Boss Me (Part Two)

"Will a damaged young woman's new dominant boss save her from herself?"

"Stay put." His direct, piercing eye contact and gravelly tone made it very clear that this was a command and not a request.A first order masochist, I sat back down on my hard chair and embraced the stinging burn, while...

Boss Me (Part One)

"Will a damaged young woman's new dominant boss save her from herself?"

I was taking quick peaks over my shoulders in each direction outside my cubicle walls between feverish strokes of makeup that I hadn't had time to apply before I left my apartment this morning. Another late night had left me...

Feels So Right, It Can’t Be Wrong: chapter 4

"Though an enthusiastic pussy licker, her brother couldn’t top the magic lips of their cousin, Sissy."

Kelly Layton glanced out at the dreary, post-blizzard landscape. Just looking at it made her feel cold. That alone would have been enough to keep her indoors, but she had one more special reason.A sudden wave of ecstasy rippled across...