I heard her whispered call in the night - soft, gentle, yet with an urgency. Rising (not knowing if I was awake) and walking towards her, I glimpsed my vision of the night. Shimmering, almost translucent, she beckoned me to herself, placing...
For Us
"Dreams and fantasies can come true."
I want to see you in every sexy position. In every setting, Our sullied minds can imagine. I need to see your beautiful eyes,Glazed over with wanton lust. To see your face contorted, twisted,With the pain of pure pleasure. Satisfaction...
The Wallflower
"I wish I was His...."
The Wallflower The need to talk to him, to hear his voiceDrives me to the brink of insanityIf only for a moment, to bask in his attentionTo have him notice me But, alas I am a wallflowerI blend in easily,...
Adoptive Mother, Teacher and Reporter slowly come closer to deeds to be done
"Mom knows of son's desire to be with teacher and reporter ready to do it with mom"
And…if you can believe this as well Max agreed to tell her exactly how he felt about her. Cynthia was a bit surprised but happy, and I was too, seeing as he was only 18 and Grace Templeton was 25....