Paradise remembered

"Two lovers embark on a passionate tropical island love that they will always remember"

“It’s been a long time since I’ve smelled the ocean.” I say slipping my hand into yours while you silently look around, taking in everything. The deafening of the dirty old yellow taxi practically drowns out my voice. We pass...

Don’t Worry Cupid Has a Plan

"A Japanese divorcee filled with self-doubt learns the true meaning of Valentine's Day"

Yumi’s Story Yumi felt so guilty. She had to thank her neighbor Wendy for introducing her to the pleasures of a vibrator after her divorce, but wasn’t this wrong? Picturing the chiseled form of young Rob in her mind as...

A Soldier’s Love

"A deployed soldier finally expresses his passion."

First Lieutenant James Brewer shivered in his winterfatigues, but his brown eyes shined excitedly as he finished filling out the form on his web browser window. Several weeks before he had mailed off the small personal mementos and hand-written notes...

Holding Your Hand Tight

"I dedicate this poem to my dear wife Dreammy on this Valentine’s day"

It’s that time of the year again Materialized love fills the mall ‘Chocolate, flower or diamond?’ The sales man asks ‘It’s time to shower her with your love.’ Beyond those fancy gifts A simple sign is all we seek To remind ourselves that There is...

Love Machine

"Sarah O'Connor gets a surprise delivery on Valentine's Day"

Sarah O’Connor stared down at the display on her bathroom scales, bile rising in her throat as she scanned the figures on the screen. Why had she had that cupcake on Monday night? It must be wrong; she willed it...

Valentine’s Day 2010

"A Valentine's Day Fantasy"

          The date is Valentine's day, 2010.  No matter how hard you tried, you just could not get the day off at work.  You were understandably upset, but you kept your cool and I just said, 'honey do what you have to do,...