My Lover and I

"Alone together in each other's arms"

My lover and I naked in our bed, surrendering ourselves to each other’s amorous advances, as our bodies intertwine tightly with each other. Penetrating you deeply with my manhood, gently kissing, teasing, and biting your nipplesWhispered expressions of love make you...

Always be you

"From their first meeting they felt like it was meant to be until fate stepped in"

She had a long emotional dayNow it was time to go homeBut first she had to catch the trainAnd walk a little way to her door. Once inside she dropped her bagsAnd laid on the couchUntil she heard a whisper“Darling, come...

A Sweet Dream

"The room is dark and comfortable but she knows something is missing."

She lays there in bed,Wrapped in a blanket,Wishing it was his arms,Sniffing his t-shirt.She has on her pillows,Knowing he is thinking of her,Feeling his touch she rolls over,Making room on the bed,Crawling into bed, he wraps,His arms around her,Pulling her...

Tell me,Am I to be compared to a flower On a summers Morn.Laid down in the softness of grassy banks,My petals, slowly unfoldAs your stalk, grows strong and demanding.Glimpses of each otherAcross inches of spaceAccompanied by a hint of desperation,And a...

Sounds of love

"Old lives remembered, but put aside"

Waves crackle upon the shore Shingle breaking in the receding wash Remind me of us, colliding, tumbling, crashing The spray of the salt air, sweet to my mind The smell fills our senses, the sun bright above Creaking of the...

When the Lightning God Smiled

"Lovers witness a dramatic lightning storm up close"

We stood naked behind taller-than-life windows high in the old apartment building, entranced by the dark dramatic play of wind and cloud. The stage was set for your performance. Discarding mundane convention – brief blinding bolts thrown randomly – you...