another cheque.

“Wow, five thousand pounds from my granddad,” she said and hurriedly opened the next one.

It went on like that for about an hour and the final total was over twenty-five thousand pounds in cheques and cash, not to mention a mountain of gifts that would never get used, but they were all given with love and we accepted them accordingly.

It wasn’t until we were standing under the twin shower heads, or rather Sammy was standing and I was kneeling at her feet, my mouth fastened onto her pussy and my tongue delving into her sweet wetness that she remembered the airline tickets.

“Tammy?” she moaned but I took it for lust and carried on gorging myself on her cunt.

“Tammy, the tickets, when do we go?”

“Oh shit.” I stood up and we dashed into the bedroom.

“What time is it?”

“Ten o’clock, why?”

“Oh bugger, we’ve got to be at Heathrow for noon.”

“Plenty of time.” I giggled and lay on the bed. “Come over here and eat me.”

She giggled and a surge of desire washed over me as her cunt descended onto my upturned face!

Published 6 years ago

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