Nancy And Travis – On The Prowl: Part Two

"A return to the bar finds the second stranger willing to go home with the couple."

Nancy and Travis go on the prowl for the second time this evening. They return to the bar where they met the young man earlier. It is their favorite pick-up spot. Like before, they sit at the bar and wait....

Dorothea 1: Stratford

"A love story in five parts. Dedicated to all mature Lush Ladies whose love life has disappeared into their past."

The door lock clicked as I swiped the sensor with my key card before pushing the door open. I glanced around at the furnishings, realising this could be a hotel room almost anywhere. I was dog-tired after travelling for twenty-four...

The Office Whore – Part 59

"Naughty girls get spanked."

The next day, after being caught masturbating in the women’s restroom, Reina’s ass was still sore from the spanking her boss, who happened to be her husband, had given her. She smiled. Instead of learning a lesson from that, the...

Whispering Secrets

"Mrs. Jones, my babysitter, ate my pussy to keep me from revealing her secret, and I now wake up in bed with her."

As the haze of sleep lifts, I realize I'm not alone in my bed. There's Mrs. Jones, her soft curves pressing against me, our limbs entangled beneath the cozy blanket.The faint scent of her perfume lingers in the air, and...

Joan’s New Job Gives Her Exciting Opportunity’s-Chapter Eight

"Mixing Work With Play Turns Joan Into A Horney Woman."

Joan woke up with the fragrance of heated lovemaking in the air and her cuckold husband holding her nestled against his naked body. The memories of watching her husband's cock slide in and out of her client's tight ass sent...

Joan Gets A Promotion With Benefits-Chapter-Six

"Joan Uses All Her Talents At The Company's Home Show"

Joan came into work early on Monday after seducing the framing crew into getting gang fucked on the job last Friday. Hank is already at his desk and asks her how everything went on Friday with the crew. I told...