Gorgeous Dreams

"I ran away in my sleep and dreamed of you."

When I dream of you, knowing you dream of me. I see your wholesome beauty. The love in your soft brown eyes, captivates my heart. I dream of your warm embrace. I hear your lovely voice, singing love songs to...

Closed Door

"What remains when things are unsaid."

Words that are spoken when nothing is saidThe sounds that we hear, we should have listened insteadA deafening silence has become our cocoonOn this road that we’ve traveled we arrived way too soonA need ever-present now certainly lostIn life’s forward...

A Life Of Wondering

"Lots of different feelings"

Sometimes we laugh and everything is great, Other times it's silence and moods. It's a crap shoot to try to relate,I don't ever want to intrude. I then feel like it's some how my fault,You don't want to talk to me.You...

So Sad Here

"Can you hear me?"

I get so sad in this place,I try to tell you how I feel. Just sleeping and crying in this space,What is the fucking deal? You never deal with things,I ask you things, but then you shout.I feel like I'm...

A Cyber World

"Just wondering."

A cyber world occupies your mind, Meeting people who are very kind. Leaving reality so far behind. You might meet someone and open your heart,Looking perhaps for happiness and a new start.All these feelings can feel off the charts. You pour...

Do You Really Ever Know?

"Just Thinking and Wondering"

Do you ever really meet your soul mate? Or do you just settle and decide your own fate. You find love and create an amazing life,You get married and are a devoted wife. You have an amazing family and lots of...

It’s that empty place inside; from it I always try to hide. But it follows me around; to my mind it’s tied and bound. My heart bleeds like it has been stabbed; sweet memories are now stained with sadness. Left...

Body straining Spine arching Raking fingers Down my body. A probing tongue Hot and wet Seeking my centre My pleasure. Trembling thighs And clenching hands Gripping hair Soft moans and gasps. Steal my breath And push me higher Thrust and...