A Week Away With Miss Chantelle

"The ninth in the Miss Susan series, in which I spend a week away on business with Miss Chantelle"

Miss Susan had been delighted when Miss Chantelle told her that she and I had to visit my current clients to close out the merger and that we would be staying in a hotel for the week. She was of...

Discipline Centre By Design

"Kathy wanted to experience being disciplined and thought being sent to a discipline centre would be best."

Kathy, who was sixty, was walking down the road towards the discipline centre because of the violation she intentionally committed. Being punished at a discipline centre was something that she had fantasised about for so many years, and yet she...

The Cane Is Given

"The head girl and a student who was given a double detention attend the headmistress' study"

Olivia, nineteen, and the head girl at the sixth form college, and Chloe, seventeen, from the first year at the college, both walked into the secretary's office. College had finished for the day except for those in detention so both...

Disciplined By His Assistant

"Tony is walking back from the restaurant with his much younger assistant and after groping her pays the price"

It had been a really enjoyable lunch. Tony, who was coming up for retirement next week and was sixty-five, had been taken out for lunch by a long-standing supplier.His work colleagues, Mark and Hannah, had been at the lunch as...

Cheerleaders’ Revenge

"Three cheerleaders are humiliated by the bad workmanship of their seamsters and seek revenge"

Amy Charlotte and Katie were furious. The three friends were all eighteen and were cheerleaders who had taken part in a cheerleader's contest. They were firm favourites to win but during their performance, their outfits started to unravel and slip...