California Here We Cum Part 2

"A young man searches for a lost girl; together they find true love"

Part Two – Emma and Luke discover each other The long days on the California trail continued. The wagon train had entered the dangerous Apache country, and there was a sense of nervousness among all the travelers; all of them,...

Holidays at the Farm Part 1

"Semester break is here. Ken and Elaine are alone. Sarah is gone with the family"

It is Christmas and semester break from college. My first semester of freshman year is over. I survived and made the Dean’s List with a 4.0 average in all my classes. It was a lot of hard work. I was...

Bev’s Golden Boy

"Beverly couldn’t believe Mike was sleeping right downstairs on the pullout sofa in the living room."

He was her golden boy, her surfer boy, her summer love. His shock of wavy sun-bleached hair and taught surfers body formed an image that carried her through an entire school year. They had met last summer on the beach...

ski resort

"two lovers meet on one memorable night"

It was one of the best winters we had in the last couple years. I was now 19 and my friends thought we should take advantage of the weather and rent a chalet by the hill. We arrived all ready...