Smiling, I think of you,For you have many roles,Lover;Confident;Slut;Whore;I want them all,For I want you.I see you in your glory,In your smile,The glint in your eye,The drizzle of your essence.I hear your voice,It’s lilt.It inhabits my dreams,As you read my...

Her Visitation

"My lover appears"

As the sun goes downAnd the night draws inAnd the moon appearsMy lover appearsFrom her hidden placesShe comes to meSucculence in her trailDesire written across her formHer stiffened peaksCatch my gazeShe shimmers and glistensWhisps of her scent fill my noseClosing...

Into my world she came Curious about my wantsVibrant VoluptuousHer eyes sparkleHer smile radiant Her voice like honey on my tongue As she revealed herselfShe became more beautiful Her touch exquisiteAs she plays me like a Virtuoso cellist Her cello trapped  between her knees My tongue plucking stringsA...

In a world where emotions swirlAnd passion is unfurled You drive my lust With hurricane gustAnd yet your tender heart One day my own to chartBuilds wants in me, that you supply  And push my passion mountain high I can but seek to know...

Sitting here in the afternoon sunMy thoughts travel across the globeThey find another warm placeWhere the birds singFor they roam virus-free I am trapped in my placeLockdown rulesAll I can think ofIs reaching youBeing with youMy hands paintingintricate pictures on your...


"TWOCing is a criminal offence of taking without the owners consent or permission"

You are standing in the corner of the room, glancing downward as I approach, biting your lip.“My Mistress told me not to talk to you.”I grin.“Did she say I was a bad influence?”The blush rises in your face.“Yesss,” you gasp...

On those nights when your heart has been stirredWhen lust and passion are in a raceTo feed the hunger of your silken clad loverOh how she glistensOh how she singsHer body a templeYour sex, an act of worshipHer cuntHer titsHer...

When the darkness comesAnd my lusts do swell( I consider going to the pit of hell)There is a place to which I goWhere all my wants I can make glow This place is dark and yet divineHer heart is seared with...

I read your wordsWords that come from withinWords which share your very presenceWords that you allow to be seenYet somehow I crave more I long to hear your voice ,Words tumbling forthYour breath catchingas you speak from the depth within I want...

In a world full of corruption,tarnished by hate and deception, I realize loving you has become my poetry, my swan song, my passion. You are my safe place. Alone with my lust filled thoughts, I lay sprawled across white linen.Unsure anymore if I am the...