Pearls Of A Winter’s Day

"A feminine snowflake transmogrifies into an algid lapis lazuli"

Pearls of a winter’s day plash gently on open hands,Each snowflake a gem of melting opulence,Garnishing season’s moods with opalescent sheets.Purity celebrated in perpetual variety,With polished faces of ivory radiance;Their tender and alluring eyes abounding everywhere. Shades of winter relax not...

Tawny Breezes Of Autumn

"The fall season is encapsulated by a woman"

Tawny breezes of autumn enchant maple glitter,Embellishing each leaf of platinum velvet;Whistling its ariose aphrodisiaWhere’er winces are efflorescent,‘Till fall’s rains sweeten their florid fires,As my blood throbs ‘mid each downpour. Dropping into a roadside stream, russet is rifeSwirling with careless abandon;So...

Pure Bliss

"A young woman discovers her clitoris"

“Blade,” I said, as I looked around me at the doctor’s small sterile consulting room. “My name is Blade.”Her sudden movement brought my gaze back to the doctor across the desk. I saw her name: ‘Dr. Rachelle Deckard.’Dr. Deckard opened...