The Tempting of Neely J: Chapter Three – Sex Sessions

"Neely wrestles with her ethics, in between illicit literary explorations."

12/06/10  21:18 GMT(extract)Well, Carlotta—There are few things which set the blood coursing to one’s dick more urgently than contemplation of deflowering a feisty young virgin—one who has kept her hymen intact for reasons of religion. I hadn’t considered the matter greatly,...

The Tempting of Neely J: Chapter Two – Odyssey’s Beginning

"Neely has a kind-of date, and discovers an interesting read..."

Jasmine’s taunt was an exaggeration, Neely thought as she departed Lemongrass later that day, but she supposed she wasn’t starved of attention. Either within or outside the church. It would be convenient if she could find herself a mature-minded Christian...

The Tempting of Neely J: Chapter One – Prey For Ray

"Sincere Christian girl meets serial seducer. Let the game begin."

Prologue: Neely’s Shower-time Prayer Hi Lord. How’s today? I know, I know, stupid question. Drop in the ocean of eternity and all that. Bear with me, I’m pre-caffeine. Ooh yes, that fair-trade Javanese is still unopened. Totally delicious and ethical too....

Extra-Curricular – Part 2

"Teacher Amanda and her student Christina share a sore and guilty secret."

During a celebratory night out, teacher Amanda Winter and her 18-year-old student Christina unwittingly become the objects of a sex bet between uncle and nephew Gavin and Josh McClain. Which of the sexy pair will get fucked first? Despite the...