This Boy and this Girl

"The thrill of strangers, falling in love..."

This boy (and this girl)Are in the firstFlush of love.His heartBeating hardTo hold her hand(in his.)(This boy) and this girlAre in the first throesOf desire,Walking together on the beach,And listening to the wavesCrashing, calling out to one another,LoveLoveLove.(This boy) and...

I wish I could make it easy, Easy to love me, Love me. That is the way the lyrics go, But nobody will, Love me. Maybe the hurt will leave, If I stay in the waves, Wash away. If I...

I walked on the beach today,Thinking of you,As the waves crashed My heart soaredI smiled to myselfStill remembering your whispersThe words of a lover Giving his heart and soulYour touch on my bodyYour breath in my earA love so giving...