Taking Control Part 4

"When desire meets submission: master and slave get serious"

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The test

That week Ava and Lorenzo entered a frantic new period in their relationship, one of enthusiastic experimentation on each other’s bodies. Increasingly, they also began to discuss far more complex BDSM. They jointly ordered more online equipment purchases, thoroughly enjoying trying out new things, to research sensitively their individual personal limits to both pleasure and pain.

This meant careful preparation though, and they decided that they needed to adopt ‘safe words’. This was a single word they each had, that could clearly be understood, in order for the other person to stop what they were doing, if things got too intense. They also thought of challenges to this system too, so if the subservient or ‘sub’ at that moment was unable to speak, and wanted what they were undergoing to stop at any time, they also had ‘knock’ codes.

The inevitable consequence was that their work began to suffer, with the pair of them skipping numerous lectures in their desire to try out some new device or kinky idea they had come up with.

It all came to a head one weekday afternoon when they decided, at Ava’s instigation, it was Lorenzo’s turn to be master. Whilst they both agreed on this, it was something that now occurred frequently.

Recently, he had been strictly testing the boundaries of what she could tolerate. Ava was becoming a little concerned that she was beginning to like, just a little too much, the tougher forms of BDSM he put her through. She was both excited and edgy. Lorenzo had told her to be at his apartment for midday. She was to wear her normal blouse and skirt, so had no clue what he planned for her.

When she arrived, he kissed her delicately on the lips, pressing a glass of vodka and orange into her hand. He seemed quite relaxed and nonchalant, waving her in to his small dining room. Sipping her drink, Ava looked around expectantly, but saw nothing new. Or at least that was until her eye was caught by midday sunlight glinting off a metal object, high up. Screwed into the middle of the ceiling was a large metal loop. It looked like something you might hang a heavy chandelier from, but Ava was under no allusion as to its purpose. She guessed, today, that it was intended to hang up her.

She swallowed. He saw she’d seen it and smiled, in that winning way he had, when he wanted her to try out an adventurous idea.

He motioned her to go the centre of the room, to stand directly beneath the shiny ceiling loop. Pulling out a chair he threaded a long loop of strong rope through the ring, leaving it hanging. Ivory coils of rope all spread around Ava’s feet. She looked at him uncertainly, then started to unbutton her blouse. Lorenzo put his hand on hers, shaking his head to stop, then put a finger to his lips. Ava meekly understood. She was to stay silent throughout what he had planned.

He went back into the bedroom and returned with a new book, a slim volume he placed on the dining table. She could see some sort of diagram on the page he was consulting. He beckoned her over, moving her hands behind her, wrapping a thin cloth around her wrists to prevent the rope chafing. He looked at the diagram again, then began to bind her wrists tightly together at waist level. She could feel a strain on her hands as he threaded each rope loop between them. After five minutes, her wrists were rigidly held.

“Ava, I loved it when you sent me that email about what types of BDSM you’d like to try. And I am going to surprise you. However, what I’m about to do will genuinely test your resolve. I’m going to tie you in a position that’s called strappado. I’m telling you this up front because apparently it has its roots in medieval torture, when victims were strung up in public. Don’t worry, this version we’re using is perfectly safe and well designed, when you know what you’re doing. That’s why I’ve got this book here, so trust me.”

Ava shuffled forward, trembling at the thought of this unknown sadomasochism. He knelt down, removing her shoes, making sure that, with her hands tied up behind her, she didn’t overbalance.

“This is going to be like nothing you’ve ever experienced before. It’s going to be very intense, Ava, but I think you’re going to like it.”

He approached her from the front, watching her expression as he clipped leather gaiters around her ankles, attaching the D-rings on each ankle to a metre long spreader bar which he’d brought out of the wardrobe. Ava was now standing with her legs pulled wide apart, the material of her tight black skirt straining over her thighs.

Lorenzo pulled the long rope taut, testing the strength of the ring in the ceiling, using his much greater weight. Once he was satisfied with the rig, he moved behind Ava, tucking the end of the rope between the bindings on her tied wrists, then threading the other end back through the ceiling ring, like a pulley. As Lorenzo began to pull the rope tighter, through the ring, her arms were lifted up behind her. Almost immediately, the position she was in bent her over double at the waist, folding her head down towards the floor. He steadily pulled more rope through, and she felt an immense strain on her shoulders as her arms were raised well above the level of her head. Ava felt incredibly unsteady on her wide-spread feet, her long chestnut hair hanging in a waterfall in front of her eyes.

 She couldn’t look up now and was forced to look at Lorenzo’s feet as he approached. Her whole world was focused down on the floor, a view limited within the brown arch of her dark cataract of hair. Lorenzo encircled her neck with a thick leather bondage collar. He clipped a stainless steel chain to a ring on the front of the collar, then steadily bent her head further forward and down until the short chain was able to reach a clip in the centre of the leg spreader.

Ava was now bent over at the waist, her hips and bum pushed back at an angle, her head level with her crotch. The tension on her shoulder blades was intense. Lorenzo stroked her cheek, making sure she could cope with the tension in the steel chain pulling her head down. When he was sure she was OK, he sat down cross-legged on the floor underneath her head. He looked up into her green eyes, beneath the mane of hair, glowing in the sunlight from the window.

She was entirely prepared for what happened next. Slowly he began to undo all her blouse buttons, watching her expression as the two sides of the garment were left hanging down, rippling slightly, as Ava breathed in and out. He raised his hands up around her sides, reaching for the fixing behind her, on her strapless bra.

He popped the clasp. With the tension suddenly released around her back muscles, the garment shot off, landing with the middle of the lacy bra sitting across the bridge of Lorenzo’s nose. Despite the pain it caused her, Ava couldn’t help herself from laughing aloud at the ridiculous scenario. Her shoulders were shaking, but she winced each time too, as her back stretched with the movement.

After a few seconds, she realised he wasn’t seeing the funny side of it at all. He glared at her, throwing the bra off. She looked at him, concerned, fearful, waiting to see what happened. She could feel the weight and tension of her breasts, swinging gently beneath her.

“Ava, I told you that you were to stay completely silent. And I meant it. For that reason, I’m going to punish you severely.”

He got up from beneath her. She heard the sound of a drawer open and close. He padded back over, then sat down underneath her again. He slipped a large gag into her mouth, the sour taste from the triangular rubber wedge nearly making her choke as he pushed it over her tongue, fastening the gag’s buckle tight, under her hair.

He was also holding several small metal objects in his hand, but she couldn’t make out what they were. He played with her rounded breasts, cupping them, feeling their heft in his smooth hands, fingering and pinching her nipples until they became rock hard. He slid back the clasp on one of the wicked-looking shiny twin pronged devices he held. She felt a brief stab of agony, whimpering as small teeth closed around her rigid nipple. He clipped on the other steel clasp, attaching a small silver chain. He then hung a lead ball weight, suspended by a tiny hook, from each of the strong nipple clips.

At the base of her vision Ava could see the weights, bobbing on her breasts. Each breath caused them to sway forward and back, adding an intense new pain to the sensation of hot fire from her nipples. She was on tiptoes, her calves straining and every muscle and fibre in her body aching in concentration, to keep herself erect.

Lorenzo stepped back, surveying a bound and helpless Ava, suspended from the heavy rope, in the middle of his apartment. He moved behind her, where she couldn’t see, picking up a small cocktail stick. He started to test her, pricking the back of her labouring leg muscles. She tried to cry out, but to no avail, the rubber wedge in her mouth preventing her from making anything much more than a mumble.

For several minutes he played with her, using the cocktail stick to stab the sensitive parts of her body, her thighs, her breasts and her stomach. But it was when he started to lance her nipples that she broke down, sobbing furiously, tears streaming down her face to drip soundlessly onto the floor. Finally, he stopped the punishment.

“Right, that’s enough. Now it’s time for your release. Mine too.”

Until now, her skirt had stayed on, stretched over her hips. With one swift motion, Lorenzo yanked it up above her waist. The motion sent a fresh wave of pain through Ava’s shoulders and arms. Her tight black panties and smooth buttocks were exposed to his gaze.

She heard him shuck off his shirt and other clothes behind her. Tensing herself for his touch, she still jumped when his fingers slipped into the waistband either side of her panties. There was a ripping sound as he pulled them down forcefully, one leg of the fabric giving way. He tugged down further, leaving the remains of her panties hanging from one long slender leg. The position she was forced into, bent forward, her bum raised in the air, automatically opened up her vulva, parting her inner lips. She could feel herself self-lubricating and watched in embarrassment, head held down, as a light milky liquid began to drip steadily from her exposed vagina. She had never felt spread so wide, open, and so vulnerable. And yet, at the same time, such a need to be filled, to be violently taken.

Ava began to hyperventilate as she felt his hand touch her sex, his index finger sliding inside dripping lips, encouraging her, testing her, making her wet and ready for him. His finger briefly touched her clitoris, sending a wave of pleasure through her body, masking the deep pain in her arms and the strain on her thighs. He flicked the small nub gently, making her moan. As her gripped and rubbed her vulva lips, the pain from the nipple weights began to change into a fire that spread and travelled through her body, connecting the sting from her breasts with a delicious growing throb in her groin.

He bent his knees to accommodate their difference in height. She almost lost consciousness as she felt the tip of his hot penis touch her inner lips. He rubbed his hard cock around her entrance, teasing her, sliding his member back and forth between her glistening pussy lips. He held himself at her entrance, positioning his hips, then he thrust forward hard into her, penetrating her in one smooth motion right up to the base of his long cock. She could feel the hairs around the root of his penis rubbing her outer lips as he pummelled into her, each stroke more strenuous than the last. With each of his strident lunges Ava’s breasts swung far forward. Her inflamed nipples, with the heavy lead balls attached, inflicted fresh sensations of agony in her breasts, but surging delight down below.

Barely five minutes passed before he pulled his penis free, grunting. Ava felt the spatter of warm cum, as he sprayed her buttocks and inner thighs with hot jism. He was panting with his exertions, but Ava was unfulfilled. Lorenzo had stopped now, so close to the point where she would have got her sexual release.

She desperately tried to get him to touch her, to fuck her. But, with the tight tongue gag, she could only make a strange gurgling noise. He paused briefly behind her, cupping her whole sex and stroking her labia, examining the blend of hot juices in his palm.

Then he was gone, heading off into the bathroom to clean himself up. She heard his feet pad into the kitchen, whistling, the sound of the fridge opening, the noise of the tab on a beer can.

She was left there, suspended from the ceiling as a medieval offering, for half an hour. Hanging there from the chains, her arms and shoulders in agony, Ava was both angry and frustrated. Despite the pain, she urgently needed sexual release from her pent-up pain and torment. But try as she might, she couldn’t move. Her back was beginning to spasm and her toes and feet were going numb.

She heard Lorenzo come back into the dining room. She roared as him, as loud as she could through the gag. He walked over, beer in hand, tutting at her petulance. He came in behind her. To a small ring on the back of the leather collar she was wearing he attached a leash. Holding tight onto the slim chain, to keep her bobbing bum steady, she could hear him panting slightly, pumping his cock in his hand. Once he was ready, he pushed his stiffening manhood deep up into her. She gasped then, as he pulled back gently on the leash, began to struggle for breath. This was what she’d read about online, auto-erotic asphyxiation. How those two people had died. Ava was petrified as oxygen was slowly starved from her brain, and the room began to go dark around her. Then suddenly, just as she felt she was about to black out, it happened. Ava felt a wave of sexual energy, a surge starting in her cunt and running through her entire body like a lightning bolt. Lorenzo felt her start to spasm, releasing the leash but maintaining his strong grip on her hips, as he came inside her.

She felt his watery seed hit her cervix and start to steadily coat her insides. Her legs wouldn’t stop quaking. Her vagina was pulsing away, every few seconds, sending rivulets of strong electric emotion through her thighs, her groin and all the way down her lower body.

Lorenzo waited until she had stopped shaking, then he carefully removed the nipple clamps and the tongue gag. He pulled over a chair, sitting down underneath her, Ava’s head inches above him. He held her body steady as he unclipped the chain suspending her from the ceiling, knowing that her legs were unlikely to hold her weight. She collapsed straight down onto his lap, almost lifeless.

After a few minutes, Ava felt herself coming to, back into the real world, back from where her mind and the astonishing orgasm she’d just experienced had taken her. She felt thoroughly abused, and yet astoundingly elated at the same time. She didn’t know why, but she suddenly started to cry. As he undid the tight knots around her wrists, it was all Lorenzo could do to try and calm her wracking sobs, soothing her as he gently removed the nipple clamps and weights, lovingly caressing her tortured shoulders, aching neck and breasts.

They stayed there like that for ten minutes or more, her laying over his lap in the chair. Then he gently helped her to her feet. She almost fell as she tried to get upright. He put out a hand to steady her, but she slapped it away violently. Still sobbing, and without a word to him, she gathered up her crumpled clothes and headed for the bathroom, closing and locking the door behind her.

When Ava emerged, Lorenzo was worried. She looked tired and furious, still dazed from the painful experience he had just put her through. Her makeup was smeared, her hair damp and bedraggled.

“Lorenzo, I sent you that email list at the weekend so you could help me understand more about BDSM, to try out new things. And what you did was certainly new, if unexpected, I’ll give you that.”

“Ava, I’m sorry if that was extreme. Did I take things too far?”

“That’s not what I mean. You remember our recent conversation, when we both agreed we were going to try out BDSM with each other? What I’m talking about is the safe words we both agreed, and exactly why we both needed to adopt them? You didn’t think of that, with this barbarous set-up you just concocted for me, did you? With that tongue gag in my mouth, how was I supposed to use my safe word? And how, with my arms tied behind my back, could I attempt the code of knocks we agreed, to get you to stop?”

“Shit, I’m sorry, Ava. I didn’t think. I forgot all about you using a safe word and knock code. All this is so new to me, to us both.”

“So, this is partly my fault, is it? Is that what you’re saying?”

Ava was fuming, and her green eyes steadily held his gaze. Lorenzo knew when to keep his mouth shut. He shook his head.

“It’s not just that, Lorenzo. Look, I want to do some of the exciting and interesting BDSM things I read about, just as much as you do. But, instead of trying things out that move us both on, in stages, so we get to know what we do and don’t like, you put me in that extreme bondage position. But actually, I can still accept that. Accept that you wanted to try out something a little more extreme. And I’m not saying the position, and the leash, didn’t give me an amazing orgasm. But what you can’t do, and won’t do ever again, is leave me alone for an hour, while you go and drink in the kitchen.”

For a microsecond Lorenzo thought about saying it was only half an hour but dismissed the thought as potentially life-threatening. He could see she was angry and didn’t want her to leave with things as they stood. Trying to make it casual, he moved towards the door.

“Look, I said I’m really sorry Ava. I just thought that if I left you there for a bit, when I eventually came back, to take you, with that leash around your neck, it would make your orgasm all the better.”

“Well thanks for considering me, you’re a real gentleman. So that’s what you think I want from you, is it? Someone who nearly breaks both of my arms, then leaves me hanging around, in obvious pain, while he goes to grab a cold beer. That’s not the sort of master that I want around me, Lorenzo. You can put me through sexual ordeals and pain trials, but the idea is to get to the point where I know what I want and like sexually, even if it’s you in control of how it happens to me. Otherwise, I’m just like any other woman, a sex object that men just think they can walk all over. All my girlfriends have those vanilla relationships, and for me that’s sexually way too boring. What we’re starting to have is different. When I give myself to you, sexually, I do it freely. But I do it with one hundred percent of my being, and that takes a really intimate trust in the other person. By doing what you just did, you lost that trust Lorenzo. As I already said, that’s the first and last time you’ll do that to me.”

Ava glared at Lorenzo once more, grabbed her bag and coat off the bed, pushed him aside and left, slamming the door behind her.

She hurried back to her own apartment, limping with the cramp in her legs, trying to jog a little to get some feeling back into them.

Back at her apartment she collapsed into a chair, throwing her things on the floor. Her body was still shaking, her mind still buzzing.

There was a hot warmth inside her, in her core, but there was also fire burning in her brain. Looking at it dispassionately, there was no doubt that had been the most exhilarating domination session she had ever experienced. But he had missed the all-important signs, hadn’t he? The unwritten rule she’d read so much about in his book, and in the online blogs about safe BDSM practice.

All master-and-slave relationships were built on trust, as well as meeting mutual needs. How could he have not seen that she had not cum, before he left to grab a beer? He’d pulled himself out of her, then spilled his seed all over her, leaving her hanging there in obvious pain, sexually frustrated, needing Lorenzo to make her cum.

Ava vowed that this would not be the end of it. She would get her sexual revenge on Lorenzo. Make him understand the true difference between a sadist and a master. And very soon too.

The next day, things didn’t turn out quite so simple. Ava woke with a shooting pain all the way across her right shoulder. Lorenzo hanging her from the ceiling ring in the strappado position, for that length of time, had damaged her shoulder joint. Taking several pills for the pain, she had no choice but to ring the college doctor for an appointment that morning, as early as possible. Lorenzo would have to make his own assumptions as to why she wasn’t in lectures.

At ten o’clock she was sat in the white sterile waiting room, waiting to be called. A slim blonde haired doctor, with a ready smile, called out her name. She followed her nervously, entering the small surgery room and lying on the long doctor’s bed, as she was bid.

The doctor studied a computer screen, Ava’s medical records.

“So, we’ve got that you’re registered with us here at the college, but no medical history so far, other than going on the pill recently. So, what’s the problem, Ava?”

She didn’t know how to start. She’d been wracking her brains all morning, trying to think about something remotely plausible, but she’d only come up with one possible option.

“It was at the weekend. We were out clubbing. We were dancing and one of my friends grabbed my wrist for a spin. The place was really hot and her hand slipped. I shot across the dance floor and hit my shoulder on one of the pillars. It felt OK, until this morning.”

The doctor had heard it all before, and Ava’s tale didn’t sound remotely unusual for a group of first year students on a night out.

“Ok, top off please. Let’s have a look at you, Ava.”

Ava sat back up on the bed, slowly removed her high-neck shirt, wincing in pain as she pulled her right arm out from the garment.

The doctor looked as her quizzically, as she sat there on the bed.

“Hit a pillar in a night club you said, wasn’t it? Those marks on your neck and on your wrists aren’t quite what I’d expected. I think we need to look at all of you. Can you remove your jeans, please?”

She worried this might happen, and it was what Ava dreaded. She took off her shoes and dropped her jeans to the floor. She was left standing there, facing the doctor in her white panties and bra.

“That’s fine, Ava. Can you turn around for me, please? Let’s see that damaged shoulder of yours, as well as any other injuries.”

Ava turned slowly, her back facing the doctor, who had moved in behind her to look at her. The doctor paused, taken aback. She studied Ava’s bruised shoulder, the red mark across her neck, welts on her wrists and, as she looked further down, other marks too.

“Ava, you know I have to ask, but what are those bruises and lines that you have on your lower buttocks? Those thin stripes? They look fresh to me.”

“That was Saturday. We got a bit drunk during the day. I had shorts on and fell into a bramble bush. All a bit ridiculous really.”

“Ava, let’s be straight with each other, shall we. I’ve seen a few injuries in my time, but those lines aren’t from brambles. Please, can you drop your panties too? I’d like to see what we’re dealing with.”

Ava did as she was bid, shucking her tiny black panties down around her knees.

“Ok, well, that’s not brambles. Like to tell me exactly what’s going on, if you still want me to have a look at that shoulder of yours?”

“Ok, look. It’s all pretty new to me, but my boyfriend and I were playing a game in the bedroom. I wanted to try out something a bit kinky, and he got it a bit wrong. Things got a little out of hand.”

“You’re not kidding. But these marks aren’t just from messing around. Unless I’m mistaken with those lines on your wrists, you’ve been tied up. He’s hit you too. Those marks on your bum. I can see a bruise in the shape of a handprint. And what about your neck? Looks like he tried to strangle you. Look, you’re safe here. Tell me what happened, Ava. We can help you deal with all of this.”

   “We were playing, honestly. It was my idea. I wanted him to do it. It all got a bit too much that’s all. He wasn’t trying to hurt me.”

“What, you said to tie you up? Hit you hard? Then strangle you?”

“No! Nothing like that! It was all consensual. He’s not abusing me or anything like that. Honestly, it was all just a sex game.”

She realised as soon as she’d said it, the reason sounded pathetic.

“Look, Ava, I want to believe you. I really do. But we see this kind of thing all the time. I’m not going to ask who your boyfriend is, but I’d suggest you give him a bit of a wide berth. It’ll give you time to think. We have some brochures I can give you about domestic abuse, as well as some medical ointment for those bruises on your behind. Now, let’s see what you came in for. How’s that shoulder?”

Ava left carrying a white prescription bag, acutely embarrassed. She was even more committed to getting her own back on Lorenzo.


After Lorenzo made Ava undergo strappado, she studiously ignored him, the whole week. This was no bad thing for either of them, as they were both getting stern warnings they were behind on their class coursework again. Her tutor told her, in no uncertain terms, that if she didn’t buck her ideas up, she might not make it past the winter term, which was when they did their first exams.

Ava spent the time studying and plotting, in equal measure. For the same price as a glass of wine, she found the perfect thing online.

The small device arrived a couple of days later. She tried it out in the kitchen, experimenting, and was absolutely amazed that something so cheap, simple and small could work so effectively.

Her opportunity for payback with Lorenzo came sooner than she had imagined. He called up her one evening, late that week, slurring after a drinking session with a group of his college friends at a local bar. He said he had to see her, had to come over. Normally Ava would have done what she usually did and told him to go home and sleep it off. But she had an idea. She told him to come by, saying that they could share a night cap together, and maybe something more. She’d hardly got the words out before he’d cut the call on his mobile phone. Clearly that must have done the trick, she thought.

A little preparation was required, but all was in place by the time Lorenzo arrived. He leant heavily on the door frame smiling inanely at her, having trouble steadying himself. He’d clearly had a skinfull of beer and, in this state, she’d usually have sent him packing.

But she beckoned him in, having already got him a beer out of the fridge, having no trouble convincing him to sit on the bed for a sexy smooch. Satisfied her plan would work, she watched him sup back on the beer bottle, then let him push his hand roughly down inside her panties. It was as he was trying to find her clit that she sensed his brusque touch lighten. Then, suddenly, he fell over unceremoniously into her lap. She pushed him off her, his head lolling back against the soft pillows, his body across the bed.

Good, the spiked beer had worked a charm. Now she would have about two hours to do what she wanted to, before he came round.

First things first. Ava stripped off his shirt, jeans and clothes, leaving him laying naked full length on the bed. She pulled down the bed covers on one side, rolling him onto the clean bedsheets. Then she got a towel from the bathroom, pulling it underneath his groin.

From a small toiletry bag, she withdrew two new items. She’d decided that she’d better not be too drastic, as he did a lot of sports, and his team sometimes had a communal shower afterwards. Lifting up his limp cock she spent a few minutes kneading it and playing with it, something she was usually unable to do, for obvious reasons. Penises were fascinating, so floppy and soft. Yet, pump them up with a heady supply of hot blood, and they were entirely different beasts altogether, or at least their possessors were. She tugged at it, fascinated by its elasticity, seeing if she could get any reaction from its comatose owner. No luck there, what a surprise.

Into a small bowl she sprayed a tennis ball amount of shaving foam, applying some liberally down the shaft of Lorenzo’s penis. His long member was fairly hairy, so she was going to have to be pretty careful. Taking the tip of his soft, uncircumcised cock between finger and thumb, she pulled it away from his body, amused at how flexible it was and how far she could stretch it to, almost double its length.

She took the four blade safety razor in her hand, steadily gliding it down his limp shaft, studying the long hairs as they were neatly sliced off at the base. Taking care to go in the same direction as the hairs grew from, she moved around his penis until all his prick-fuzz was gone. Lorenzo now sported an enticing baby-smooth cock.

Now for the tricky part. His balls were big and soft, making it harder to get the hairs off easily. With a little practice and only a few minor nicks, his testicles were soon bald, as was his perineum. Ava left the hair around his groin intact, so it was only as you lifted his penis that you could see he’d been shaved clean. Now for stage two.

This was the part she was least sure of, but it would certainly deliver payback for the sexual torment he had put her through. Despite the fact she really liked the way that he’d suspended from the ceiling, taking her so forcefully, she was still aggrieved that he hadn’t let her cum on her own terms. She felt that, as a master, maybe Lorenzo was just a little too controlling. It was time to take him down a peg or two, show him she wanted to be the boss too sometimes, and that he might also enjoy a more submissive role.

Ava pulled open the bedside drawer, removing the small package she’d bought online. Unboxing it, she read the instructions carefully, then set to her task. At first she didn’t find it easy to work out how to get the steel object to fit together but, with a little playing around, and some gentle prodding and kneading of his testicles, the first part of the device was eventually in place. The second bit was much easier to fit, as his penis was flaccid. Once the two pieces were tightly connected, Ava slipped the tiny but tough padlock between the parts, locking them securely together.

As she surveyed her handiwork she smiled, wondering exactly how he was going to react. Tomorrow his own experiences as her sex slave would begin in earnest.

She put tough Velcro straps around both his wrists and ankles, fastening a rope attached to each of them loosely around the base wheels at the four corners of the bed, so he could move relatively freely in his sleep. He was still prone on the bed, naked, snoring away to his heart’s content. She stripped off her clothes, pulling the covers over the both of them, falling asleep within minutes.

When Lorenzo woke the next morning, he had a splitting headache. He had a vague memory of Greg, one of his supposed mates, feeding him tequila shots at the Hunston bar around nine, but after that everything was a blur. He rolled over, surprised to find Ava’s naked body next to his. He groaned inwardly. So, he’d called her up and she’d obviously relented. He felt shitty. He guessed he hadn’t been very good company, and this was the first time they’d got together since he’d hung her from his ceiling. But try as he might, he couldn’t remember a thing about the previous evening, apart from her letting him in, him trying not to fall over in the hallway, and then maybe having a beer. He guessed she must have persuaded him to come straight to bed. This was also bad, because he’d been making plans for his next dominant sex session, and he was guessing, that moment, he didn’t look very masterful to her.

His nose itched, prompted by the morning sunlight in his eyes, shafting through a thin gap in the blue curtains in the bedroom. It was with some surprise he discovered that he wasn’t able to scratch his nose, his hand coming up short, held back. Still groggy, he looked at his arm to see a black band around his wrist, with a slim cord attached that ran over the edge of the bed. He tried to move his other arm, but he only had a few inches of leeway on each side of the bed. He stretched his leg out and found he had just enough movement to extend his feet, but even thought he was lightly tied, he was strictly held in a crucifixion position across the bedsheets.

Lorenzo accepted this situation for what it was. Clearly, Ava wanted to be in charge. Given his drunken arrival the night before, and he annoyance with him last week, he could hardly blame her for wanting to put him in his place. Could be good though. A jolt of sexual tension ran through him. His penis involuntarily hardened.

Ava was still nowhere to be seen but, after a minute or so, he detected the soft sound of her whistling to herself in the kitchen. There were light clattering sounds and then a smell of fresh coffee began to drift through into the bedroom. Clearly he wasn’t too much in the doghouse, but he vowed not to come here again drunk.

Ava strolled into the bedroom in an obscenely short robe. He watched the silk fabric ride up, exposing her delectable bum and even a brief glimpse of her pussy, as she placed a tray with toast and coffee on the table on the opposite side of the bed. She was still whistling, a sound that Lorenzo found curiously ominous. As his cock engorged with hot blood, his groin began to feel uncomfortable. He was also concerned that there was no sign of any erection. By now the cotton bedsheets should be tenting. The pain in his groin began to increase. What the hell was happening down there?

Ava sat down next to him, sipping black coffee from a mug. She had a Mona Lisa smile on her face, a smug yet subtle grin that would have worried anyone. She put down her mug, whipping back the bedclothes. He was confused at first about what confronted him. What looked like a stainless steel torture device had been clamped over his prick and bollocks, with a brass padlock fixing the sections together. His penis was dark pink, and his balls were crimson with the red blood flow being pumped at high pressure into his groin. Shit, she had fastened a chastity device on him. He began to sweat.

“Morning, lover boy. You got a bit steaming last night and decided to call me up. So, I decided to teach you a bit of a lesson.”

“What the hell have you done? Get this horrendous thing off!”

“No can do. Time for me to have a little fun with you. Sorry if you’re head’s hurting a bit, but I’ve got a few incentives here, to help you perform for me. I’m master now, or should I say, mistress.”

Lorenzo stayed quiet. All this thinking was making his head hurt.

Ava shimmied off her short dressing coat, placing it on the chair. She leant over his frame, his arms and legs tied in an X, and showed him a small object. He had difficulty focusing, but it looked like a miniature hammer, but with a pink silicone rubber pad at one end.

“No, I didn’t think you’d know what this is. Very popular with the ladies, and perfect for taking with you on holiday, in your toiletries bag. Avoids any nosy people at airport security getting suspicious if they decide to go through your bag too. It’s called a vibro-tip.”

“What’s it for Ava, or am I supposed to try a range of guesses?”

“Not at all, we’re just going to go straight it and give it a go.”

Lorenzo studied her heart shaped naked bum, as Ava skipped off into the bathroom. When she came back he was confused, then light dawned, as he watched her remove the head from her electric toothbrush, then attach the vibrotip. Very clever. Almost genius.

“Good, I prefer the strong silent type. But before we try this out, you’re going to give me a damn good servicing, like you should have done when I was tied to the ceiling, over at your place.”

Ava was one of those lucky women whose labia were delicate and tight, and her stretching her legs to straddle him made Lorenzo go hard inside the cock-cage he was wearing. His penis began to hurt again. Her slim legs either side of his shoulders, Ava moved steadily up his torso until she was crouched above him. Her face was serene as she rotated over his head, facing down his body. With no warning, she sat down hard over his mouth, her labia smothering his nose. She leant forward slightly, her knees tucked under his back, either side of his head. Ava had read how to do this and was keen to see how well it worked. She’d left him a tiny space at the bottom of his mouth to breathe.

“Yes, you see, I’ve read up on a few things too, Lorenzo. The only prop I need at the moment is my body. Don’t struggle, just try and breathe normally through the small gap I’ve left you, near my clit.”

Ava’s outer labia covered his lips, her forward position pushing her soft inner labia deep into his mouth. Sure enough, by leaning forward over him with her on his chest, letting his head take her weight, Lorenzo’s air supply was almost completely cut off.

“Right, now you’ve acclimatised, your task is simple. You’re going to lick my clitoris until you make me cum. Don’t even think of trying to give up or say your safe word either. Just use that strong, pointy tongue of yours and put it to good use. Now get to work, or I’ll have to sit down on you even harder. It would be a devilish way to go.”

Lorenzo applied himself to the task artfully, lightly licking at Ava’s labia and clitoris. Despite her threat, she kept the pressure over his head and mouth light, as much as anything to give him room to move his tongue around. His work was creating an increasing throb all across her vulva, and a bright tingling in her clitoral area.

After twenty minutes, Ava felt the pressure inside her building up, a warm flood of sensation that started at her sensitive nub and travelled all the way up into her belly. She held Lorenzo’s head down, hard over her, to make sure he carried on exactly what he was doing. Seconds later she came, in a shocking, explosive orgasm.

The sensation of his tongue, as he carried on licking her most intimate area, was now just too much for her to cope with. Ava levered herself backwards off his head. Lorenzo gasped for air, her sticky cum around his lips and round his mouth. His neck was sore from all the leaning up and in, to bring her up to the boil.

Ava collapsed beside him on the bed, hugging his deep chest.

“Stunning work, big boy. You sure can point that tongue in.”

Lorenzo was coughing. Ava took pity on him. She got a towel and wiped his mouth clean. He was looking at her strangely. She decided he’d done enough penance and it was time to give him his release. Taking out the small key from the bedside drawer, she bent over, unlocking the cock cage he had been imprisoned in for over eight hours. His dick sprang free, thick, richly veined, dark with blood.

“Now it’s your turn to get what’s coming, if you get my drift.”

Ava picked up the electric toothbrush with its vibro-tip, then sat over his thighs, her wet pussy inches from his penis. She watched the look on his face, knowing what he wanted but that, still tied up, he simply couldn’t get it. She slid up his body inch by inch, using their musky sweat to slip up towards his waiting cock. It was stiff and hard, gently waving at her, accusingly, knowing what she’d done. She glided over him, his cock poking from between her legs. He kept glancing down, willing her to do what she was taunting him with. Clearly the sight of his cock between her thighs was working for him. She mused if this was what a hermaphrodite looked like.

She kept his penis just on the edge of her vagina, then switched on the toothbrush, watching his face and his body squirming as she touched the tiny silicone rubber tip to his nipple. His eyes went wide, then seemed to lose focus as she started moving the vibrating tip round the edge of his dark nipple.

After almost a minute, she was surprised when the nipple visibly started to swell. She stopped massaging and leant over, taking the hot nub gently between her lips, caressing the tip of it with her wet tongue. Lorenzo’s head fell back against the pillows, his breathing becoming stentorious, arching his back to try and escape the bonds and to shift his body to allow him to penetrate her. His cock was rock hard between her legs. She put a finger to his lips, tutting.

“Just wait. I’m the one in control now, or hadn’t you noticed?”

Ava shifted her weight, tipping her body over him. She turned on the vibro-tip once more, running it around the head of his penis, across the underside of his glans, up against its sensitive tip. Lorenzo shook, and Ava smiled. This time she shifted her hips forward and the extra pressure inside his cock did its job, his penis slipping up and inside her, with almost no resistance.

Ava took her time. Guiding him in the motions that she wanted from him, stopping to give herself another opportunity to build to an even greater high. He matched her thrust for thrust, keeping the rhythm they had built up together flowing, like a sex symphony.

When she was ready, she reached to grab a thick handful of his dark hair, to give herself extra purchase. She pulled herself bodily over his tense penis, hard up inside her, feeling the top of his balls touching her labia. At that point, Ava almost left the conscious realm, heading into waves of delicious delight, her body vibrating in an electric tingle, all the way from her shoulders down to her toes.

It was minutes later when she descended back to the world of the bedroom. She scented sex, a heady aroma of sweat and love juice. Lorenzo had peaked almost simultaneously, Ava’s thrusts sending him cascading over the edge, filling her with his hot cum.

She got off the bed, releasing his bonds, watching him as he massaged his wrists and ankles, bringing back the circulation after so many hours of bondage torment. He looked into her green orbs and gave a huge sigh, but his eyes were shining, and, Ava thought, that could only be a good thing for the both of them.


Ava loved it in autumn, when Lorenzo had made her accompany him, but with no panties on. Their first college term together came to an end as Christmas arrived, but winter was just too cold for Ava to go commando. She missed him groping her in public, something he liked to do regularly, his hot hand feeling her up, under her skirt.

Yesterday had been a pleasant return to his sexy manhandling of her. The pair of them had been standing against the back wall of a busy train carriage, full of Christmas shoppers. Ava had been day-dreaming, imagining what exciting things the other people had in the packages they all seemed to be laden with. Suddenly she felt his hand behind her, steadily shifting up the back of her long legs. She stared ahead, mesmerised, as his hand moved up under her skirt, then snaked its way into the top of her warm wool pantyhose. He pulled the elastic waistband down, his long fingers probing between her muscled bum cheeks, down deeper between her legs. No-one seemed to have noticed, so she casually shuffled her feet a little further apart to give him better access to her pussy purse.

He delved deeper, giving Ava an electric jolt as his finger touched her crease. He delicately fondled her soft labia, starting to move a long finger to part her delicate lips, dipping between them, inside her dampening tunnel. Six busy train stations later, Ava was a wreck, Lorenzo’s gentle rubbing having brought her to orgasm twice.

As they prepared to leave the carriage at their stop, she caught the eye of an older lady, seated nearby the entire time. The woman was dressed expensively in a dark winter coat, a long string of pearls at her throat. As Ava passed by the woman gave her a sly, knowing wink. The train guard would remember Ava well too, a sexy young woman, the one blushing right down her neck as she left the train.

That was the perfect example of the type of control over her that Ava relished. But even though she might deny it to his face, some of the best times were when he denied her sexual release for hours at an end. She prized being rope-tied, immobilised, her labia parted by a cord tight up between her legs. A hard knot resting on her clitoris, so even the slightest movement brought her very close to orgasm.

Ava had begun to accept that she loved being a sexual mistress. She certainly felt more fulfilled, and had a more intense, mind-blowing orgasm, when she was being completely controlled by Lorenzo. Whilst, on occasion, she really liked dominating him, she felt far more at ease doing his will. She also got the clear, strong feeling that this way round was his preference too, having suspected his need for dominance of her body early on in their relationship.

All the signs were obvious. Everything from the direct way that he always spoke to her as she entered the apartment, to his relish at tying her up, designed so he could immobilise her completely before having his way with her in the most delicious of masterful manners.

She loved it most when he made her beg him or implore him to penetrate her, to tend to her aching clitoris, to finger her. In fact, to do almost anything to let her cum. Sometimes, in their heavier BDSM sessions, he still refused her sexual release altogether, knowing she would have to wait until afterwards, when she was alone, to furnish herself with the orgasm she so frantically desired.

On one occasion of denial, after he had released her from her bondage, Ava had made a hurried visit to the bathroom. In theory this was to clean off the sperm he had sprayed over her body and outfit he had insisted she wear for their frantic sexual role play. But the reality was so she could bring herself off. In the end, she ended up making far more of a mess of her corset and the inside of her panties. She suspected his sensitive sense of smell could detect the strong aroma of her fresh cum when she returned, but that was one occasion, as her master, when he hadn’t minded her disobedience.

Ava also relished experimenting with different roles, what his book called a ‘versatile’ where they swapped sub and dom roles.  She also enjoyed being a ‘dominant bottom’, where she received sexual favours from him, with her being tied up but him fully under her command as her ‘service top’. Odd terms, but they made sense.

Unlike their other friends, Lorenzo and Ava had little time for other sports and activities outside of lectures. Their problem was, often when they read about or discovered some new BDSM kink, they wanted to try it out almost straight away. What this meant was that, almost the second they were back together in either of their apartments, they could barely keep themselves under control, or their hands off each other. Many a decent item of clothing had been ruined in the rush for one or other of them to strip their partner naked, to dominate them, subjugate them or penetrate one of their orifices in some new, masterful way.

Life carried on well for the two of them and, as they learned to control their more ardent sexual urges, they even began to perform well in their exams. The only downside was, by the time they both came to the end of their college course, they had probably made fewer friends than most of the other students. Had they been asked, this wouldn’t have bothered them. They both felt, with each other, they had found their true soul mate. Why did you need other people when you had someone who would accept undertaking amazing sexual activities that few people they knew would even consider?

It hardly seemed any time at all before they were both finishing and graduating from their three-year finance course. Lorenzo met Ava’s mother for the first time at their graduation ceremony, partly because she lived so far away, but mainly due to having little free cash to be able to afford to travel all the way to their college. Ava was both pleased and pleasantly surprised when she discovered Lorenzo and her mother got on like a house on fire. Who’d have thought it, the rich college boy and the career-long cleaner, sharing bawdy jokes over cocktails at the post-graduation dance? Her mother had bought a dress especially for the occasion, and Lorenzo commented to her mother that he could see where she got her looks from. Ava had to admit that her mum looked great in the low-cut black cocktail outfit, hugging all her curves in the right places.

But they both had big questions hanging over them, not the least was how to stay together and what to do next in the careers, as well as where to go? The latter decision was easy, as they’d been living together now for the last year, and really loved the life in the city.

The good news on the career side was that their work as interns during term holidays, plus their contacts, experience and good grades all helped. Within weeks of each other this ensured they both bagged prestigious senior finance manager roles. Ava moved into banking and Lorenzo became an investment fund manager

Within a year the pair of them had begun to rise through the ranks of their finance companies. This was not least because they often attended the range of work get-togethers, gathering a popular following of executive supporters due to their strong, confident approach to life. It was also because they were good listeners too, taking in everything around them, learning from what they heard.

By the end of their first year in their jobs, they had some spare cash to rent out a bigger place. They found a fabulous three storey house in the suburbs, with a large garden and a long porch to sit out on in summer. Their new home changed their lives and jobs dramatically. They now had a place with easy transport links into the city to enjoy more of its varied social life, as well as a big house and garden to entertain large numbers of work colleagues for parties.

Lots of the finance people at their firms naturally focused in on Ava at their home get-togethers. They saw her as a great looking woman with real financial talent. But little did they know that, when they perhaps thought they had her full attention with their sparkling repartee, her nodding and healthy glow was purely down to sexual excitement. The reality wasn’t that they weren’t charming her with their wit, it was simply Ava looked so animated due to something else, the silent internal vibrator buzzing away inside her panties. She felt sure her eyes gave off the most engaging signals when Lorenzo decided to turn the vibe controller in his pocket right up to the max.

Whatever else seemed to change around them, their sub and dom activities remained their strongest bond. It was true that, with their growing workloads in their respective firms, the frenetic pace of their sexual desires had naturally lessened. But their master and slave relationship had also developed. It had certainly become a lot more varied, with both of them having the cash to buy more bizarre BDSM equipment. Play between them had also got radically intense, and sometimes even dangerous. They even talked about creating a sex dungeon in their basement but, because they were renting the house, decided it was just too risky, in case they had to move on.

Whilst their sub and dom activities got more exotic and, quite often for Ava more painful, they still managed to maintain a mutual trust between each other that had always worked with them. This was partly because they religiously kept to their own system of ‘safe word’ codes, which meant they always felt secure with each other. This was the phrase they needed to utter to get their partner to stop, when either the pleasure or the pain simply got too much.

Whilst she enjoyed most of their new, surprising games, they still always discussed in advance whose turn it would be to play the role of master. Ava did still relish being a master occasionally, but only felt truly comfortable as a slave, a subordinate to Lorenzo’s will as her dominant. However, Ava found herself using her safe word more and more regularly, not because he forced her to undergo extreme pain, but because he increasingly tormented her, refusing to let her cum until she uttered her safe word in frustration. She always felt annoyed with herself after these moments, not having enough strength to submit to Lorenzo’s will for longer than an hour.

Lorenzo would enjoy binding her to a table or bend her over a chair, strapping her arms to the chair legs. But, most often, he would use the simple bed cross-tie. Her arms handcuffed above her head, legs spread-eagled and manacled to the bed footer rail, Ava was completely immobilised. Then he would tickle the base of her feet, her sides or her breasts with a feather, lick the base of her neck or her ears, or mercilessly rub his thumb lightly over her throbbing clitoris. All the time, Ava would be struggling manically in her bonds.

For him, use of his safe word was different. He would cry out when she caned him, crushed his balls in a constrictor vice, ran a sharp fingernail down his rigid penis glans, or sat over his face in stockings and suspenders, smothering him for minutes at a time.

But their sex games did now have some genuine drawbacks. Skin marks did happen sometimes, despite their safe words. On more than one occasion, they’d needed to wear highly inappropriate clothes for the season, to cover up the obvious tell-tale signs left on each other’s bodies, the evidence of their passion as sub and dom.

Despite their ongoing sexual excitement, they still saw sex as an activity, a fabulous thing they did to and with each other.

But what was going on in their minds, and which would ultimately decide their fate as a couple, was their blossoming master-and-slave relationship.

Published 4 months ago

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