Tam had one of her closest friends, Grace, who was also twenty-four, sleeping over tonight. They were going together to a friend’s party, then back to Tam’s for the sleepover. The two girls had been friends for many years. However, Tam hadn’t yet told Grace that she was now spanked again by her mum as her normal punishment.
Grace had previously been spanked by her own mum, but not for about six years.
Amber was out for a sleepover as well at a friend of hers. Grace would be sleeping in Amber’s bed, although Tam would love to have shared a bed with Grace as she found her really pretty.
Both girls were ready to party and were each dressed in a low-cut vest top and a very short skirt.
Tam’s mum, Sandy, who was forty-four, was worried that the girls would drink too much, flaunt themselves, and be enjoying themselves too much to miss Tam’s normal curfew of ten o’clock. Her curfew also meant getting home by nine o’clock. Normally, when Tam and Grace went out together, Tam always made sure she was home by nine o’clock by giving one excuse or another. Grace just got used to that.
Today, as they were chatting about having a nice time at the party, Sandy reminded Tam, “Don’t forget, you need to be home by nine o’clock.”
Grace saw Tam blush and was aware of the fact that Tam always got home early, but now wondered why. She did think about asking Tam once they left the house, but as Mrs M, which was how Grace called Tam’s mum, didn’t sound too cross as she gave the reminder to Tam, Grace asked her, “So what happens if Tam is late, Mrs. M?”
Sandy looked at Tam, saw her bite her lip, and decided to give the honest answer. “Tam has to keep to a whole set of rules, and being home by nine o’clock is one of them. If she breaks that rule, and so, in this instance gets home after nine o’clock, she gets a bare bottom spanking, and, most times, another one in the morning.”
Grace had to admit that she wasn’t expecting that as the answer. She looked at Tam and saw that she was still blushing, so said to Mrs. M, “I’ll make sure Tam gets back by nine o’clock then, Mrs. M.”
Sandy was happy enough with that reply, wished them both a good evening at the party, and, as they were about to leave, Sandy said, “See you by nine o’clock, Tam.”
As they left the house, Grace was wondering whether she also had to be home by nine o’clock. However, she smiled to herself as she thought that, although she had told Mrs M that she would get Tam back by then, which she intended to do, she did actually quite fancy watching Mrs. M give Tam a bare bottom spanking.
As they walked towards the party, which was just a few roads away, Grace asked Tam, “Was your mum serious? I mean, about spanking you?”
Grace saw that Tam was blushing again, as she replied, “Yes, Grace. She has done for a while now. She used to tell me off, treating me like an adult and the like, but I just felt that wasn’t giving me the lesson I needed. I wanted to go back to being spanked, which mum stopped doing when I turned about nineteen.”
Grace realised that she could understand how Tam felt. She said, “My mum stopped spanking me when I was about eighteen. She used grounding for a bit, but I always gave her the silent treatment, and she soon gave up on that. I get away with all sorts now. It’s obvious, really, but when there’s no penalty, I suppose that just happens.”
Tam replied, “That’s exactly right, Grace. I just didn’t see anything wrong with a girl my age still being spanked, and so when mum gave me all of these rules, I just accepted that I have to obey them or get a spanking.” Tam knew that she had to add one other important fact, and so did when she said, “Just so you know, Grace, because mum is away on work trips for a few weeks at a time, Amber has those same disciplinary rights over me, and she gives me a spanking whenever I don’t obey one of the rules.”
That certainly surprised Grace, who replied in a very surprised tone, “Really? Do you mean that your younger sister spanks you?”
Tam nodded and replied, “She does, and every bit as hard is mum. Mind you, when mum is home, Amber also has to obey rules set for her, and also gets spanked. Quite often, we are both spanked together. However, we both prefer that to the long-winded one-sided discussions mum used to have with us when explaining that we must obey her. Now, they are still one-sided discussions, but it’s with us across her lap or lying on top of pillows on the bed, and having our bare bottoms seriously thrashed. No words, just pain-filled action. Mind you, that is still what I prefer by a long way.”
Grace still couldn’t quite come to terms with this, and so, as they got to the house where the party was being held, said, “Then let’s keep an eye on the time, so we get back by nine o’clock.”
Grace certainly had that good intention, and at eight-thirty even pointed out that they needed to leave in the next few minutes to get home by nine o’clock. However, as they were walking home, Grace said to Tam, “I have been thinking about you being spanked, and I can see how it makes so much sense. After all, there is no reason why being twenty-four, or maybe even thirty-four, is too old to be spanked. Even being spanked by your younger sister makes sense, particularly as Amber is more responsible than you. I’m just thinking, though, that it would make sense for me as well to be spanked.”
Tam replied, “I agree, Grace. I know that you can do some silly things now again, but you wouldn’t anywhere near as often if you knew that being spanked was the penalty. I don’t, because I have a spanking over my head all the time. It really does help me behave, most of the time anyway.”
As they got closer to home, Grace asked, with a smile, “So does your mum spank you really hard?”
Tam laughed as she replied, “Really hard, Grace.” When Tam saw that Grace looked thoughtful, she wondered if Grace really did want to be spanked again, so she added, “Of course, Grace, you can always find out by earning a spanking from her.”
Tam saw Grace have another thoughtful look on her face, and wasn’t so surprised when Grace asked, “How would I do that, Tam?”
Tam replied, “Actually, Grace, my knickers are getting a bit damp because we are discussing spanking, which means, if you are up for being spanked, then so am I. We could both get back after nine o’clock, and when my mum tells me I’m going to get a spanking, you could be a bit rude about it, and when she tells you not to be rude, you can ask whether that means you’ll get a spanking as well. Mum will probably ask, do you mean it, and you can tell her, yes you do, and that she can do her worst when she spanks you.”
All the time that Grace was listening to this plan, she realised that she wasn’t thinking how silly it was, but how, if it worked, maybe Mrs M would tell her mum, and she could get spanked as her punishment in the future as well.
Grace therefore replied, “Okay, Tam, let’s do it.”
The girls therefore deliberately didn’t get home until 9:15. When they got into the house, Tam saw her mum come out into the hallway, looking very cross.
Sandy was cross, and said in a very stern tone of voice, “You are late home, Tammy. You know that means you are now going to get a spanking.”
Grace knew that when Mrs M was angry with Tam, she called her Tammy, so reckoned a spanking was going to happen. She did panic for a second, nearly getting cold feet, but forced herself to say, “Actually, Mrs M, it’s my fault, so you shouldn’t spank Tam.”
Sandy replied in the same stern tone of voice, “You don’t get to tell me what to do, Grace. In fact, I think I should phone your mum straight away and tell her how naughty you have been. She’ll probably say that you have to go home rather than stay here and have the sleepover.”
Grace swallowed hard at that threat but didn’t want the call to be made to her own mum, as the plan was to be spanked by Mrs. M. So, Grace replied, “Actually, Mrs. M, if anyone deserves a spanking, it’s me. That would be the fairest thing.” Grace then looked testily at Mrs. M, as though daring her to spank her.
Mrs. M doubted that Grace really meant that, but thought she would see how resolute Grace was, and replied, “I totally agree, Grace. I will give you a spanking. Mind you, Tammy was late, and so she gets a spanking as well, as excuses don’t get her out of that.”
Grace gasped as she realised that Tam’s plan to get her a spanking had worked. She even realised how cool it was of her friend, as Tam knew that she was also going to get spanked. Well, that was a sign of true friendship, Grace told herself.
Sandy realised that Grace wasn’t objecting, and, if that was the case, she couldn’t see any particular reason why she shouldn’t spank them both. She would have to tell Grace’s mum, but may as well leave that until afterwards, and then Grace can explain why she shouldn’t be spanked again when she gets home. After all, as things stood, Tammy was going to get a second spanking in the morning, so Grace might as well get a second spanking as well when she got home.
With the decision made, Sandy ordered, “Okay, both of you, we’ll go up to my bedroom and I will give you both a spanking for being so naughty. Go upstairs now and take your knickers and skirts off.”
Grace looked towards Tam, who was blushing again but nodded towards the door, which Grace took as the instruction to go upstairs with her.
Sandy had to admit she was surprised that Grace was so willing to accept getting a spanking, although, as she intended to spank Tammy first, and would see how hard a spanking it was, maybe Grace would resist then.
Once Tammy and Grace were upstairs in the main bedroom, Grace followed what Tammy did, and immediately pushed her skirt down towards the floor, catching her knickers on the way, stepping out of both, and putting them on the dressing table. She also watched as Tammy piled up the pillows in the centre of the bed, then went to her mum’s wardrobe, got out a rather thick leather belt, and put that on the bed. Then, Tammy went to the dressing table, picked up the wooden-backed hairbrush, and put that with the belt.
Grace was already starting to panic but told herself that if Tammy could take being spanked like this, then so could she. At least, she hoped she could, and rather liked the idea that the two of them, both such close friends, could both have spanking as their normal punishment from their respective mums. Maybe, even, from each other’s mum, Grace thought, liking that idea as well.
It was just a minute after that, and Sandy went upstairs and into her bedroom to find both the girls naked below the waist and with their hands on their heads, just as Sandy expected Tammy to be waiting for her each time she was going to be spanked.
Of course, Tammy knew how hard a spanking her mum gave, and wondered whether, once Grace saw how she would be crying buckets, she would beg for forgiveness. Then it would be interesting to see how her mum reacted. She didn’t know which way her mum would react, not now she was used to spanking her and Amber. Tammy was also not sure that Grace would beg, as she seemed so intent on being spanked. In fact, Grace might be thinking along the same lines that Tammy did for such a long time, when she wanted her mum to spank her rather than just scold her. Tammy certainly wouldn’t be surprised if that was the case.
Sandy knew that she was going to give Tammy her normally very hard thrashing but was also intent on doing that to test Grace’s resolve.
So, first, Sandy sat on the dressing table chair and ordered, “Now get across my lap, Tammy.”
What followed was what Tammy was used to suffering. Her mum gave her a really hard hand spanking for several minutes, and made sure that she struggled to cope, which she did. Tammy knew her eyes would soon fill with tears, which they did, and then those tears would dribble down her face, which they also did. On and on her mum spanked her with her hand, intended by her mum to reducing her to regretting disobeying her, except this time Tammy only did it to help her friend.
After those several minutes of spanking with her hand, Sandy pointed to the hairbrush and ordered, “Hand me the hairbrush, Grace. Quickly, young lady.”
Grace found herself immediately obeying Mrs M because she was already worried as she saw just how Tammy was struggling with the spanking. Now, handing over the hairbrush, she really couldn’t imagine how painful it must be to be spanked with it, but what she did know, was her immediate obedience was something that was so unusual when told to do things by her own mum. Now, she could see the change that would have to occur if her mum were to spank her as a punishment. As much as she was worried, that change didn’t put her off.
As Grace watched Mrs M spank the hairbrush down on Tammy’s bottom time and again, on the one hand, she told herself she was never going to be able to cope with this, but, on the other hand, kept telling herself that Tammy was clearly up for being spanked like this as a punishment and, for some unknown, and certainly unexpected, reason, Grace still wanted it to happen to her.
Sandy kept on spanking the hairbrush down on her daughter’s now red bottom, watching it flatten as the hairbrush landed, followed immediately by her daughter’s yelp, and then repeating that time again all over her daughter’s bottom. Sandy kept telling herself that this was Tammy’s own choice, and understood why it had to be a hard spanking, in fact, a very hard spanking, because at twenty-four, it had to be particularly pain-filled.
All the time that she was across her mum’s lap having her bottom spanked, Tammy told herself that this was still something that she needed so much. She may not really have deserved this spanking, although, clearly, she did, because she was late getting home. It didn’t actually matter whether it was planned or not, as the fact was that she was late and knew that meant a spanking just like this one. Tammy was still thinking about Grace, though. She knew that her friend was standing very close to her, watching every spank, and was no doubt getting more and more nervous about the spanking she was going to get. Tammy knew how it felt to have to wait to be spanked whilst her mum was spanking Amber. Therefore, she knew how Grace would be thinking, watching her being spanked, and struggling and dissolving into uncontrolled crying, while still the spanking continued.
Things got worse for both Tammy and Grace. Once Sandy was happy with the way that she had thrashed her daughter’s bottom with her hand and hairbrush, she then ordered, “Okay, Tammy, get off my lap and go and perch your bottom on top of those pillows. One hundred lashes with the belt are what you are going to get.”
Grace saw how Tammy did as she was told, obeying every single instruction her mum gave her, and in a way that she would never normally have done. At least, not before spanking was reintroduced as her punishment. Grace was increasingly worried, but she could see Tammy was still able to follow instructions, which meant that, whilst she was struggling to cope, in a way she actually was coping. There was no pleading or begging, but just plain and simple obedience. Feeling tense still, Grace saw the benefits to being spanked, and told herself that she was definitely up for a punishment that would make her so obedient as well.
Grace thought that she might have started to feel aroused by watching Tammy being thrashed. She had heard of others who got aroused when watching siblings being spanked. However, as she watched, she realised that the reason she wasn’t getting aroused was because she was also going to be thrashed. Maybe she would be aroused afterwards, and was still up to finding that out.
Grace did still feel impressed with the way that Tammy had perched her bottom on the pillows, and stretched her arms out so she could clasp hold of the far end of the mattress. Grace could see how that would help make sure that Tammy didn’t try to cover her bottom as her mum thrashed her with the leather belt.
As Grace watched Mrs. M raise the belt and then bring it down with…