The Couple That Spanked Before – Part 3: Now And Then

"A face from the past ignites Bertie's memory"

NOWThe aphorism that “you never forget your first” was one that had always bothered Bertie.For one, which ‘first’ was it referring to? His first crush would have been on a classmate in grade school, but which classmate or even which...

My Secret Crush

"I admire her from a distance"

I step into the classroomHoping that you are thereMy chest pounds with my heartbeatAs I spot you sitting in that chairI take a seat, but not too closeToo afraid you might become awareMy eyes shift to glance your wayAnd I...

Soy Milk Latte, The Coffee Shop

"A tale of unrequited love or lust for that impossibly beautiful girl in a local coffee shop"

Soy Milk Latte—for Lauren, his favourite order of the day.She was beautiful, ethereal, and graceful, with mermaid hair and an easy freckly smile, and he lusted after her.Made with extra care, he called her name, handing the beverage to her.A...

The Couple That Spanks Together – Part 6: You Bet Your Ass

"In which a friend forces Bertie to confront his secrets"

Her name was Sophie, and she’d worked in the restaurant for as long as Bertie had been around. She’d worked as a table greeter and a waitress, and had even put in shifts cleaning dishes when the job had demanded...

Ernesto’s Incredible Sexual Incursions!

"A young beta is unable to admit the truth to himself"

Ernesto brushed his teeth with extra vigour that day, then he scraped his tongue. He combed his hair, cut his nails and then put on his best clothes. This was his big day. He was sure of it. Today, after...

A Brief Love Affair

"One of the many brief but one sided affairs that start and end in a single journey"

Her legs and bum were the first things that really attracted me.She was one of those lucky ladies with no hips to speak of, and the smallest neat little bum.People came and went.I knew it was always a one-sided affair,...


"You can only refrain from reaching out for so long..."

Have you ever seen framed art in someone else's home be just the slightest bit crooked? And you want to fix it so desperately, but you don't even really feel like you should be there?Except you were invited, so obviously...

Pretty Boy

"Pretty boy, pretty boy, why must you tease me so?"

Pretty boy, pretty boy,Why must you tease me so?With those chocolate eyesStaring into my soul?Pretty boy, pretty boy,Are you even real?Did I make you upWhile in the land of dreams?Pretty boy, pretty boy,Take my hand in yours.Lead and I will...