I never knew you here beforebut you still feel like home. You felt it in your bones before hands gently cupped my facelike a flame that would go outfrom the faintest push of air,the faintest forgotten season.Gold flickering against deep green,you pulled...

It's the after time that means so much,after the body whispers to be taken,leaving little kisses along her neck, the sweetest signature I can givewhile fingertips tangle deep in locks;her hair is the night loomed togetherfrom all things dark and beautiful.Entwining...

After it's over and there's nothingbut the crushing winter quiet that I can almost hold as a touchstone,there are no silver points of stars,nothing but the falling snow as I remember what I should have said.Words that may never bring you home,I...

Her fingertips graze my cheek, smooth memorizing stubble, and she's smiling in a way that perfectly bows her pink lip's curves as if she's about to speak.But the skyline was starting to explode around us in throbbing rainbows reflecting in...

It shouldn't have to hurt so much.You said her name and I knew that something had already changed,the slightest curvature in lips can move an entire world whileenraptured by words that glow inside me,you always knew how to go much deeper,to do...

You were a blur of fair skin awash in neon light rushing towards me, pinning me against the wall. I could barely make out the electronic music playing from inside the club. It was just a faint transmission of synths...

A car whips down the road, whirring, wind flying through your auburn locks. It's just cool enough to not be summer but not quite autumn, seasons suspended. You look at me and your eyes are brimming with love. I see the...

You seem to be looking for the familiar.There's so much I want to tell you.I can't describe how I first enteredthis frenzied torrent of open thighsand hands clasping together as if we knew the ache of the unknown always waiting to be...

The flameglow kisses her curves with every unstable flicker,skin even warmer before needy lipsmeet the inviting craned dip of her neck.It would hurt too much to believe thisbliss can only be breathed in by the young.We'll still move in tandem towards...