Two Kings

"Two Kings share a secret that sets their people free."

Skeldergate Hill laid bare in squalor that cold morning - upturned earth, the stink of decaying man flesh, drying horseshit. The King of Sylfur's nostrils dilated as it overfilled with the all-too-familiar stench of a hard battle waged. He was...

In Flanders Fields they made love, embracing the trenches which lurk between adoration and bereavement, between possibilities and impossibilities, between passion and prohibition. “This is the end, my love,” he whispered through her tears, as the soft wind shared their...

The Bomb Shelter Virgin

"Can love conquer in a war torn city?"

The Bomb Shelter Virgin Christmas Eve 1941, Kyiv (Kiev) Russia.Natalya was busying herself peeling vegetables for Christmas day by candlelight. She had not long returned from Christmas Eve mass at the church, the deep cold still in her bones.Dressed in her...

Love Thine Enemy

"As an interview technique, it had its advantages."

He stroked her bare behind, a touch so gentle, as if cradling a baby’s head. Her soft downy hair hardly registered on his calloused hands in the sweep over her pink flesh. She sighed in contentment and comfort of their...

No Glory

"In honour of my Great Grandfather"

No glory, only prideYou played your part in a theatre where so many diedOn foreign soil, a strange languageMemories of the old country in your heartAgain and again you took to the airI can barely imagine your braveryThe noise of the...

Wartime 2

"My secret life in France during WW2 continues."

Medical matters and a deepening involvement with Mundt My work continued despite my involvement with Ilse Mundt. I delivered messages between members of our resistance cell, left messages which I had encoded myself for our radio operator in pre-arranged concealed places....

Shailja’s Story

"Shailja and her class are saved from certain death."

I guess I always knewRight from the startThat we risked the wrathOf the Warlords,Of the Taliban,In this country which I now called home. And I guess I always knewThat one day they would comeAngry and embittered,Feeling threatened by the foreign bitch, And...