Tim and Abbie 08: Thursday

"After reaching agreement for going forward, Abbie and Tim spend a memorable night"

Tim wakes up Thursday morning, so rested, considering the few hours of sleep he had.  Then his mind takes over and reminds him of what happened yesterday.  He is a bit sore from all the physical labor he did, but...

Tim and Abbie 06: Wednesday

"What was Abbie thinking of making such a bad choice really"

Abbie wakes Wednesday morning feeling so good.  She had dreamed of Tim and her together, in such erotic ways.  The dreams slip back in her head, leaving her smiling as she showers, dresses, and prepares for the day.It will be...

Tim And Abbie 05: Tuesday

"Tim and Abbie are, for the first time in person, naked together."

Climbing on the bus Tuesday morning, Tim is delighted to see Abbie sitting there.  He hurries to the seat next to her, being the one to kiss her good morning first today.  “Thank you for last night,” he tells her...

Jasmine Chapter 1

"Doug decides to fulfill a fantasy in Chicago"

Doug was planning a little trip with a few bits and pieces his wife knew nothing about. You see, she was heading to the East Coast for a combination of business meetings and visiting some of her family that lived...