Consorts For Ladies 4

"Phaedia takes Gabriel, Elizabeth wallows, Daisy submits to a dashing new knight"

Sir Elizabeth lay naked on a cushioned, inclined bench on one of Heartgarden Castle’s many verandas. A roaring fire in the veranda’s hearth kept it pleasant, even as the sun set and a winter breeze rustled the treetops of the...

Helights thecandle, as hiswords spread likewildfire overher skin.Droplets of wax descend,covering her nipples.Fingers always aheadof incantations and wax.A slow burn of unknownsensation ignites withinlazy strokes that stokethe fire of lust andlove, encouraged bywhispered words.Liquid flames set light to her wild...

The Dripping of the Tallow

"The seduction of erotic pain"

I feel the dripping of the tallowlike a stinga fleeting thingburning shallow on my fleshI felt afresh the beating of my pulselike a drum callingeach drop fallingin a rhythm to convulse my febrile loinsmy cock enjoined to risein propinquity to...

My Cabin of Solace-Part 7

"My day at the cabin changed with the knock on the door."

After testing to be sure Maple was tied securly, Red handed me the pan of ice cubes and the slender bottles of very warm water. I was still positioned between Maple's legs, looking at a very wet pussy. I was...

My Cabin of Solace – Part 6

"My time alone in my cabin changed with a knock on the door."

This new game was something I had never played before. To be honest, I had thought of bondage and the different aspects of it but never thought I could even be part of it and have such a willing subject....

Honey Dippers

"Valentine expression of adoration."

Honey dipped upon your belly lick by lick the candlestick, as wax is dripped the vanilla candle slips and your member stands tall, firm, as I kiss it, taste it, smell it, until you shake in fits of ecstatic, thunderous...