Tribute To Nosferatu

"The blissful taste of terrified arousal"

Nosferatu couldn’t see the full moon that hung over the cavernous, magisterial caverns that constituted his palace, but the ferocity with which the ice-cold blood in his veins pumped told him that the time had come.This was the one event...

Joan Shares Her Extreme Lust Filled Desires-Chapter-3

"Joan Exposes Neighbor To Thrill Of Seduction"

Joan had been talking with her girlfriend next door as they had sat out by the pool sipping drinks, and Milly had asked her a lot of questions about sex and how to achieve satisfaction. Joan finally had to open...

Joining A Very Exclusive Club – Final Chapter?

"Farewell Tribute For My Wife At Club Euphoria"

When I arrived home on Friday, Joan was sipping wine at the kitchen table and dressed in a very sexy outfit. "What's up, babe? I thought we were done going to Club Euphoria, You told me you had experienced and...