Southbound On The U-Line

"A late subway encounter heats up Xmas"

I’d heard her initially, clicking heels echoing along the drab subway platform. It was almost midnight on Christmas Day. Turning at the sound I only saw her from behind. A cascade of honey-hued blonde hair flowed over a short, dark...


"Two people, thirty-odd years old. He's just divorced, she's newly single. No strings sex and a chance to explore"

Ok, so the separation is all over bar a few bits of admin. She goes her way, I go mine…Mine that week takes me to a corporate boondoggle at Ascot races. I’m not into horses in any sense, but getting...

Joan And Her Husband Join The Neighbors On A Couples Vacation-Part Three

"The Women Go To The Beach Alone, Looking For Satisfaction."

Joan and Millie, dressed in their sexiest bathing suits head out on their own, looking for a sexually exciting day. Joan wore her black unlined bikini, she loved the way the seam on the bottoms enhanced her ass, and the...

The Beach House – Part II

"A young woman continues experimenting."

Two weeks ago, I had sex with two men on the beach - two at the same time. No, It isn't very comfortable to admit that. On the other hand, I wasn't precisely distraught by the experience. Of course, eighteen-year-olds...