Scene the First

"How to fuck a hungry mouth."

Ancient and threadbare carpet tiles have rubbed my knees reddened raw, held as I am in this position of abject submission. Scattered about my offered form lays the accumulated flotsam and jetsam of my half formed life; an existence that...

My Fingers Aren’t Always Going to Be Enough

"There was one more orgasm within me, and I knew I wouldn't feel relief until I experienced it."

Homework assignment #1: Well, I did it. I did what he told me to. Admittedly, I didn't want to do it at first. After all, I hardly know this man. Aside from a few friendly emails, some intimate photos exchanged and a...

I thought I had to do it on my own But you showed me I wasn’t alone Day in and day out I could count on you without a doubt For months it was just you and me I always...

Tie you up, tie you down pt2

"So, you still like being tied up?"

Carrying you to the bed I feel the occasionally drip of water and cum mixture leaking out of your sweet hole hit my legs, and feet as I walk across the room. The sheets cool to the touch make your body tense...