Mr. Roger’s round face beamed at me over his desk. It was a week later, and I was again back in the consulting room; I was still amazed at how rotund his head was.
“Everything’s coming along nicely,” he announced. I wanted to contradict him and say that everything wasn’t cumming along nicely – I wasn’t cumming at all. But I bit my tongue.
“So how’s the prognosis now?” I asked him.
“Very good indeed. You’re healing extremely well, and now it’s just a matter of time until you’re back to your old self.”
“So I can stop taking those goddamned impotence pills, then?” I asked hopefully.
He shook his head and waved a finger at me. “Not yet. I want to be sure that everything is healing internally, and that nothing interferes with that. We can’t risk a premature erection undoing all our good work thus far – otherwise we would have to go through this whole process again, and we don’t want that,” He paused and added: “I know it must be very frustrating for you.” If he’d seen Angela, then he would know how frustrating it was.
I grunted. I hadn’t expected any better, but it didn’t hurt to ask. So – the soft dick pills would continue.
He looked at me intently. “You haven’t tried to have intercourse, or masturbated have you?”
I sent him a sour stare. “Of course not.”
He nodded. “Good. Any undue stimulation or rough handling of the shaft can be detrimental as well. But without an erection, the risks are greatly reduced.”
A little bell went off in my head. “Just to the shaft? My glans wasn’t affected, was it?”
He nodded. “Yes, just to the shaft. That, naturally, is where the major trauma was, and thus the reason why we want to keep it as stable as possible for another few weeks. Your glans received relatively little damage.”
“I see,” I said thoughtfully.
“Well, since all seems to be going according to plan, I’ll schedule you in for two weeks time instead. Say, two-thirty in the afternoon next Monday week?”
I was glad to flee the place, and I headed home.
It can be strange how just one relatively minor occurrence can lead to major changes in life, and I was shortly to experience the phenomenon first-hand.
For the last three days Angela had been of her ‘time of the month’, and this meant that I was unable to even orally please her during her period. As a result, my already rampant libido skyrocketed yet further into almost incandescence. My neglected balls had sometimes ached softly in the last four weeks, but in the last three days, they had started to ache almost constantly. It was not truly painful – just irritating.
So when Angela and I retired to bed that night, I wasn’t surprised when they began aching yet again. I prayed that Angela’s period would soon be over, and I could at least deflect some of the constant sexual tension that made my nerves snap like a loose sail in a high wind by burying my tongue deep in her creamy pussy. This didn’t say a lot for my sensitivity to feminine issues – but ladies, please forgive me; as you may well know, a standing dick – or in my case, a sitting one – has no conscience. I was as horny as hell.
I drifted off to sleep with my arm around Angela, the soft waft of her perfume leading my dreams to a place from which I would never really return. A lot of people have lucid dreams, I guess – but maybe my frustrated predicament had my subconscious working overtime.
In any event, the dream I had that night changed my life forever…
I found myself involved in a poker game. The setting could have been lifted straight from Hollywood; the room was dark and smoky, and I was sat at a round table that was covered in green felt. A circular ceiling lamp dangled low over the table, and the face of the other player at the table was hidden in the shadow cast by the lampshade. I was perplexed at my reason for being here since I didn’t gamble a hell of a lot. But I felt an overwhelming urgency, almost a need, to beat my adversary.
This was apparently proving to be difficult; when my luck was bad, my opponent seemed to sense my ill fortune, and he upped the ante, and I lost. When I was dealt a good hand, he eerily seemed to know this as well, and he quickly folded. I subsequently lost far more than I gained. I could feel a strange sense of desperation inside me.
I suddenly realized I was out of cash.
“I don’t have any more money,” I said to the shadowy figure across the table. The man was silent for so long that I wondered if he had heard me.
“What about your wife? You can bet her,” he finally asked in a strangely deep voice. It was the first time he had spoken a full sentence.
“You want me to bet my wife?” I asked in surprise. His answering silence simply confirmed my question.
A sudden flitter of motion to my left attracted my eye. I was startled to discover Angela sitting in a chair against the wall with her long legs crossed, serenely smoking a cigarette. I wondered if she had been here all the time. The question of how it was that she was bathed in light when the rest of the room was so dark didn’t occur to me – but in dreams, things don’t have to make sense.
I noted that she was wearing a red dress very similar to the one she had worn when I had first seen her in the bowling alley so long ago. But this one was a come-fuck-me dress; it was so short that it revealed not only the full sweep of her smooth thigh but also a hint of her right buttock. The plunging neckline dipped halfway to her navel, and the soft swell of her breasts lay exposed almost to her nipples. I instinctively knew that she was naked underneath the dress.
I looked at her face. She gazed back at me with what was a detached, almost aloof half-smile, as if she either had full confidence in my ability to win if I bet her in the game, or she simply didn’t care. She unfolded her legs and crossed them to the opposite side. I noticed that she wore her red high-heels with a four-inch stiletto.
“How much?” I asked the shadowy figure opposite me. He slowly pushed the pile of bills that he had in front of him to the center of the table; he wanted to wager all that he had in exchange for me wagering my wife. I licked my lips.
“Okay,” I said. “I’ll bet my wife. Deal the cards.”
As he slowly dealt the cards, I glanced back at Angela; her indifferent half-smile had widened, almost as if she was amused and even pleased at the notion of becoming the prize in a poker game.
I picked up my cards to discover that I had a high straight. I felt a glow of elation, and I looked at Angela and winked. Her smile became almost a leer. The shadowy man across the table was silent, and all I could see was his hand holding the back of his cards to me. He elected to take two, and I held. Since the bet was fixed – here I glanced at Angela butting her cigarette – there was no further betting.
He laid down his cards: a single pair of aces. “Let’s see what you got,” he said.
I laid down my hand in triumph.
“You lose,” the man said.
“Lose?” I barked. “How the fuck can I lose? My straight beats your pair!”
“Take a look at your cards,” he intoned.
I glanced down at my cards; the faces were blank. Plain white. Empty. I stared down in shock. As I watched, the five cards that I’d placed onto the green felt almost seemed to shrivel and wither.
“You lose,” the man repeated.
“That can’t be!” I yelled.
“You lose, honey,” Angela interjected softly. “You shouldn’t have bet me if you didn’t have anything to back it up with.” Her leering smile had become a lusty smirk. She rose to her feet, and I now saw that the hemline of her dress barely covered her pubic region.
I went to rise to my own feet – only to discover I couldn’t move. I was paralysed. The harder I tried to rise, the more I became immobile.
Angela walked over to the victor sitting opposite me. He slid his chair back to allow her to stand in front of him with her back to me.
“Are you going to take me now?” I heard her ask him.
“Yes. Undress yourself,” he replied. His words rocked me. Undress yourself? Angela?
The ceiling lamp now started playing weird tricks; the bright cast of its light seemed to alter to keep only the face of the mysterious man in shadow. When Angela turned to face me I could clearly see her soft, drowsy smile, She slowly reached around behind her back to unzip her dress, and she slowly peeled it off; her beautiful breasts and her neatly trimmed thatch of pubic hair leaped into view.
She contemptuously tossed her dress aside, gazing back at me with a teasing smile. I sat staring in frozen disbelief as she stood naked in the harsh light of the ceiling lamp. My rival’s hands suddenly came from behind to cup her hips. He drew her back and pulled her down to sit on his lap.
Their faces were lost in the shadows again, but I could see that Angela had swiveled her head sharply to the right because the bottom of her golden tresses swept over her upper chest. The smack of lips suddenly echoed from the far side of the table, and it was perfectly obvious that they were kissing. His hands slid around her waist, reaching up to cup her firm breasts.
I opened my mouth to speak – whether in approval or protest, I wasn’t sure – but no sound came out in any event; I was dumbstruck. Again I tried to rise from my seat, but I couldn’t move. It was like my arms and legs had become welded to the chair on which I sat. I realized that I was becoming hard – I could feel my cock slowly expanding inside my trousers.
He took each of her nipples between a thumb and forefinger, and he rolled them firmly. They instantly hardened, and I heard a smothered moan issue from my wife’s lips. He tweaked and teased her nipples expertly, and her hair dipped sharply to one side. I realized he was kissing her neck – which always turned her on. Her body began to writhe almost imperceptibly.
“Do you want me to suck your cock?” I heard Angela whisper to him.
“Yes,” he said in that strangely deep voice. “Get on your knees.”
Angela climbed up off his lap, and he also rose to his feet. Angela’s pretty face reappeared in the circle of harsh light as she sank to her knees. She reached over and undid his trousers, and she soon slid them down. His briefs followed next, and I was stunned as his cock sprang into view; it was already erect, and at least eight or nine inches long, and very thick.
Angela drew a startled breath as she gazed at it. “What a beautiful cock,” she whispered in adoration.
“Bigger than your husband’s cock, isn’t it?” he stated.
Angela nodded. “Lots bigger. I want to suck it.”
“Then suck it,” he told her. “Blow me.”
I sat paralysed as she did just that; her pouty lips parted and her head darted forward, sliding the broad purple head of his massive tool slowly into her mouth. She eased further forward, and my eyes widened as she engulfed him totally. How she could take all of him inside her mouth I didn’t know – but she did. Her pert nose was buried in his pubic hair, and his balls joyfully kissed her dimpled chin.
“Mmmmmmmm…” she hummed from the back of the throat.
She pulled her head back until the glistening crown of his cock withdrew to her lips, and then she repeated the process – taking him back into her mouth and out again, over and over, getting faster and faster. Her long blonde hair swayed hypnotically back and forth, and lewd sucking and slurping noises drifted over the table. The faceless man slowly reached down and gently pushed her head back so that the underside of his glans rested on her bottom lip.
“Hold your mouth open and keep still,” he commanded.
My wife obeyed him; she opened her mouth a fraction wider and gazed adoringly up at him. He then started to fuck her mouth, swinging his hips slowly back and forth, and again I watched in disbelief as his long cock slid up to the hilt. His full balls slapped against her chin. Angela’s rapt gaze never left his face.
“Play with your cunt,” he bluntly told her. “I want it soaking wet.”
I saw her right shoulder dip slightly, and although I couldn’t see under the rim of the table, I knew that Angela was again complying with his request. I could imagine her nimble fingers sliding into her moist slit, making it slick with her secretions. He continued to face-fuck my wife, and she tilted her head slightly back, allowing his cock to slide even further down her throat. A glistening stream of her saliva trickled down her lips and formed a wet inverted mound under her chin. It quickly grew under its weight and hung for several seconds before it dribbled slowly onto her tits.
He pulled his hips back, and his cock slipped from her mouth, hovering over her face like a club. A sticky bridge of saliva hung between her lips and his cock for a second or two before it broke.
“Is your hot little cunt wet yet?” he asked her.
“Yes – my pussy is so creamy for you,” my wife replied. “Are you going to fuck me now?” she asked hopefully.
“Yes. Get up onto the table, on your back.”
Angela quickly rose to her feet and backed up to the table. She levered herself up on to it with her hands, and then slowly leaned back until her body was flat on the felt surface, with her buttocks slightly overhanging the opposite edge. She raised and parted her legs, and I could see she was still wearing her red high-heels. Her inverted face was now no further than three feet from me. She tilted her head back and looked up at me.
“He’s gonna fuck me, honey!” she told me huskily, following up with what appeared to be an involuntary giggle, as though she couldn’t help it. Her nipples stood proudly erect, like little flagpoles.
The faceless man moved unhurriedly between her parted thighs, his countenance still clad in shadow. He firmly seized the spikes of her high-heels, one in each hand, and pushed her legs back and outwards even further. This tilted her pelvis upwards and lifted her pussy lips into my line of sight. He then swung his hips forward, and his hard cock slithered over her cunt, almost pointing directly at me like the muzzle of a canon.
He settled until his broad swollen glans was resting just under her mons pubis. He began rocking his hips slowly back and forth, see-sawing the underside of his thick shaft between her labia. I realized that it was also rubbing against my wife’s clitoris, teasing her. I could feel my cock throbbing impotently.
“Do you want me to fuck you?” he asked her.
“Mmmmm, yes!” my wife panted. “I want you to fuck me hard.”
“Beg me,” he told her
“Please fuck me. Please!“
“Why? Why do you want me to fuck you?”
“Because I need it!” squealed my wife. “Because I need to be fucked!”
“Doesn’t your husband fuck you?”
“Not anymore! He hasn’t fucked me in months!“
“So – that steamy little cunt of yours hasn’t had a hard cock up it recently?”
“No!” Angela rasped. “Not for ages!”
“I’ll soon fix that,” the man confidently chuckled, rocking his hips a little faster. The underside of his glans slithered wetly back and forth over my wife’s clit.
“Good!” Angela gasped eagerly. She wriggled her hips. “Please stop teasing me! Do it!“
“You put it in,” he told her. “If you want my hard cock inside you so much, then you reach down and put it in.”
My wife hastily slid her hand down to his meaty shaft. She wrapped her fingers around it and guided the massive head downwards. I saw it disappear between her upturned pussy lips.
“Now fuck me!” my wife hissed to him.
I watched helplessly as he slowly thrust his hips forward, and his thick cock slid wetly into her – inch after inch after inch, until at last his huge tool was completely buried in her cunt. Angela uttered a long, grateful moan and tilted her head back toward me. I stared at her upside-down face, and her green eyes bored into mine.
“Mmmmm, he’s inside me, Michael,” she panted to me. “His hard cock is so deep inside me! Jesus, it feels so good! He’s gonna fuck me hard, honey!”
I heard him laugh softly. He slowly began sliding his cock in and out of her pussy, almost in slow motion. “I think Michael likes watching someone fuck you,” he said.
Angela grinned and looked towards his face. “I know he does. You didn’t need to win me in a bet – you could’ve just asked him if you could fuck me. That would have made him hard!”
The man guffawed. “He’s already got a hard-on.” I have no idea how he knew I had an erection – but he did.
Angela smirked cattily. “That makes a fucking change! See? He can only get it up if someone else fucks me – and you’re gonna fuck me hard, aren’t you?”
“I sure am. Your sweet little cunt is so tight!”
Angela smiled. “It’s tight because my fucking husband hasn’t used it in so long!”
He laughed again. “That wouldn’t matter – you’d still be tight for me anyway.”
She giggled. “I’m sure I would be! Your cock’s so big – and so hard! I love feeling it inside me!”
He gave a deep chuckle. “Are you sure you want my cock? Wouldn’t you rather have your husband’s cock inside you instead?”
“No!” she cried sharply. “I want yours!”
“You’re a horny little tart, aren’t you?” he stated.
“Yes, I am! – now fuck me!“
He instantly obliged her, slowly speeding his rocking hips, slamming his cock deep inside her as I sat in paralysed silence, watching every powerful thrust, watching my wife’s body jolt with each firm stroke, watching her beautiful tits describe tight, wobbly circles as the rhythm of his pumping hips flowed up through hers. He was still holding the spiked heels of her shoes, using them almost like a pair of convenient handles with which to keep my wife’s legs widely parted.
Angela’s moans soon took on a far more urgent and ardent tone. Her body tensed as the carnal slap of their flesh became more and more intense. With her legs drawn so sharply back, I could see her pussy lips clinging to his cock as it slid in and out, slick and shiny with her juices.
“I’m gonna cum any second!” he grunted.
“Cum inside me,” my wife implored loudly. “Shove it right in and shoot it deep inside me! Cream me!“
He uttered several shuddering moans, and his hips suddenly plunged forward and drove his cock inside her to the hilt. I knew at that very moment his semen was beginning to erupt deep inside my wife’s hot, creamy pussy.
“Oh, yeah!” he moaned loudly. “I’m cumming!“
Angela arched her back under him, and yelled: “I’m cumming too! Cumming! Cumming!”
The voice caused my eyes to snap open. There was only darkness, and I was softly gasping. I could feel myself trembling. Disorientation took me for a few seconds.
I inhaled the familiar aromas of our bedroom. A dream, I realized. A goddamned dream!
I felt Angela in bed beside me; I was pressed snugly against her naked back, and she was stirring from slumber.
“Michael?” she murmured groggily. “Are you okay? I heard you cry out, baby.”
I heard her reach up and tap the touch lamp on. I squinted in the sudden brightness.
“I’m okay, hun,” I replied. “Just a dream.”
She slowly began to roll over to face me when a look of sudden confusion passed over her face.
“What the hell…?” she muttered. She reached behind her back, sliding her right hand down to her panties.
At the same time, I became aware of dampness in my briefs. I darted a hand down to my groin; my briefs were drenched, and from the smooth, sticky consistency I knew that it was semen. The dream had caused me to ejaculate – a lot.
Angela drew her hand from behind her back, rubbing her fingers together and staring at them intently. She, too, realized that the fluid was semen.
“A wet dream?” she softly asked me.
I sighed in embarrassment. “Apparently so,” I replied. My groin had been pressed tightly against her backside as I dreamed, and some of the watery pre-cum and semen must have soaked through my underwear and onto her panties.
I arose and went to the bathroom to clean up the mess, still stunned by what had occurred. I returned to the bedroom and slid a fresh pair of briefs on.
“Is everything okay, baby?” Angela asked as I slid back into bed. I knew what she was referring to; she was worried about if I had hurt or damaged the healing incision in my penis.
“Yeah, it’s okay, baby,” I told her sullenly. “I had a look in the bathroom. Everything’s fine.”
“You didn’t get hard at all, did you?” she asked.
“No, hun,” I replied. “Those fucking pills are still working. I wasn’t hard at all.”
“What did you dream about?” she inquired.
“I can’t remember,” I replied – a little too quickly. Even to me, it sounded lame, and I inwardly cringed.
“Don’t lie to me, Michael,” she said quietly. “Whatever you dreamed about made you so aroused that you were able to have a wet dream – even though you weren’t hard. I want to know what the dream was. It’s important to me.”
I closed my eyes. “Can I tell you tomorrow?”
“No – by the morning you will have forgotten most of it. Tell me now.”
I doubted I would forget that dream in a hurry. I sighed again – I was cornered. I acceded to her request, and I recounted the dream in soft, halting detail, omitting nothing. Angela lay beside me and listened intently. When I had finished my account, she smiled softly and kissed me.
“Thank you, honey,” she said. “Okay – well, firstly, I’m not surprised that you had a wet dream; it’s been six weeks since you last ejaculated, and it was bound to happen sooner or later, honey. So don’t be embarrassed about it, okay?”
I smiled wanly and nodded.
“Secondly, I’m very aware that the notion of me screwing another man has a huge impact on you, and that it’s probably your biggest turn-on. As I’ve always told you, I’m more than fine with that fantasy, honey, and I can certainly understand it. Jesus, I use it on you myself, so don’t be shy about telling me any dreams or thoughts that you have about it, no matter how kinky or extreme they are, okay?”
I nodded again.
“Thirdly? I’ll play amateur psychiatrist, and say that I can see that there’s a lot of things in that dream that reflects the current situation – for example, I’m guessing that the cards going inexplicably blank and wilting is perhaps symbolic of how the medication is keeping you soft. The same with you not being able to move or speak as you watched me. That dream just blended your inability to achieve a hard-on with your cuckold fantasy – very intensely.”
“You’re probably right,” I said quietly.
“I’d really like to talk about a lot of the other things that you mentioned, but not right now – it’s too late and I’m stuffed and can’t think straight, honey. Can we talk about it tomorrow?”
“Sure, baby” I replied.
She gave me an inquiring look. “Did you actually climax?”
I shrugged. “I don’t know. Being asleep, it was kinda hard to tell. But I think I did.” In fact, I did feel a warm post-climax glow in my loins.
Angela cocked her head to one side. “Really? That’s interesting. Very interesting. We just might have to have a chat about that, too. But let’s get some shut-eye, huh? I have an early start tomorrow, honey.”
I nodded, and she touched the metal base of the lamp and the room was plunged back into darkness. She kissed me again, and our faces remained pressed gently together on the pillows.
“I love you, baby” she whispered.
“I love you, too” I replied.
There was silence for about twenty seconds, and then she quietly asked: “Did you enjoy watching him fuck me?”
“Yes,” I answered softly.
I sensed that a soft grin was flooding her face.
We drifted back off to sleep in each other’s arms.