
"A meteor falling into a woman's backyard lets her read minds, but there's a catch..."

Amy was sitting at home, lounging comfortably in a bathrobe, reading a trashy romance novel when it happened.You might think it odd for an up-and-coming aeronautics research scientist to spend her Saturdays reading smut, but there was something about the...

The F.E.T.I.S.H. Ray Tales, Officer Daddy: Dave’s Story

"A malfunctioning Ray makes sex with Dave's relatives suddenly seem much more appeaing."

"Stay back! I don't know what this thing will do, but if you come any closer I'll shoot!" the suspect yelled, voice shaking with panic as he held what looked like a futuristic ray gun in his trembling hands.Sergeant Dave...

Upon Reflection, Ch. 01: Through the Looking Glass

"2 co-eds are led into an RA's dorm with a mirror that can change personalities."

"Well I hope you're happy, Darren, because we're through, you stupid-head!" Maddie yelled, slamming the door to his dorm room and walking quickly back across the quad, trying to hold back her tears. Everything had been going so well with...

Beth was an up-and-coming executive for a major biotech firm. She was brilliant, driven, and sensible, and her peers could tell that she was headed straight for upper management. Beth was determined to make it, too, and in general avoided...