Better Take the Stairs

"Get ready for an explosive elevator ride."

William’s elevator rides with Jocelyn were always special, especially since she had learned hypnosis. Twenty-seven floors separated them from their destination. She never needed that many.On the first floor, she undid her blouse to reveal a diamond necklace...On the second...


"Flashes of memory."

Her fingers caressingthe keys of a piano. FlashHer fingers raking over his back. His lips gracingthe rim of his mug.  Flash His lips kissingthe column of her throat.  Her legs slippinginto narrow-legged jeans.  Flash Her legs grippingover the arrow of his hips.  His hands holdingthe edges of a newspaper.  Flash  His hands...

Finding Rachel’s Switch

"Discovering Rachel's fetish has unintended consequences."

“Where the fuck have you been?” she said. “In there,” I pointed and crooked my wrist around to indicate the bathroom, which was right past the bar and right again. I noticed her untouched drink sitting on the bar. “Why...