The Secret Life Of Samantha: Epilogue

"One man's wife is another man's sex goddess."

Samantha, now seventy-eight years old, sat in the office of Mr. Anderson, a family lawyer. Her four adult children—Megan, Kayla, Brian, and Olivia—surrounded her with an air of support, their united presence a source of strength during this trying moment....

The Girlfriend Experience Ch. 18

"Lindsay must deal with a horrible tragedy"

(h/t The Citronelle Courier) Evie Bancroft, a 2018 graduate of Citronelle High School, has been found dead at The Manor Motor Lodge, officials say, after she came under intense local scrutiny for working as a prostitute in a Nevada brothel.The...

A Valentine Road Race

"No time to lose when it comes to delivering your valentine!"

 Death, you have an ugly face;My valentine’s is so much prettier! Damn you, I’ll beat you in a race,To my valentines bed,To bring about some grace For sure, my love for my love will best youI am ahead, no time to restMy...

River of Blood

"My heart flowed."

Like a river of blood,My heart flowed. It gave you happiness. You gave me love, It never demanded,but always gave,its river of love. Wanting to be free. Being true to our love. I gave my heart to you,My heart pumped,Its river of blood,and gave its love. Being true...

Broken Angel.

"your damaged Angel"

When you were down,and despaired at heart,God sent me to you.   A flawed angel. An angel broken,fallen from heaven,battered and weak. A perfect angel, gives her life,that I have not.I've walked through hell. This flawed angel,  With her damaged wings,and a sultry heart. Needed your love,from the very start.  A perfect angel,  Can fly and...

I’m alive

"Because of your love,"

I'm only happy,when I'm nearest you.It was your love,that guided me through. During my long journey back,it was your love,that guided me home. You were my map, sweetheart.I was your beautiful dove. Fluttering my wings.They were damaged and weak.I knew I had to get back. Through the...

The Visitor

"sometimes good intentions are not enough"

As the old woman hung clothes on the line, they flapped in the wind.  She shifted her eyes to peer way up the mountain to  where the eagles fly.  She could see movement slowly descending.When the boy arrived, she greeted him,...

The tower is dark,the lark is not heard,ravens are waiting,the sun must rise,her last morningwill be full of light.The scaffold is ready,so is the crowd,and also the blond manwho came from France.He sees her approaching,and loves her at first sight,he...