My Maria

""Tomorrow" The answer is yes!"

 Why the sadness honey?Why have your eyes lost their sparkle?Why the pout on your luscious lips?You are beautiful my love. Let me kiss your gorgeous face,Your eyes,Your nose,Your lips. Hold you tightand cuddle you.Chase away things,things that make you blue. Bring back the twinkle,The...

When Did I Become Yours?

"This was for the girl who had broken my heart. She didn't mean to, and I am still hers."

I've watched you for yearsEvolving before my eyesHow didn't I see?My best friendCould you be the one for me?The way you fit in my armsMake me laughGet me to admit if I'm wrongYou're radiance is peacefulBeauty unparalleledStunning my eyesThough you're...