Akila And Leya

"A futanari warrior and a young elfish peasent become unlikely travelling companions and grow closer emotionally and physically."

Deep in the woods outside the village of Til'amin, Akila Solamin crouches silently. Every step she takes is as silent as a cat’s paw walking across a plush carpet. Her breathing is controlled and deliberate; long and slow. Designed to...

Venus Flytrap

"Sometimes it isn’t always clear who is the bait and who is the prey."

Caren had never fucked brothers before, let alone twins. Their names were Dominic and Carl — or so they’d told her at the reception desk.She’d seen them in the hotel restaurant the night before. It was difficult not to notice...

Miria’s Temptation

"A young mage succumbs to a forbidden temptation."

The diminutive mage begins to weave wonders from sheer light, letting out a girlish chuckle as the brilliantly luminescent particles twirl and fade. A garish display that earns at least a few pained sighs from fellow students.With soft waifish features hidden beneath...