Take Me, Take Me Now! Chapter 5: Restraint and Discovery

"Marie, stepping out of her marriage, meets her online lover who meets her needs, and more."

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Marie had endured the public teasing of the Hilton bellboy to finally reach her online lover.  Jim had presented her with a handcrafted velvet padded kneeler. A delicate gold chain, attached to a velvet choker, had become the covenant for their impending lovemaking.

Marie shifted back and forth on her unsteady heels and found she could not speak as she tried to take in what sat before her. She was desperate to understand it’s purpose and consequences.

“Ahhh, is it not beautiful?” Jim smiled, a very wicked smile, as he pulled her forward and caressed the sturdy contraption lightly. Brushing the padded kneeler he continued, “I want you to know, I made this only for you, all by myself.”

Marie found her heart beating just a little faster as she took in the ‘contraption’ directly before her. The base of the kneeler, that is what she decided to call it, looked like something you would find at mass. It sat about six inches off the floor. The kneeler had a cross piece, maybe six inches wide, that would extend on either side of her hips if she kneeled in the center. It had attached to it two boards, ‘maybe legs’ she wondered. They extended towards her from the center of the cross piece and were the length of her shins. Marie quickly realized if she were to kneel on the ‘legs’ they would support her from her knees to her ankles while lifting her pumps slightly off the floor.

Attached vertically to the legs was a padded board, a ‘chest plate’ she thought, with a wide leather chin rest. The breastplate had two cut outs that sprouted, on the side towards the bed, two half cups that Marie knew would exactly fit her breasts. Extending from the breastplate were two armrests that ended in padded velvet covered grips. The entire kneeler was covered in the same red velvet as her bustier and the choker he had presented her.

“Try it out.” Jim urged Marie forward with a slight tug of her chain.

Marie first attempted to step out of her shoes. However, Jim stood at the edge of the bed and jerked on the chain as he instructed her to keep them on.

Marie moved forward and noticed that Jim, with his semi rigid cock, moved with her to stand on the other side of the kneeler. As she bent to kneel on the device Marie was relieved to notice that no restraints were apparent.

‘Okay, I can do this,’ Marie thought to calm herself as she kneeled before Jim.

“No! That’s not right.” Jim leered at her heaving breast and forcibly pulled her bustier down to expose her firm milky white breast and rose colored aerolas.

“Move forward,” he instructed by pulling down on the chain. As Marie pressed her ribs against the padded material he added with an approving nod of his head, “Yes, your are finally getting it right.”

As Marie settled her weight on her shins she began moving side to side to insert her breasts into the holes that had been provided. Jim reached down between them. He roughly lifted and pulled on each nipple till Marie had her chest and tummy firmly against the padded board, and her firm tits were hanging a few inches from Jim’s leg.

As Marie had expected, with her chin on the padded rest, her face was now level with Jim’s bobbing cock. She did not wait for any further instructions to lay her arms on the provided supports and wrapped her fingers tightly around the padded hand grips.

Marie wanted Jim’s cock between her lips in the worst way. Times for games were done, she decided, as she leaned her head forward to brush her wet lips across the swollen member rising before her. Jim just stood perfectly still, holding the chain, while watching Marie extended her tongue to taste a bit of pre-cum that had dribbled down past the cock head.

“Watch this,” Jim instructed as he reached down to attach the delicate gold chain to a hook provided between Marie’s exposed breasts. Turning her head from side to side, Marie realized that if she was to move off the chin rest the chain, and today’s pleasure, would be shattered.

“Remember what I told you,” Jim reminder her as he used both free hands to press Marie’s head and mouth firmly down on his cock.

Choking back tears, Marie desperately tried to accommodate Jim’s thick member, but only managed to get the cock head past her lips before her gag reflex kicked in.

“You don’t want my cock?” Jim asked while pulling back slightly to make a loud ‘Plop’ as his cockhead escaped her lips.

Marie, feeling her own juices flooding down inside her legs, leaned forward and reengaged Jim’s cock with her tongue and lips. Resisting temptation to give him a well deserved bite, for teasing her like this, she used her tongue to lift him firmly into her mouth. With her lips tightly wrapped around Jim’s cock Marie sucked hard, desperate to bring more of his shaft into her mouth.

“Woooo … Wow, fuck that feels GOOD!” Jim knees buckled at the pleasure and pain of her sucking so hard that he had to grab the kneeler to keep from falling.

“Mmmm, Ahhhhh Mmmm,” was all that escaped Marie’s mouth as she sucked his hard dick, determined to pay him back for the hours of teasing he had put her through.

“Wait a second!” Jim stood quickly and again pulled away, grimacing at the pain of breaking her suction.

“Get Back Here!” Marie demanded, rising slightly, ready to risk breaking the chain to get that swollen hunk of meat firmly between her legs and finally into her ass..

“not yet, not yet, just wait,” Jim mumbled as he walked around to the table next to the bed.

As Jim turned back towards her, Marie saw Jim was holding her toy, or at least an exact duplicate of her toy.

“I Don’t need that!” Marie said firmly, staring at the toy in his hands.

“I Want That!” There was no mistaking her eyes were locked on Jim’s cock, finally swollen to its full girth.

“Marie, you will really Love this next part,” Jim offered as he played with a latch on the kneeler.

‘Zap’, ‘Click’, ‘Zzzump’, Marie clutched the grips and felt her legs flying apart as some hidden lever used her own weight to slide her legs widely apart.

Jim, having moved behind her began to rub the glass toy back and forth across her ass cheeks.

“I think you need something more to play with,” he said.

Jim leaned so close that Marie could feel his cock resting on her ass as he whispered in her ear. Marie felt the familiar ripple of the glass nubs as he pulled away the soaking wet thong and deftly entered the toy into her wet pussy.

“Don’t drop it!” Jim commanded her as he released the toy deep in her pussy.

Clutching the toy with her trained kegel muscles Marie extended her tongue with a hungry look in her eye.

Jim sat on the bed, his cock head still dripping pre-cum but inches below Marie’s waiting tongue and level with her extended breasts. Reaching down between them he began to rub and pinch and pull on Marie’s nipples. The shocks of pleasure, and near pain, combined with the pressure inside of her pussy made Marie press herself forward as far as she could go. To her surprise, and relief, she found that the kneeler had now provided a small protrusion right in front of her pussy, between her parted legs. It took Marie a scant few seconds to press her clit firmly upon the padded knob. She was startled and then pleased to find it had a slight vibration. Staring at Jim’s cock Marie began to hump the small knob in earnest, desperate to relieve the many hours of teasing she had endured.

‘So he wants to see me cum,’ Marie thought to herself, ‘I’ll give him a show then’.

Marie began to hump the protuding nub while staring lustfully in her lovers eyes.

“Did she find it?” A new voice, a deep female voice, called out from the bathroom, out of view from Marie..

“Oh yes, she found it, right off,” Jim responded with a smile.

Jim pinched her nipples again, but did not take his eyes off the confusion racing across Marie’s face.

He seemed to relish her surprise and rising sense of tepedation.

Marie had immediately froze in place, her impending climax hovering just beneath the surface. Angered at being interrupted again, she fought the reflex to stand up, and find out what was going on, out of fear of breaking the delicate gold chain. Marie wrestled with the demands of her impending climax, needing her attention, and her thoughts that immediately turned back to, ‘What else had I said in the throes of that climax?’

The woman’s voice, rich with tone that was much deeper that Marie’s, continued as she walked into the room. “You did say she wanted to experience a woman, right?”

Marie had definitely not expected anyone else in the room. In one head spinning second Marie, still in the heat of her impending climax, was alarmed, confused, excited and yes, a bit angry. Till now she had accepted the self imposed submission restrained only by the delicate gold chain connected to the red velvet choker around her neck and the small attachment point on the padded red velvet kneeler. Her red bustier, pulled down earlier to expose her breasts, and thong matched the red velvet material of the kneeler as if she had been carved in place as some erotic work of art. Like a sacrifice to some hedonic God she was kneeling spread wide and fully exposed with her red cum fuck my pumps still on her feet. Her arms were extended on the red velvet padded arms rest as far as they could go. Her hands were gripping the provided handles, for what purpose she still did not understand. Her smooth, shaved, shapely legs were spread wide to accommodate the glass toy with its teasing numbs, still deep inside of her pussy. Her ass was still pulsating from the teasing of her butt plug, left as a souvenir to the young lad in the Hilton elevator.

Even as she tried to understand the introduction of this new female player into their sex play, Marie absent mindedly continued to rub her pussy forward to expose her swollen clit to the vibrating protrusion from blow the padded breast plate. Her sex was on fire and as she moved slightly to tease her sex Marie could feel the soft comfort and caresses of the padded breast rack holding her sensitive breast up to the touch of her lover. The cool air from the brass fan rotating above her was blowing past her hardened nipples that had extended themselves as Jim teased and pulled on them. She wanted to lean forward and take his cock back into her mouth before the new bitch could lay claim to him.

“Who?” was the only word Marie got out before Jim pinched her nipples hard and shot her a look that SHOUTED for her silence, without making a sound.

“Yes Carolyn,” Jim replied with a lustful smile as he continued to pinch and pull more gently on Marie’s nipples, “She really wants to finally taste the sex of a woman.”

Marie caught a heady smell of lavender perfume, the kind her roommate in college used to wear.  Her thoughts were drawn back to that beautiful young blond who use to lay totally naked on her bed as she masterbated with complete disreagard for Marie being in the room.  The smell of her roomates sex had filled her dreams back then.

‘My God,’ she thought to herself, ‘he even remembered me talking about my masturbating under the covers wanting to touch my roommate and not having the nerve to approach her.’

“She looks beautiful from here.” Carolyn smiled with approval as she came to stand directly behind Marie.

Carolyn reached forward and Marie shuddered a bit as she felt the touch of lace on her ass and inner thighs.

As the lace covered fingers traced up between her legs she felt firm pressure on her sweet spot between her pussy and bum hole.

“You are so wet baby girl.” Carolyn cooed approvingly and to Jim she said, “She is sooo wet, how did you do that so fucking fast?”

Jim continued to sit on the edge of the bed. His throbbing cock was scant inches from Marie’s red lips. Marie could tell he was watching and enjoying the show by the thick pre cum leaking out of his pee hole. His cock throbbed as he watched Marie react to the teasing of the vibrator on her clit and the probing fingers from Carolyn.

Running her fingers up the slit area not covered by the vibrator Carolyn took time to tease the area before the anus, a hot spot for Marie Jim had clued her into.

Carolyn continued to rub her long fingers, covered in the delicate black lace, up and down Marie’s sex, taking time to taste the woman before her.

“Shit Jimmy, did you fuck her in the ass already, it looks so stretched out.”

“No,” Jim replied, looking at Carolyn for the first time. “I have not touched her, Yet, just as I promised you.”

“Good,” Carolyn replied “If you really want her to remember Me, she has got to want Me!”

“Mmm…” Marie broke her silence as the fluttering button on her clit, the probing fingers on her slit and the thoughts of forbidden sex sent her into a near frenzy needing relief.

“Okay baby girl,” came Carolyn’s voice now much softer and comforting, “This should help.”

Marie almost stood erect on her toes as she felt Carolyn’s hands strip off her thong and spread the cheeks of her ass.  She quickly remove the glass toy, and then replace the tease of the nubs of the toy with her hot wild tongue, plunging deep into her needy pussy. Only the tug of the delicate chain kept Marie firmly on the kneeler.

“Trust me, I know what you need… mmm…” Came the voice between Marie’s legs.

“I want your cock, in my mouth, … ohh shit, that is soooo fucking good…” Marie screamed at Jim as Carolyn continued to lick her slit and suck her swollen lips into her mouth.

“Not yet,” came Jim’s unheard reply as Carolyn rubbed her thumb between Marie’s slit and anus and then plunged her tongue again deep inside as she again removed the toy.

“I’m cuummmminggg!” Marie screamed aloud, not caring who heard her.

“More baby girl,” coaxed Carolyn as she alternated the glass toy expertly angled to hit Marie’s G-pot, then running the slick toy across her own sex.

“Gush on my lips so Jim can taste you,” she demanded as she licked down Marie’s slit to press against the now exposed clit.

“Oh shit, oh SHIT……. DOOOONT STOP” Yelled Marie at Jim as if by sure force of will she could draw his cock into her mouth as her climax washed over her.

Carolyn had removed a lace glove so her long thin fingers could continued to tease Marie’s stretched bum while probing the glass toy deep inside. She could feel her own juices flowing as she continued licking the drenched pussy lips before her.  Aroused by the sight and smell of the inflamed sex before her she licked the toy with each strike deep inside of Marie.

“Mmm, you cum, you cum good baby girl,” cooed Carolyn as she tapped Marie’s shaking legs with approval.

Jim watched scene before him with joy and pure lust. His own desire on hold he savored filling each of Marie’s fantasies.

Spent, Marie laid her head down on the padded chin rest, amazed she had not ripped the hand grips off or broken the delicate chain. The flow of her climax, and after climax, continued to flow through her shaking body. She knew she could not rise off the kneeler, even if Jim had asked her too. She was content to stay put and let them continue without her, for now.

… to be continued, to the logical climax.


Published 8 years ago

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