A Very Effective Treatment – Part 3

"The two doctors assist a widow with her memories and grief."

Dr James Kirkham smiled as the young widow was escorted from his Harley Street consulting rooms. He accepted her thanks humbly. A lot of his clients were widows. He himself had been trained in many of his most successful techniques...

Gift Wrapping Service

"David splurges on custom gift wrapping and meets Liz"

This year was going to be different, I promised myself. This was going to be the third Christmas for me as a “single” man. I had made my list of all the family members who I had to buy presents...

Walking Encounters – Part 3 – Amanda

"It takes a funky dating site to bring two perfectly matched people together, despite living within walking distance of each other."

1 – A Chance EncounterJust for a change of scenery, Alex would sometimes turn right out of his street and walk up the hill past the cemetery on his morning walks. This was an alternate path to the beach which...