The Felicity Chronicles — Chapter 8: Contact

"Martin’s plans go slightly differently than expected."

Saturday, June 29-Sunday, June 30, 1974There are worse ways of spending a Saturday morning than having your mother and your ex-girlfriend take turns sucking your cock.Perhaps a word of explanation is in order. Following Anne’s advice, I took Heidi Forster...

My Wife’s Girlcrush

"A man's doting wife develops an intense need to get a little of what he's already having; being the loving husband that he is, he sees to it that her dreams are fulfilled."

I groaned, loudly, in frustration. It was nearly half past 8:00 on a late August night and I was still chained to the desk in my small home office, working. I knew that I really only had myself to blame,...

The Unicorn Named Chloe

"Charlotte finds the elusive unicorn that would bring her and her husband their first threesome."

She had a small, very toned, yet delicate figure to her. Charlotte furthermore couldn't keep her eyes out of the woman's deep blue eyes and soft bronze eyeshadow. She had amazingly defined cheekbones that were perfectly framed by her pixie-cut...


"A third person joining a couple often with the presumption they will become sexual with them"

Rare and beautiful beasts. Spoken of in hushed whispers and secret messages. Never saying how they’re found, lest someone capture the heart of the one you’ve seen.She knows she’s beautiful as she walks up and kisses me, reaching out and...


"Amazing what you can find on the beach ..."

We lived together and had so done since college where we met, and then through Medical School.  While there, Jacky and Joe got married but we kept our relationship as a trio.  We shared everything and jealousy was not in...