Hailey 20 – No More Secrets

"It's kind of fun, having him watch..."

In the dark of the sleeping area, Hailey dropped the towel, pulled on a pair of panties and slipped under the sheet. Hailey slept restlessly for a few hours before awakening. Her mind drifted to recent events. She was pretty...

Hailey 09 – Old Enough

"She was definitely not too young..."

It was Sunday morning and Brian was seated in the kitchen at the breakfast table. He and Hailey were alone in the house, her parents being still in the city and not expected home until that evening. Brian had just...

Hailey 04 – Sunday Brunch

"Did she need to change or was the towel going to be okay?"

It was Sunday, and when Hailey came out of the bedroom, Brian was parked in front of the TV. Looking up, he observed, "After seeing you in as little as panties and a T-shirt, I wasn't expecting to see you...