Twisted Love

"She's just that kind of girl."

In the realm of twisted love, where passions are blind,She's that kind of girl—a risk so finely lined.Within her eyes, mischief and desire ignite.A flame that engulfs, consuming you with all its might. ⋆༺????☠︎︎????༻⋆Her touch, a blend of pleasure and pain,A...

Toxic Love

"Lost in the depths of toxic love."

With wickedly whispered words, a spell of despair,Love's illusion turns into a heart-wrenching nightmare.In the depths of desolation, our hearts entwined,Love's flickering flame was extinguished, resigned.*In a tempestuous storm of twisted desires,Flames sear and rage, igniting consuming fires.Your touch is...


"When a doomed couple can't decide if I hate each other or love each other's bodies more."

It's this idea ofLove HateThat is ruiningmy fateMy reaction toyour faceMakes a complexpsychological caseIt's that hard look inyour eyesLike I'm all that youdespiseIt's their shade of softwood brownThat's what makesme frownIt's your skin oliveor whiteMakes my mind beginto fightBut the...

You are toxic,Stepping in and out of my life,Treating me as your own personal retreat.You're all consuming.Taking your fill until there is nothing left,Nothing left but an empty shell,Leaving me to heal,To salvage the damage that you cause. How do you...

Dia De Los Muertos

"A celebration of death of an old life"

Staring at my own reflection The face revealed is dead inside Eyes have become cold and shallow The spirit that lived there has died I've let you do this to me There’s no one to blame but myself Believing in what should be love I put my...