The Curious Case Of Mrs Smith – Novel Version Chapter 10

"Was Mrs Smith allone after all? It'll take a welsh-irish bond to solve the case"

Bronwyn had dropped Ciara off at her apartment to freshen up before heading to her place to do the same.When she re-entered the apartment building's lobby about two hours later, she found Ciara already sitting in the small waiting area...

The Curious Case Of Mrs Smith – Novel Version Chapter 9

"Was Mrs Smith allone after all? It'll take a welsh-irish bond to solve the case"

 Ciara switched off the navigation outside Wendy's shop.After Bronwyn and Harrison had left, she had called Nelson to inform him of the new developments and he had agreed to give her another day off. Ciara knew he was invested in...

The Curious Case Of Mrs Smith – Novel Version Chapter 7

"Was Mrs Smith allone after all? It'll take a welsh-irish bond to solve the case"

Ciara stopped in front of the shop and announced, "There we are!""Yes, we are." Bronwyn was impressed. She dropped her hand from Ciara's elbow and looked at the shop. "I didn't expect this.""What? That I could lead you here?" Ciara's...

The No. 1 Lesbian Detective Agency: What The Girl With The Pearl Earring Saw

"“We reveal more of ourselves in the lies we tell than we do when we try to tell the truth.” — DOROTHY SALISBURY DAVIS"

The Princess of Wales paused; her eyes sought out the Netherlands’ Ambassador. Having sighted his supportive smile, she concluded her speech:“The exhibition’s highlight is the two Vermeer paintings I’ll now unveil. The one on your left is a delight, the...

Deviant Desert Dwellers

"Are there any innocents left in the city of sin?"

The Mojave DesertThough thought to be arid and lifeless, the Mojave held many secrets. With Vegas and its outwardly spreading fingers, it served a purpose: to contain the city's sins and hide the evidence. However, for whatever reason, the desert coughed...